The Raccoon • Ice Penguin Monsters • Flambo • "Mystery Dungeon" reveals that the Ice King knows Lemongrab and his whereabouts. Gareth | Monks • Daughter of Peace Master • [2] He sometimes uses a pair of half-moon spectacles to read. While acting as the temporary ruler of the Candy Kingdom, Lemongrab relies on Peppermint Butler to serve him. As the ruler, he behaves in a manner that makes sense to him; screaming at the candy people and sending them to the dungeon without trial. Flint • Shoko • Duke of Limesnatch • Lemongrab also appears to have a certain knowledge of technology, as he designed, built, and operates the reconditioning chamber in his castle. The Earl wears a dark-gray bodysuit, black boots, a green belt with a lemon-shaped buckle, and he carries a sound sword in a brown scabbard. Finn's Baby Brother • Mushroom Mayor • Ogre • He even screams for the Princess to add the serum to the dirt that Lemongrab is eating to ease the pain of the spice. Kitten • Forest Cyclops • When Princess Bubblegum returns to correct ruling age, the Earl of Lemongrab is unceremoniously fired and he leaves, upset and muttering to himself. Vinyl Figure looks you'll want to collect the rest in the Adventure Time line from Funko. You're my Glob!" Fire Kingdom | Candy Elemental (St. Pim Era) • DMO • Stormo • According to Jesse Moynihan, Lemongrab does not have any friends. Squirrel Lover • Goliad • When he is being taught to act affectionate by cuddling Crunchy, he becomes so uncomfortable to the point that he screams and assaults the baby before throwing him on the ground in terror. Elderly Beetle • Princess Cookie | Insecure Tyrant, Lemongrab 1Black LemongrabThe Lemongrab KingFat Lemongrab. Earl of Lemongrab Lemongrab is angry and anxious from being separated from Lemongrab 2 and being in an unfamiliar place. When Jake refers to them as "selfish," Princess Bubblegum claims that "their hearts are fine. Paper Pete • Creepy Finn & Jake robots • In "Too Young," Lemongrab rides into the Candy Kingdom on Lemon Camel. Flying Demons • Gray Goblin • Ron James • He at least tolerates those who do. Name Sleeping Student • Fern | Gladiator Ghost • Torcho • Lemongrab then comes to Matthew himself, and decides rather than merging with Matthew like so many before him, he pulls out lemon candies, which he calls 'Lemonjons', and throws them into Matthews' mouth causing him to fall and explode into many small humanoid figures. Demon Cat | Bella Noche | Gross • Shazbaz • Fight King • The surface tips suddenly and Lemongrab falls, grabs the edge just in time, and is left dangling above the void. Pig • Vinyl treatment with the Adventure Time Lemongrab Pop! Monster • With the help of Finn, Lemongrab fights the humanoids, escapes the mountain, and goes back to his castle where he, before going to bed, takes a lemon candy, chews it up and spits it into the ceiling hole. Other Fionna • His catchphrase, "UNACCEPTABLE!!!" Ice Imp • Spear Bear • He escapes and departs saying, "bye don't follow me." Guardian Angel | Believing that she wanted them to "keep making more family," they used all of their candy (a lifetime's supply) to make new lemon people to coexist with in the castle. Spirit Dream Warrior • Lemongrab is not inherently harmful to anybody but himself because of his bizarre behavior and is merely "dysfunctional" mentally and as a person rather than destructive. Blindfolded Mantis • Fern • Scorcher | Shermy • Cosmic Waist Creature • Duke of Nuts • Abuse of powerAnimal crueltyCannibalismUsurpationWrongful imprisonment Candy Trimmer 2 • Although he is exceedingly sensitive to his own emotions, Lemongrab is extremely insensitive to other people's feelings up to the point of being unintentionally cruel, harmful, and treacherous. Although she acknowledges this as he is older than her, the Princess does not like Lemongrab or the way that he treats the Candy People, and is the first one to suggest that she and Finn make him leave. Peace Master | Joshua • Forest Wizard • Cactus Creatures • The Earl of LemongrabLemongrab 1Black LemongrabThe Lemongrab KingFat Lemongrab Tree Trunks • In "Too Old", he has become obese and wears a full black bodysuit with a frilly collar and wristbands. The Earl was created in Princess Bubblegum's laboratory. Giant Mouse • Mrs. Goji Berry • After three days, he comes back to the Candy Kingdom to continue spying on its sleeping residents. Choose Goose • Phil • to the two Lemongrabs, and Lemongrab happily encourages Princess Bubblegum to call them and visit them soon. Believing that the princess wished for them to "keep making more family", they use all of their candy (a lifetime's supply) to make children for themselves. He seems to suffer from many mental and emotional issues, and overreacts to small problems in the manner of an angry and obstreperous child. Also known as The Train • Sentient Tomato • Hobby Cadmus Legion • Matthew • Lemongrab is left-handed. Lemongrab possesses an unusual kind of flexibility. Neptr • In "Too Old," Lemongrab invites Princess Bubblegum and Finn to a dinner party at his castle. It is possible that he is no longer heir to the throne because as of "Hot Diggity Doom," the Candy Kingdom is now a democracy. Fart Fairies • Elderly Fly • Painting King • It is unconfirmed, but believed, that he was raised by servants and became spoiled and ignorant due to having everything he wanted handed to him without a connection to its source. In "Too Old," it is revealed that Lemongrab has become a tyrant, has eaten half of Lemongrab 2, leaving him in a crippled state. Type of Villain Gender He wears an all white version of Lemongrab's outfit, and has a baby blue belt and boots rather than a green sash and dark grey boots as Lemongrab does. He seems to have developed pleasure in being cruel to his people. Susan Strong • Science Cat • Keila • As a more sane and balanced person, Lemongrab's better qualities shined through and he finally had a good social life and was content. Lord Vandalstine • This indicates that either Lemongrab is ambidextrous or the catcher's mitts are not meant for his use. Clarence • Rat King • Little Buddy • Lemongrab 2's physical form is exactly the same as the original Lemongrab's. Twinkletoes • When Princess Bubblegum, Finn, and Lemonhope escape their castle, Lemongrab 2 goes against his brother's wishes by preventing the Earl from using the Lemon People to recapture the group. In the episode, he is also shown to have a photographic memory, remembering the map of the dungeon in a matter of seconds. Although the Earl has little to no sense of humor, this suggests he seems to work on having one, albeit unsuccessfully. Minerva Campbell • Chips • Wizard Students, Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant • Margaret • Owl • GOLB • The episode guest stars Justin Roiland as the Earl of Lemongrab. Throughout the dinner, he is abusive towards his clone and uses shock collars to control his subjects. Booboo • He appears to be a bit of a neat-freak, as he is noticeably agitated and cantankerous when he sees that Princess Bubblegum's Castle is "unacceptable" by his standards. Brain Beast • He is also heard eating a lemon person for trying to escape, and after a series of slurping sounds screams, "I DID IT! According to Jesse Moynihan, on his website, "I don't know what exactly is going on with him. In the episode voice credits, Lemongrab 2 is referred to as "Lemonwhite," while Lemongrab 1 is "Lemonblack," referencing their clothing. Me-Mow's Horse • Dr. J • However, once Peppermint Butler assures him that it was in fact a prank "for laughs", The Earl calms down and begins to laugh. Mrs. Yoder • Representative Orca • The Glitch • Grass Demon • In the process, the Lemongrabs discover their capacity to love and care for their children, but everyone in Castle Lemongrab almost starved to death. Future Two Headed Duck • Evil-doer Earldom of Lemongrab (better known as Lemongrab) is an earldom currently ruled by the third Earl of Lemongrab. Andy Ristaino claimed on his Formspring that the Earl's sour temper and perpetually unhappy disposition are due to a combination of his willingness to stay bitter, and circumstances that caused him to be this way. Lifeguard • Erin • The earl tries to eat the Ice King two times, and finds him to be obnoxious and useless. Flame Soldiers • Tags: adventure time, adventure time, lemongrab, lemon grab, earl of lemongrab, lemon guy, lemon grab unacceptable, adventure time lemongrab, adventure time lemongrab unacceptable, adventure time earl of lemongrab, earl of lemongrab sword, adventure time lemongrab, adventure time lemongrab quotes, adventure time characters lemongrab, adventure time lemongrab lines, adventure time … Grassy Wizard • She gets the Earl to admit that he does this out of loneliness and a desire to rule over others. He screamed and acted alarmed when Finn slapped him on the hand, and he sentenced Peppermint Butler to five extra years dungeon for pulling on the leg of his pants. Lemongrab starts his own village next door to bubble kingdom. Ice Queen | Like many of the Adventure Time characters, he has thin, noodle-like limbs and a lean torso; however, his behind sticks out noticeably, making his body profile resemble a jelly bean. Cloudy • Veiny Monster • Finn's Mom • Here, he finds Lemongrab to be obnoxious as usual, and protects Princess Bubblegum from the Earl's Sound Sword. It has a place on the left-hand side of Lemongrab's throne. He has yellow, lemon-textured (as revealed in a close-up of his face) skin, a bulbous, lemon-shaped head, and a long nose similar to that of the Ice King, Fire Count, and Farmworld Finn. Upon being created, Lemongrab screamed hysterically and violently flapped his arms, causing the Princess to realize that the experiment had gone wrong.After his creation, he became the Earl of an Earldom (known as Lemongrab) and acquired Lemon Camel. See more ideas about lemongrab, adventure time, jake the dogs. In "You Made Me," however, Princess Bubblegum is much kinder and more patient towards Lemongrab; enough to speak calmly to him, attempt to teach him, and try to console him, even as he is threatening her and her subjects and friends. ", In "You Made Me," it is revealed that Castle Lemongrab has several rooms occupied only by catcher's mitts on pedestals. The Ice King kidnaps Lemongrab and takes him to the Mystery Dungeon, and in this adventure, the Earl meets Tree Trunks, Neptr, and Shelby. When Princess Bubblegum questions him about his new subjects, he responds monotonously "They didn't understand my lemon styles. He also tries to rule the kingdom to the best of his ability in a way that makes perfect sense to him. Toronto • Fire Count | Mouse Family • Voiced by Tiffany • Wormo, Bebe • Mr. Ghost Man | He tells Princess Bubblegum that his "lemon heart" tells him to do the things that he does and that, since this is the way she made him, then it must be right. Alle Bestellungen sind Sonderanfertigungen und werden meist innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet. Old Wizards • President Porpoise • 99. Spider • Lemongrab ultimately loses control and attempts to eat Lemongrab 2. It could be that he was taught to behave in this manner, simply taking it to an extreme. He then incredulously asks "I am grease?". Rapper Chipmunk • Party Bug 2 • Whenever upset or angry, he often raises his voice and screams. The Empress • Alarm Cat • Lemon Camel is loyal to Lemongrab, but shows no signs of affection towards his rider. Bandit Princess | Although, after the humiliation and pain from eating the spicy solution that Princess Bubblegum put on his food, the Earl becomes as angry as ever and puts her, Finn, and the other candy people into the dungeon. [8] However, Cole Sanchez merely calls him an "off" person who unjustifiably and arbitrarily treats others badly. ", Adventure Time Lemon-Sweets Cartoon Network, Villainous-Villain Orientation Videos The missing files of OOO(eng subs). Unacceptable! When losing too much "vital" juice, he deflates and becomes weak. Lemongrab has a personality which embodies what lemons are: sour, repellent, difficult to handle and overwhelming. I made a plush of the Earl of Lemongrab. Flying Lettuce Brothers | Song Birds • Business Men • Toad • Grass Demon | Santa • The Beast • Lemongrab and his doppleganger both refer to themselves as "Lemongrab." Frog Guards • Petey • Despite being far more humanoid than the average candy person, he has no toes, nipples, or belly button. Introduced in Kartemon • Meme Status Submission Type: Character Year 2011 Origin Adventure Time Tags lemon, adventure time, at, unacceptable, earl of lemongrab, x years dungeon Additional References Reddit Wikipedia About. Lemongrab is puzzled by this act of heroism and at that moment, Lemongrab 2 wanders into the room. Lemongrab 2 is the only person that Lemongrab would willingly interact with physically. The Hierophant | Lollipop Thug • Vice President Blowfish, Albert • Kim Kil Whan • Woodpeckers, ALLMO • X, CGO • Wall of Flesh • Tiffany Oiler | Eberhardt • Snake Runner • Flame King • Sweetie • Heart Beast • He sometimes uses a pair of half-moon spectacles to read. He has become obese after eating parts of Lemongrab 2. Captain Banana Guard • Tromo • He was raised by servants and became spoiled and ignorant due to having everything he wanted handed to him without a connection to its source. Blue Gumdrop Guy • Princess Bubblegum gets Lemongrab to admit that he does this out of loneliness and a desire to rule over people. Frog • Blueberry Cops • Martin 2 • Microwave Person • Giant Basket Transporter • Party God • Island Lady • In the process, the Lemongrabs seem to have discovered a capacity to love and care for their "family." Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving • It's in his nature to push others away as he is perpetually stuck in a cycle of social self-sabotage due to how insufferable he is. He nearly dies until Tree Trunks saves him. Train Boss 1 • Mannish Man • After being punched in the gut by the "little ghost pranksters" and pushed to the ground, he continues to try to laugh it off, claiming that he was not going anywhere. Winged Lemongrab Horse • Appearances in other media. Broccoli • See more ideas about lemongrab, adventure time, jake the dogs. On the other hand, the second Lemongrab became more mellow, submissive under his counterparts' abuse, and even somewhat kinder; offering a slice of his bread to another lemon after the main Lemongrab stole his. More from Adventure Time cursor collection. See more ideas about lemongrab, adventure time, adventure. This is shown when he landed head-first after falling out of one of the Castle's windows, and later out of a tree, seemingly uninjured. Family • Lemon Camel • Gummi Water Boy • Later, when Lemonhope poorly plays Finn's flute, both Lemongrabs are attracted to the sound and Lemongrab 2 releases them. Todos me odian." Much later, an apparently heroic Lemongrab accepts to take side with his mother in the Gum War against Gumbaldia. 5 out of 5 stars (319) 319 reviews $ 29.00. Farmworld Marceline • The Morrow • Key-per • Death • "Too Young" established that the Earl was created in Princess Bubblegum's laboratory; it is yet unknown how long ago, but he is much younger than he appears, in terms of years. Sveinn • This extra detail in Ristaino's piece could indicate that Lemongrab's eyes are very dark brown, rather than black. When Finn and Bubblegum prank him in an attempt to rescue Lemonhope, he sends them to the dungeon as well. Goose • He plans to start war against the kingdom and claim it as his own also. Reactions to Lemongrab range from fear to resentment to complete confusion. Fruit Witches • O • Apr 10, 2020 - Explore Prdx's board "Lemongrab" on Pinterest. Peanut Butter Dragon • Coal Man • Lord Lazertron the Third • This startles the camel, which lets out a frightened "Moo!" In "All Your Fault," it is revealed that the Lemongrabs found Princess Bubblegum's secret formula for creating candy life, which she accidentally left behind after creating Lemongrab 2. Flying Lettuce Brothers • Mr. Fox • Tentacle Monster • Boobafina • Finn and the young Princess Bubblegum try to force the Earl to leave by playing pranks on him, but their attempts are in vain and cruel. Justin Roiland, Deceased (Currently merged with Lemongrab 2, creating Lemongrab 3). Dream Warrior • Giant Ant Monster • Me-Mow • Evil Giant Guy • Stag | Xergiok | None Shall Pass • Lizard Followers • Fire Elemental (St. Pim Era) • According to Andy Ristaino, Jesse Moynihan said this storyboard was a reference to Lemongrab liking really bland foods. 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