Application Course Details

Ventilation Officer Underground Metalliferous


This course will assist in your preparation to take on the key role of Ventilation Officer at an underground METALLIFEROUS mine site.

The units of competency in this course are nationally accredited and include establishing, operating, maintaining, and managing the ventilation management system.
The course has been developed based on recommendations from industry stakeholders, including the Queensland Mines Inspectorate.

You will be trained and assessed in 2 units of competency for this program.

  • RIIUND601E - Establish and maintain ventilation management systems and
  • RIIUND603D - Manage, operate and maintain the mine ventilation system and
  • Ventsim for this program.

These units are being delivered and assessed in a clustered arrangement and are not offered as standalone units. Studying the two units together will provide you with a broad range of skills and knowledge to support safe ventilation practices at your mine.

The Trainer is Dr Rick Brake who is globally recognised for his skills and experience in mines ventilation and all aspects of managing the ventilation management system.

Ventilation Officer Underground Metalliferous 

    Target Audience

Persons wanting to become a Ventilation Officer at an underground metalliferous mine.

    Course  Description   

This course will assist in your preparation to take on the key role of Ventilation Officer at an underground Metalliferous mine site. The units of competency in this course are nationally accredited and include establishing, operating, maintaining and managing the ventilation management system.  

The course has been developed based on recommendations from industry stakeholders, including the Queensland Mines Inspectorate.  

You will be trained and assessed in two (2) units of competency and Ventsim for this program.
These units are being delivered and assessed in a clustered arrangement and are not offered as standalone units.  Studying the two (2) units together will provide you with a broad range of skills and knowledge to support safe ventilation practices at your mine.

On successful completion of the training and assessment, plus the included ventsim training, you will be required to sit and pass an Invigilated Exam through Simtars, to be accepted as a Ventilation Officer in Queensland. 

The Trainer Assessor is Dr D. J. (Rick) Brake, a Chartered Practicing Mining Engineer with 30 years experience in underground and open-cut operations in senior planning and operating roles in Australia and North America. He has published extensively in the areas of mine ventilation, refrigeration and cooling, emergency egress and entrapment and human heat stress.

Dr Brake has been honoured by the Society of Mining Engineers with the Howard Hartman award, the first time this prestigious award has been made to anyone outside North America.

Invigilated Exams 2025: TBA


    Course Dates            

Workshop 1:  12th - 16th May 2025,
Workshop 2:  1st - 5th September 2025 

Twelve (12 ) months duration
    Mode of Delivery

Face-to-Face Workshops
    Delivery Location

Redbank, Brisbane - Workshop 1 and Workshop 2
    Course Cost

$24,500.00 (GST exempt)

Course pre-readings (optional), Videos, Activities, Face-to-Face Workshops and Mentoring

Written assessments, workplace projects, case studies and oral presentation. Supervisor Verification (logbook).At the completion of the course you will need to sit an Invigilated Exam with Simtars (RTO 45647) to be accepted as a Ventilation Officer in Queensland.

Proposed Workshop Dates

Workshop Start

Workshop End


Workshop 1 (Redbank)

12th May 2025

16th May 2025

Workshop 2 (Redbank)

1st September 2025

5th September 2025



The following units are delivered in a clustered arrangement:
  • RIIUND601E - Establish and maintain ventilation management systems

  • RIIUND603D - Manage, operate and maintain the mine ventilation system

Ventsim Training

  • Ventsim training is included as part of this course. Simtars will organise a Ventsim licence for the duration of the training.  If training is not completed within the twelve (12) months you will incur an additional cost to extend this licence.

Face-to-face workshops

  • You will participate in two (2) face-to-face workshops of five (5) days each.  This ten (10) days of trainer assessor face-to- face contact time is essential to ensure that learning concepts are understood. 

  • Workshops are spaced several months apart, to allow time to practice your skills in the workplace in between workshops. 

Course pre-readings, videos, and activities

  • You will be provided with recommended readings electronically, prior to the course. It is recommended that you read these as the knowledge will support your learning in the course.

Mentor program

  • It is mandatory that you participate in the mentoring program, maintaining details from commencement using the VO Met logbook spreadsheet.  You will be required to engage from commencement with worksite personnel who can provide support for you throughout your studies. These may include the appointed ventilation officer, technical services manager, gas drainage superintendent, electrical maintenance (gas monitoring) supervisor, ventilation officers, and First-class mine manager.  

  • Simtars provides a formal structure to you and your onsite mentors to guide your progress through the mentoring program, which includes a VO Met logbook spreadsheet, with activities for you to carry out and discuss with the worksite personnel. It is estimated that the mentoring program will take approximately 120 hours to complete.


  • Practical Assessments and Mentoring will occur back at the workplace.

  • To obtain the units of competency, you will be required to undertake and successfully complete written assessments, workplace projects/case studies and a VO Met logbook spreadsheet with Supervisor verification.  

VO Met Logbook Spreadsheet for verification by Supervisor/s

  • You will need to organise Supervisor/s to sign to confirm that your workplace log book activities were completed by you and that you have discussed your findings with them. (This can be your immediate supervisor, the site technical services manager or superintendent or mine manager).

  • Simtars’ assessor will contact the Supervisor/s to verify the information provided.

Trainer and Assessor 

  • Dr. Rick Brake

Entry requirements

To enrol in this course, you must:

  • Have a minimum of 2 years of recent operational experience at an underground metalliferous mine.

  • Be currently employed in an Australian underground metalliferous mine or by a mining contractor and have access to an underground mine and its safety and health management system (to undertake assessment), and a Supervisor at the mine (to verify your workplace log book).

  • Demonstrate that you are at or exceed level 5 in foundation skills (see below).

  • Meet the following minimum age requirements:

    • ​If you work in a mine in Queensland: minimum eighteen (18) years of age

    • If you work in a mine in the Northern Territory: minimum nineteen (19) years of age

    • If you work in a mine in Tasmania: minimum nineteen (19) years of age

    • if you work in a mine in New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, or Victoria: minimum twenty (20) years of age. 

  •  It is highly recommended that you are proficient in  Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook prior to enrolment.  If you require an upgrade to your computer skills, we recommend using the free online tutorials available from Microsoft or else attend a short course. These courses are not provided by Simtars.

Foundation skill requirements

  • To study in this course, you will be required to have core skills at level 5, or the ability to reach level 5 with support, on the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF).

  • If you have a qualification higher than a Level 5 you will not be required to complete the LLND component for this course.

  • Simtars has an eLearning solution to assess Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Skills (LLND) and foundation skills.

  • Prior to enrolment, you will be sent an email with a link to complete the LLND initial assessment. If you do not reach the required foundation level, the LLN tool can provide tutorials to help you reach the required foundation skill level. For more information about Foundation Skills, see the ‘Choosing your Course’ section in our Learner Handbook.

Materials and equipment required

To study in this course, you must provide the following materials and equipment:

  • Laptop with internet access, and licenced copies of Microsoft Excel and Ventsim (provided by trainer) and Outlook account set up for emails

  • Access to an underground metalliferous mine (including access to the SHMS)

  • Agreement from a Supervisor to verify your assessment activities

  • Access to mentors (worksite personnel) at your mine (or in your mining company).

  • Access to Recognised Standards, Guidelines and Guidance Notes (Metalliferous Mines)

  • A scientific calculator or phone with scientific calculation ability

  • Access to the current Metalliferous Mining Safety and Health Acts and Regulations 

  • Access to your mine’s SHMS documents including PHMPs, SOPs, Procedures, TARPs, etc.

  • A USB stick minimum (8GB)

  • Access to the internet

  • A notebook and pen

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  • You can apply for RPL for each of the units of competency in this qualification. You will need to supply information on your work history and samples of work and may need to undertake assessments and/or an interview to determine whether you have met the competency standards.

  • RPL is assessed on a case-by-case basis. You can read more about RPL in our Learner Handbook or contact us to discuss your RPL options. 

Apply for enrolment - How to Apply

Complete the Application for Enrolment form online by going to the link: Apply Now

  • You will receive a confirmation email to complete your Part B Application of Enrolment for this course. Where required, the Language Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Skills (LLND) assessment will be attached to complete asap.

  • Your Part B Application of Enrolment will be reviewed by Simtars prior to you being offered a place in the course. For more details, please read our Learner Handbook.

  • You will then be invoiced for your course.

  • Fees are payable prior to the workshop start date.

Phone: (07) 3810 6328  



  • $24,500.00 (GST exempt).

  • For quotations, payment options, and company group bookings please contact Simtars.

  • Payment is required prior to all workshops.

  • Where a learner misses a workshop or part of a workshop, Simtars will attempt to place this learner into other courses being conducted. If this is not possible, learners will be required to attend a workshop at the end of the course to undertake the work they have missed. This will incur an additional cost for the supplementary workshop, plus venue and trainer accommodation costs.

  • Fees include costs of flights for the trainer, car hire/transfer costs for the trainer, all course material and pre-course readings during each workshop.

  • Learner accommodation is not provided or included in course fees.  M/tea and lunch are provided for the Workshops 1 and 2.

  • Government funding or subsidies, including VET-FEE HELP are currently not available.

Payment Method

We offer the following payment methods for this course:

  • Credit card

  • Purchase order (for approved companies only) 

  • Payments can be made in instalments. Please contact Simtars for details.

For more information about payment methods and payment terms, see the ‘Fees and Refunds’ section of the Learner Handbook.  For further information or to organise payment for your training, please contact Simtars on (07) 3810 6328 or email


  • Simtars will issue certificates for both the Statement of Attainment for the two Units of Competency - RIIUND601E - Establish and maintain ventilation management systems and RIIUND603D - Manage, operate and maintain the mine ventilation system and the Certificate of Recognition on successful finalisation of all assessments plus the VO Metalliferous exam.   

  • You will also be issued with a Certificate of Completion for Ventsim training.

Invigilated Exam

  • You will need to sit an Invigilated Exam at the completion of this training. The Invigilation Exam is scheduled by Simtars several times a year. On successful completion of this you will be issued with a separate Certificate of Recognition.  

  •  MSHAC Competencies No 12. Act-Section 54A(3)(b) defines the VO Metalliferous as requiring the two units of competency plus “successful completion of an assessment examination conducted by Simtars”.

Upcoming Programs

Name Course Start Date Course End Date Cost
Ventilation Underground Metalliferous 2025 Intake 12/05/2025 11/05/2026 $24,500.00