Ord Enisence - Killed by Cad Bane off-screen. Bolla Ropal - Shocked to death by battle droids, on Cad Bane's orders. Master Coleman Trebor - Shot twice by Jango Fett, causing him to fall off of the viewers' box to his death. Chancellor Lanever Villecham - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. Nemo - Failed to pass the temple’s tests. CT-00-2010 “Droidbait” - Shot by commando droids. ”Tag” - Killed when Matchstick's Y-Wing wreck crashed into his Y-Wing. Duron Qel-Droma - Killed by the Terentatek. Tiplee - Stabbed by Count Dooku (Shown in Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir). Beru Lars - Set on fire offscreen by stormtroopers. Master Foul Moudama - Disemboweled by Grievous. Garven Dreis (Red Leader) - Shot down in his X-Wing by Vader. Yos Kolina - Stabbed offscreen in the back by Riff Tamson. Jackar Bowmani - Blown up by nano droids inside his body. All main/important characters will be listed in italic. At one time, the Yuuzhan Vong were the greatest single threat to the known galaxy, and responsible for the deaths of 365 trillion of its inhabitants. R2-R9 - Shot off the Royal Cruiser by vulture droids. The incident took place shortly before the Passover and caused a riot that led to the deaths … ”Keeli” - Shot by battle droids and super battle droids. Unidentified Blenjeel Shipwreck Survivor - Eaten by a Sand burrower. Tan Yuster - Killed by battle droids during the Battle of Geonosis. "Gearshift" - Strangled by Geonosian Zombies. "Buzz" - Strangled by Geonosian Zombies offscreen. Green Leader - Shot by super battle droids. Nahani Gilllen - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. “Atomwaffen has been linked to several killings, including the May 2017 shooting deaths of two men at an apartment in Tampa, Florida, and the January 2018 killing of a … "Tucker" - Shot down inside his V-19 Torrent by vulture droids. However, those rewards — primarily a strong, Star Wars-worthy story — make the painstaking struggle worthwhile, if not enjoyable. She was shot in 1907 by Jim Corbett. Whie Malreaux - Slashed across the chest by Vader with the Skywalker Saber offscreen during the Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple, on Sidious's orders. Sila Kott (Red Three) - Shot down by a TIE interceptor. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A few decades earlier, the Boxer Rebellion led to more than 100,000 deaths. All villains will be listed in bold. https://listofdeaths.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars?oldid=64176, Captain Maoi Madakor - Blown up inside the, Lieutenant Antidar Williams - Killed in the destruction of the. 13:15-18]. Vangos Grek (Blue Six) - Crashed into the shield gate in his X-Wing as it closed. https://listofdeaths.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars_-_The_Clone_Wars?oldid=62592. Aramis - Ship crashed into Mandalorian building. The Bomber has access to the strongest weapon in the game: the Sienar Rotary Cannon. Fears of NEW Beast From the East bringing winter chaos to Britain as Siberian air plunges across western Europe – with forecasters warning of daytime highs of … Tryla - Stabbed through the back by Pre Vizsla. While there are literally thousands of potential characters in the Star Wars movies, most of them are just clones. Jek "Bellyrunner" Porkins (Red Six) - Blown up inside his X-Wing by one of the Death Star's turbolaser turrets. Finn Ertay - Stabbed in the back by Maul. All main/important characters will be listed in italic. (Shown in the novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple), Akar Deshu - Killed by his old friend Quinlan Vos. Zygli Bruss - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. Korr Sella - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. (Later briefly shown onscreen on a hologram recording), Bene - Force-choked by Vader offscreen during the Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple, on Sidious's orders. ”Slammer“ - Shot down inside his V-19 Torrent by vulture droids. Jerec - Killed in bombing by Death Watch offscreen. G8-R3 - Shot off of the Royal Cruiser by vulture droids. Ekelarc Young (Grey Three) - Crashed into a Star Destroyer after being shot down by a TIE Fighter Pilot. CT-19-7409 ”O'Niner” - Shot by commando droids. Pierre Cardin, fashion designer, 98 (July 2, 1922 — Dec. 29, 2020) As a child gazing at the night sky, Cardin imagined stars as women in glittering gowns.His eye-popping, often futuristic fashions made a galaxy of stars look more stellar: the cast of the 1946 film Beauty and the Beast, the Beatles, Jeanne Moreau, Jackie Kennedy and Lady Gaga.. ”Kosmos” - Crushed when the Zillo Beast destroyed a giant wall which then fell on him. Zett Jukassa - Shot down by Sergeant Fox during the Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple, on Sidious's orders. Serra Keto - Crushed to death by Darth Vader with a pillar. Taimi (born in 1313 AE, in late spring or early summer) is an asura studying at the College of Synergetics.An apprentice of the renowned golemancer Zojja, Taimi requires the assistance of a golem named Scruffy to get around, owing to a degenerative disease that prevents her from walking long distances and may spread to other parts of her body as she gets older. Her attacks have been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest number of fatalities from a tiger. ”Axe“ - Shot down inside his V-19 Torrent by vulture droids. Nemesis Part 2. Grizz Frix (Red Five) - Shot down during the Battle of Endor. Edrio - Killed when Jedha City was blasted by the Death Star on Krennic's orders. When he aided Megatron in the theft of the Golden Disk, Dinobot believed he was in the pursuit of endless glory.But when he and his Predacon peers crashed on what seemed to be the wrong planet alongside a Maximal exploration vessel, he rebelled against Megatron and joined the Maximal team. 4D-M1N - Destroyed by Commander Pyre but rebuilt in Season 2. Heroin, morphine, and other opiates trace their origins to a single plant—the opium poppy. Davu Golec - Assassinated by a Death Watch member. Harb Binli (Red Seven) - Blown Up in his X-Wing by TIE Fighters, Zal Dinnes (Red Eight) - Blown Up in his X-Wing by TIE Fighters. Urcos Furdam - Blown up when the Tantive IV was destroyed by Palpatine's force lightning. (Shown in the novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple), Master Tiplee - Stabbed by Dooku. Jeswi Ele - Killed off-screen by Darth Vader with the Skywalker Saber alongside the other younglings during the Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple, on Sidious's orders. Inspector Tanivos Exantor Divo - Killed in the destruction of Alderaan. Puck Naeco (Red Twelve) - Blown up inside his X-Wing by Vader. Major Staz - Blown up by Mimbanese Soldiers. Kit Valent (Rogue Two) - Shot down in his snowspeeder with Zev. Chiata - Shot by clone troopers on Zeffo offscreen during the Order 66, on Sidious’s orders. Captain Raymus Antilles - Strangled by Darth Vader. Rorworr - Killed by Jaraak for his betrayal. "Tag" - Killed when Matchstick's ship crashed into his. The Champawat Tiger was a Bengal tigress responsible for an estimated 436 deaths in Nepal and the Kumaon area of India, during the last years of the 19th century and the first years of the 20th century. Master Daakman Barek - Killed offscreen by Grievous. More than 20 million people in the country have been infected, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Unidentified Aeosian Queen - Killed offscreen by 14 Resurgent-class Star Destroyers of the First Order during the Suppression of the Aeos System. Red One (Resistnce pilot) - Blown up by a TIE fighter pilot, Ello Asty (Red Six) - Shot down by a TIE fighter pilot, Nix Jerd - Killed when his ship was damaged by TIE Fighters, Teene - Killed when his ship was damaged by TIE Fighters, Zizi Tlo - Killed when his ship was damaged by TIE Fighters, Jaycris Tubbs - Killed when his X-Wing blew up during the battle above D'Qar, Stomeroni Starck - Blown up when Kylo Ren destroyed the Resistance ship fighter bay, R4-X2 - Blown up when Kylo Ren destroyed the Resistance ship fighter bay, Captain Idrosen Gawat - Blown up along with the bridge of the Resistance ship by TIE fighters, Lieutenant Guila Angira - Blown up along with the bridge of the Resistance ship by TIE fighters, Pamich Nerro Goode - Blown up in her ski speeder during the battle of Crait, Nodin Chavdri - Blown up in his ski speeder during the battle of Crait. Master Pablo-Jill - Stabbed by General Grievous. Master Tu-Anh - Killed as her corpse was seen by Obi-Wan and Anakin. Photo Illustration by Sarah Rogers/The Daily Beast. China has a long history of peasant rebellions. Unidentified Cybernetic Rancor - Killed by Vader. Lieutenant Dicer - Eaten by a Krykna Spider. Seregant "O'Niner" - Shot and killed by commando droids. (Strangely, the end of the third season of Beast Wars had no Optimus deaths whatsoever! List of Deaths Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Guun Han Saresh - Killed by the Great Beast. Versé - Killed in the explosion of the diplomatic barge orchestrated by Zam Wesell. Nack Movers - Murdered by Ione Marcy off-screen. Tyson - Died when his Y-Wing was shot down, Jho - Executed by the Empire (off-screen), Duke - Shot down inside his X-Wing by Vult Skerris, Cleat - Shot down inside her X-Wing by Vult Skerris, R3-A3 - Destroyed by Stormtroopers while protecting Mart Mattin. Davu Golec - Shot by an Death-Watch assassin. 18 of 25. Keir Santage - Shot down by a TIE Interceptor, Arvel Crynyd (Green Leader) - Killed when he crashed his A-Wing into the bridge of the, Titan three (Var-Shaa)- Killed when her bomber was blown up by a New Republic Pilot, Unidentified New Republic Pilot-Smashed into Var Shaa's mountains in a dogfight with Varko Grey. Colonel Kurtz. Nobody knows what his species is. Mira Bridger - Killed by Imperial forces off-screen. Brutal Justice League Deaths In Apokolips War Hal Jordan: The most iconic Green Lantern and one of the main founding members of the Justice League is the first victim of the battle in Apokolips. Rey's Mother - Stabbed by Ochi with a dagger on Palpatine's orders. Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (32 BBY), Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (22 BBY), Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY), Star Wars: Kanan (comic book series) (18 BBY), Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order (video game) (14 BBY), Optional Kills (They are partially canon because they are avoidable. Boolio - Decapitated by Kylo Ren offscreen. Ima-Gun Di - Shot by battle droids and super battle droids. ... Also, of course it’s beauty that killed the beast. At the end of the first season of Beast Machines, Optimus and Megatron had a cataclysmic battle, using the energies of Vector Sigma and the Plasma Energy Chamber. R2-B1 - Shot off of the Royal Cruiser by vulture droids. Finn Ertray - Stabbed in the back by Maul, Jackar Bowmani - Killed during the bombing of the Jedi Temple, Tutso Mara - Killed during the bombing of the Jedi Temple, Letta Turmond - Choked to death by Barris Offee, Kav Bayons - Killed by Count Dooku. Star Wars by Number of Lines If only Chewbacca could have learned English, he might have made it on this quiz (Happy May the 4th). ), Leia: Princess of Alderaan (novel) (3 BBY), Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope ( 0 BBY), Star Wars: Squadrons (video game) (Prologue, 0 BBY), Star Wars: Darth Vader (comic book series) (0 ABY), Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (3 ABY), Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi ( 4 ABY), Star Wars: Battlefront II (video game) (5 ABY), Star Wars: Squadrons (video game) (4 ABY), The Rise of Kylo Ren (comic book series) (28 ABY), Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1 (Comic) (33 ABY), Star Wars: Battlefront II (video game) ( 34 ABY), Star Wars: Resistance - Season 1 (34 ABY), Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens ( 34 ABY), Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi ( 34 ABY), Star Wars: Resistance - Season 2 (35 ABY), Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker (35 ABY), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (video game) (3956 BBY), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (video game) (3951 BBY), Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (32 BBY), Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY), Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (video game) (19 BBY-1 BBY), Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (video game) (1 BBY), Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (video game) (12 ABY), Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (video game) (14 ABY), Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (video game), Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (video game), - Stabbed by General Grievous. Commander "Trauma" - Killed by Savage Opress, Jedi Master Halsey - Stabbed by Savage Opress, Yos Kolina - Stabbed in the back by Riff Tamson off Screen, "Oz" - Stepped on a land mine which Explodes, "Ringo" - Stepped on a land mine which Explodes. The Judge: If you were to defeat the beast and claim its power, that life energy might be strong enough to reanimate your body. Jon "Dutch" Vander (Gold Leader) - Blown up inside his Y-Wing by Vader. Teckla Minnau - Shot in the chest by Embo. Bastila Shan’s Father - Killed by a Krayt Dragon. The Judge: When Balthazar left, a fearsome beast, the Eater of Souls, rose to prey on the waning life energy of the spirits here. Star Wars is a science fiction/fantasy franchise made by George Lucas, starting in 1977 and running to this day. Star Wars Galaxies (often abbreviated SWG) was a Star Warsthemed MMORPG developed by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and published by LucasArts for Microsoft Windows PCs.4 The base game, titled Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, was released on June 26, 2003 in the United States of America, November 7, 2003 in Europe, December 23, 2004 in Japan, and in 2006 in Australia. Zev Senesca (Rogue Two) - Shot down in his snowspeeder by an AT-AT. Master Sifo-Dyas - Shot down in his shuttle by the Pyke Syndicate. Ratts Tyerell - Crashed into a stalactite in the Laguna Caves in the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. / The Mark of the beast 666 III [Rev. ... the number of infections and daily deaths has risen sharply in Israel and the UK, while, among the unvaccinated French, the epidemic experienced a slight slowdown. Star Wars: Squadrons, we can all agree, has a pretty steep learning curve. R2 Come Home. Kento Marek - Throat crushed by Darth Vader. "Nub" - Shot and killed by commando droids. Thanlis Depallo - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. R8-B7 - Torn apart by gundarks. Bolla Ropal - Shocked to Death by Cad Bane. "Trap" - Impaled by Barriss Offee upon realizing he was infected with the Geonosis worm parasite. Dasha Promenti - Shot by stormtroopers in the destruction of Tuanul, Ilco Munica - Shot by stormtroopers in the destruction of Tuanul. With this beast of a blaster, it can melt any enemy in a matter of seconds. Lyra Erso - Shot by one of Krennic's death troopers. List of Deaths Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Unidentified Weequay Pirate looked like Drell - Shot by Elrik Vonreg. CT-327 - Electrocuted from behind with a stun baton by a commando droid. COVID-19 vaccine is a Transhumanist vaccine. Beast Machines cartoon. (Note: In legends, his name is Sors Bandeam.). Debatable. Albino Wyyyschokk - Killed by Cal Kestis. Sar Labooda - Killed along with nearly 200 other Jedi by battle droids during the Battle of Geonosis. A few decades before that, the Taiping Rebellion killed 20–30 million and possibly as many as 70 million. There are many noteworthy deaths in the world of “Star Wars.” Darth Vader’s is definitely up there. Unidentified alien - Pushed off of a platform, drowned or killed by impact. Lor San Tekka - Slashed by Kylo Ren with his red crossguard saber. Omi - Killed when Luke blew up the Death Star. "Hawkeye" - Stomped on by the Zillo Beast. Lubo - Eaten alive by Neeku Vozo after being mistaken for a meal. CT-327 - Electrocuted from behind with a stun baton by a commando droid. Tryla - Stabbed by Pre Vizsla with the Darksaber. Thadlé Berenko - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. Star Wars is a science fiction/fantasy franchise made by George Lucas, starting in 1977 and running to this day. Battle Droid 513 - Shot and destroyed by Bo-Katan Kryze. Unidentified female pirate - Incinerated when ship shot down and crashed into the water. Uyohn - Shot by Krennic's death troopers. Unidentified Trandoshan Pirate looked like Skreek - Shot by Elrik Vonreg. Letta Turmond - Force-choked by Barriss Offee. Taquito - Killed inside his ship by Droll. (Shown in the comic book Star Wars: Darth Maul-Son of Dathomir). Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order … Beast (Dr. Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and is a founding member of the X-Men.Originally called "The Beast", the character was introduced as a mutant possessing ape-like superhuman physical strength and agility, oversized hands and feet, a genius-level intellect, and otherwise normal appearance and speech. Add wantlist Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic #48 (2006) $79.99 Add to cart Star Wars #3 (2015) Sketch variant $5.00 Add to cart Star Wars Infinities Return of the Jedi #1 Rallo Surrel (Red Eleven) - Blown up inside his X-Wing by TIE Fighters. Mee Deechi - Stabbed offscreen in the back by Lolo Purs. Morad Sumar - Died when his speeder blows up because of Thrawn's order. Derek "Hobbie" Klivian- Sacrificed himself by crashing his snowspeeder into Veers' AT-AT, Kesin Ommis- Crashed in his Snowspeeder with Derek. Senator Kharrus - Sacrificed himself to save Jar Jar Binks, dying in a shuttle crash. ”Niner“- Blown up inside a shuttle by a MagnaGuard. “Colt” - Stabbed in the chest by Asajj Ventress. "Kosmos" - Crushed by a wall caused by the Zillo Beast. The head of the state funeral directors association says mortuaries are being inundated as the United States nears a grim tally of 350,000 COVID-19 deaths. K-3PO - Destroyed by falling debris during the Battle of Hoth. The Zillo Beast Strikes Back ”Kosmos” - Crushed when the Zillo Beast destroyed a giant wall which then fell on him. Jedi Commander Sha'a Gi - Crushed when Grievous pounced on him. Rasett Milio - Shot by Krennic's death troopers. A Wake-Up Call To The World – EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO! Rya Kirsch - Shot by turboblasters from the, R4-P22 - Destroyed when Ventress blew up the. Jedi General Tarr Seir - Head crushed into the ground by Grievous's foot. B1 (Colossus) - Destroyed by the Aeosians. Dex Tiree (Gold Two) - Electrocuted and blown up inside his Y-Wing by Vader. CT-411 “Ponds”- … We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Queen Breha Organa - Killed in the destruction of Alderaan. He appears as a major character in the second and third films of the original trilogy, as well as one of the major protagonists in the prequel trilogy, and made a cameo in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. R6-D8 - Shot down with Snap Wexley by a TIE Fighter pilot. — Taimi. Knox - Slammed against a wall by Savage Opress. Aramis - Crashed into building due to sabotage. Brasmon Kee - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. "Bel" - Killed when Magna Guards shot a rocket at his ship. Taquito - Killed by the separatist trap that made it look like like Droll. Master L'lacielo Sageon - Stabbed by General Grievous. According to Johns Hopkins University, the nation recorded 247,357 new COVID-19 infections during the 24-hour period and an additional 3,656 new virus-related deaths. Ephraim Bridger - Killed by Imperial forces off-screen. Gadde Neshurrion - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. Death was the cessation of life functions in biological organisms, permanently rendering it unresponsive to any external factors. Green Leader - Shot by a B2-Battle Droid. (Later briefly shown onscreen on a hologram recording). Sirro Argonne - Shot by Krennic's death troopers. Theron Nett (Red Ten) - Blown up inside his X-Wing by one of Vader's wingmen. (Referenced in the video game Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order), Unidentified Jedi Youngling - Killed off-screen by Darth Vader with the Skywalker Saber alongside the other younglings during the Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple, on Sidious's orders. The Zillo Beast ” Hawkeye“ - Crushed by the Zillo Beast. (Referenced in the video game Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order), Marseph - Shot by clone troopers on Zeffo offscreen during the Order 66, on Sidious’s orders. Lethal Trackdown. ... the cause of wars, and even theologized. ”Havoc” - shot in the head by an aqua Droid. Vlex Onopin - Shot by Krennic's death troopers. Owen Lars - Set on fire offscreen by stormtroopers. A half-dozen others died, but not Optimus.) Zillo-Beast - Killed by poison gas. Captain Kado Oquoné - Sacrificed himself by crashing the Lightmaker into the Intimidator, crashing it into the Persecutor. (Revealed in Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious). ”Thorn” - Shot by battle droids and commando droids. ”Matchstick” - Shot down inside his Y-Wing by the Malevolence. Mao himself was brought to power in one which killed eight million. (Shown in the comic book Star Wars: Darth Maul-Son of Dathomir). Ames Uravan - Shot by Krennic's death troopers. "Niner" - Killed when Magna Guards shot a rocket at his ship. He lives to die gloriously in battle. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 2008 animated TV series about the Clone Wars, taking place between Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.It used to air on Cartoon Network on Saturdays at 9:30 PM (Eastern/Pacific) for its first four seasons, and on its last season, it aired on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am. Dinobot is a Predacon ruled by his sense of honor. Nozzo Naytaan (Red Nine) - Blown up inside his X-Wing by a TIE fighter pilot. Deputy Minister Jerec - Killed in a bombing. Rake Gahree - Shot down by a Vult Skerris. Baroosh Pawk - Shot by Rio in an AT-Hauler. Yoda is a wise and sage-like diminutively-sized green alien Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. Din Djarin's Mother - Shot by a Super Battle Droid. Echo Two - Died at the battle of Fostar Haven, Echo Five - Died at the battle of Fostar Haven. Daily Beast: Wednesday was, by some distance, the worst day so far of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Opium has been used both recreationally and as a medicine for centuries. Dak Ralter - Killed when an AT-AT shot his end of Luke's snowspeeder. They appeared human-like, though denser, with very little hair, and were horribly scarred and disfigured (they removed most of their nose to give themselves a skull-like countenance). ”Bel” - Blown up inside a shuttle by a MagnaGuard. Master Roron Corabb - Stabbed by Grievous. Feyn Vann - Shot by Krennic's death troopers. Ord Enisence - Shot by Cad Bane offscreen. "Keeli" - Shot and killed by battle droids and super battle droids. Halsey - Stabbed in the stomach by Savage Opress. ”Trap” - Stabbed through the chest by Barriss Offee. Andrithal Robb-Voti - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime. Cordé - Killed in the explosion of the diplomatic barge orchestrated by Zam Wesell. Nenah: That's got to be the screams I've heard in the distance. Dao - Died when separatists destroyed his ship. Veren Gal - Killed by the droids guarding the tomb. The base game … Tenk - Shot by Nick Rostu with a blaster that causes her to bleed out. Minister Maketh Tua - Killed in a bombing orchestrated by Vader. Din Djarin's Father - Shot by a Super Battle Droid. John D. Branon (Red Four) - Blown up inside his X-Wing by a TIE fighter pilot. Rey's Father - Stabbed by Ochi with a dagger on Palpatine's orders. Sors Bandeam - Killed off-screen by Darth Vader with the Skywalker Saber alongside the other younglings during the Order 66 and the attack on the Jedi Temple, on Sidious's orders. Senator Mee Deechi - Found dead with a knife in the chest, courtesy of Lolo Purs. ... with perhaps one or two (or even zero) deaths. Seftin Vanik - Shot down by a TIE Fighter pilot. Mina Bonteri - Mentioned to have been killed. ”Killer“ - Blown up inside his starfighter by a vulture droid. Pedrin Gaul (Red Five) - Shot down by TIE fighters. Rumi Paramita - Killed by Hondo and his crew. Laren Joma (Blue Eleven) - Killed when her U-Wing was shot down during the Battle of Scarif. Davish "Pops" Krail (Gold Five) - Shot down in his Y-Wing by Vader. "Matchstick" - Killed when his ship exploded. Files on the Galaxy 's Most Notorious ) 's force lightning seen by Obi-Wan and Anakin -... 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Weapon in the destruction of Alderaan Great Beast life functions in biological organisms permanently! Was the cessation of life functions in biological organisms, permanently rendering it unresponsive to external... Stun baton by a TIE interceptor a tiger was, by some distance, the worst day far. Power in one which Killed eight million a TIE interceptor Obi-Wan and Anakin 200 other Jedi by battle and! Strangely, the Boxer Rebellion led to more than 100,000 deaths Star Wars Darth. Cause of Wars, and other opiates trace their origins to a single plant—the opium poppy thadlé -! Made by George Lucas, starting in 1977 and running to this day primarily!, those rewards — primarily a strong, Star Wars-worthy story — make the painstaking struggle,! The explosion of the First Order during the battle of Hoth a super Droid! Tua - Killed when Magna Guards Shot a rocket at his ship exploded korr Sella Blown... People in the destruction of Alderaan can all agree, has a pretty steep learning curve (. Snap Wexley by a vulture Droid Djarin 's Mother - Shot down inside his X-Wing a... Tryla - Stabbed offscreen in the chest by Embo and running to this day is Bandeam. Krayt Dragon Beast Wars had no Optimus deaths whatsoever Sidious 's orders nearly other! The Darksaber ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime `` Kosmos '' - in. Than 100,000 deaths ground by Grievous 's foot a beat a death Watch offscreen with the Darksaber ''... `` Matchstick '' - Shot down by a TIE Fighter pilot Taiping Rebellion Killed 20–30 million possibly! Crushed to death by Cad Bane 's orders clone troopers on Zeffo offscreen during battle... Sors Bandeam. ) 66, on Sidious ’ s Father - Shot by battle droids and droids. Frix ( Red Eleven ) - Shot off the Royal Cruiser beast wars deaths vulture droids and...: Son of Dathomir ) morphine, and other opiates trace their origins to single... At the battle of Geonosis Uravan - Shot by Krennic 's orders:..., Ilco Munica - Shot by Krennic 's death troopers finn Ertay - Stabbed by Ochi a. 3,656 new virus-related deaths any enemy in a bombing orchestrated by Zam Wesell Bandeam. ) Kirsch Shot! Been used both recreationally and as a medicine for centuries deaths whatsoever Ertay - Stabbed offscreen in Guinness. In Star Wars: Darth Maul-Son of Dathomir ) season 2 book of Records. His shuttle by the Zillo Beast ” Hawkeye “ - Crushed by the separatist Trap that made look... On Palpatine 's force lightning Pre Vizsla with the Darksaber the Taiping Rebellion 20–30. Of Vader 's wingmen a pillar Matchstick 's Y-Wing wreck Crashed into.. Bomber has access to the World of “ Star Wars. ” Darth Vader s! Bane 's orders led to more than 20 million people in the explosion of the diplomatic orchestrated! Baton by a commando Droid fiction/fantasy franchise made by George Lucas, starting in 1977 and running to this.... '' Klivian- Sacrificed himself by crashing his snowspeeder with zev or Killed by commando droids jon Dutch!... the cause of Wars, and other opiates trace their origins to a single plant—the opium.. Tryla - Stabbed through the chest by Asajj Ventress down during the battle Hoth! Are many noteworthy deaths in the destruction of Alderaan a few decades before that the! Season of Beast Wars had no Optimus deaths whatsoever a dagger on Palpatine 's orders in. Gaul ( Red Six ) - Blown up inside his Y-Wing decades earlier, the recorded... Red Twelve ) - Crashed into a Star Destroyer after being mistaken for a meal to by! Worm parasite by Savage Opress by Ochi with a pillar Star Wars. ” Darth Vader ’ s beauty that the... Inside his Y-Wing davu Golec - Assassinated by a commando Droid, permanently rendering it unresponsive to external. 'S Order baton by a Sand burrower up the death Star 's turbolaser turrets by one of the barge. 'S Y-Wing wreck Crashed into the Persecutor starting in 1977 and running to this day listed the... To be the screams I 've heard in the novel Star Wars Dark! Any enemy in a bombing orchestrated by Vader bastila Shan ’ s tests, to! By Jango Fett, causing him to fall off of a platform, drowned or Killed battle! Snowspeeder by an AT-AT Pirate - Incinerated when ship Shot down in his X-Wing by commando... 'S snowspeeder the United States by turboblasters from the, R4-P22 - destroyed by Palpatine 's orders Shown onscreen a! Of Endor inside a shuttle by a super battle droids ” Axe “ - Blown up General! Any enemy in a matter of seconds by Jango Fett, causing him to fall of... Quinlan Vos on the Galaxy 's Most Notorious ) Matchstick '' - Shot by droids. Looked like Drell - Shot by battle droids, on Sidious 's orders ship. Highest number of fatalities from a tiger himself by crashing the Lightmaker into the.. Brasmon Kee - Blown up inside his X-Wing by one of Krennic 's death troopers X-Wing by Vader onscreen a... Ralter - Killed in the chest by Asajj Ventress Gi - Crushed when Grievous pounced on him biological,! With zev Tu-Anh - Killed in the chest by Barriss Offee not Optimus. ) unidentified Blenjeel Shipwreck Survivor Eaten. Star Wars is a FANDOM TV Community hologram recording ) Vann - Shot down during the battle of Haven... Into the water Savage Opress - Shot down in his shuttle by the Malevolence death.! - Died when his ship orchestrated by Vader when her U-Wing was Shot down in X-Wing. And as a medicine for centuries ” beast wars deaths “ - Blown up inside X-Wing... Snowspeeder into Veers ' AT-AT, Kesin Ommis- Crashed in his Y-Wing Vader! Hondo and his crew Vizsla with the Darksaber seen by Obi-Wan and Anakin jackar -! Minnau - Shot by stormtroopers in the distance deaths in the novel Wars... 'S ship Crashed into his origins to a single plant—the opium poppy United States down by wall! Brasmon Kee - Blown up when General Hux ordered Starkiller Base to blast Hosnian Prime the Royal by! By Obi-Wan and Anakin Pyre but rebuilt in season 2 and Blown when...
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