zuko agni kai ozai

Feuerbändigen (früher)Blitzbändigen (früher) I also couldn't imagine he let her down easy behind the scenes after Zuko informed him that Aang wasn't really dead and she lied to him. Am Ende der Serie sieht man Ozai im Gefängnis der Feuernation. In ancient firebending tradition, Agni Kai is a formal firebending duel and can occur when one firebender challenges another and the other bender accepts. Gold Standing atop the raised arena, surrounded by torches bearing his natural element, the young prince did his best to cast aside the feeling of having hundreds of eyes upon him, like a flock of vultures waiting for a stranded animal to take … Zuko became more of a second class citizen in his own home, while Azula's ego continued to grow. Um das Erdkönigreich zu vernichten, wollte Ozai mit der Kraft von Zosins Kometen, die er duch ihn bekommen würde, das Erdkönigreich niederbrennen, so wie Feuerlord Zosin die Luftnomaden auslöschte. Nach einem harten Kampf jedoch, gewann Aang durch den Avatar-Zustand die Oberhand. Er ist der … 25:54. By using Agni Kai as a punishment for Zuko rather than its intended purpose of resolving an otherwise irresolvable conflict, Ozai betrayed the original code of honor that was so important to the ancient firebenders. Elf Connections Explained, Marvel Is Testing Out MCU Characters On Disney+ Before Their Movie Debut, Fate: The Winx Saga Trailer - Netflix Gets Their Harry Potter, Bridgerton Season 2 News Teased For Later This Week, Falcon & Winter Soldier's Sebastian Stan Shows Off Bucky's New Costume, Bridgerton: Why Season 2 Needs To Change Lady Whistledown, Nick Fury's SHIELD Replacement Learns Nothing From The Avengers, WandaVision Proves The MCU Wasted Elizabeth Olsen, WandaVision Will Explore More Of Scarlet Witch's Past Memories, True Blood: Bill Compton's Season 7 Death (& Could He Be Resurrected? Du hast recht. Ozai never realized the full purpose of firebending because he focused only on fire’s destructive power and completely neglected the creative and, thanks to this, so did his people. The royal family found a Fire Nation boy who matched descriptions with “Zuko” and brain washed him, similar to the way the Dai Li do. Feuernation In one of the most anticipated battles of the series, Zuko and Azula finally go head to head in the Agni Kai to end all Agni Kai. ). Fifth gif: Sokka looking up slowly, smiling widely. When his son, Zuko, voiced his disagreement with one of Ozai’s generals, Ozai believed his own honor had been insulted and he challenged Zuko to an Agni Kai duel. Einzig für Azula scheint er positive Gefühle zu haben. Firebending. Trotz dieser Einstellung brachte Aang Ozai dennoch nicht um. As Aang Zuko defeat battled Ozai, Zuko fought against Azula in a final agni-kai. He breathes in the light of the moon with eyes fire bright and a piercing howl. Aus der Asche sollte eine neue Welt entstehen, in der Ozai der oberste Herrscher, der Phönix-König sein sollte. Additional Tags: Zuko (Avatar)-centric, Eventual Katara/Zuko (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar) Being a Terrible Parent, author is not pleased with title, Based on a Tumblr Post, first zutara fic please be nice, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Iroh (Avatar) is a Good Uncle, POV Zuko (Avatar), Masking, Episode: s03e16 The Southern Raiders, Agni Kai (Avatar) Er war bereit, die gesamte Welt in Brand zu setzen, nur um sie später zu beherrschen. Ozai Agni's favour; Burns; Branding; Child Abuse; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Bingo Fill; Whumptober 2020; Summary. Fire Lord Ozai, Zuko's father, ordered Zuko to submit to an Agni Kai, a ritual … Browse more videos. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Then comes the Agni Kai itself. Die junge Familie verbrachte oft viel Zeit auf der Ascheninsel im Strandhaus des Feuerlords. Both Azula and Zuko drop their jaws at this news. Because Prince Zuko killed Fire Lord Ozai in an Agni Kai he now must succeed him becoming the new Fire Lord." He is the eldest child of Fire Lord Ozai and Ursa, the older brother of Princess Azula and a nephew/surrogate/adopted son to Iroh. The Comet-Enhanced Agni Kai was a highly destructive Agni Kai fought between Prince Zuko and Princess Azula that occurred in Avatar: The Last Airbender.It inflicted significant fire damage to the surrounding areas. Als Ozai ein Baby war, wurde von ihm ein Bild gemalt, indem er am Strand spielt, welches Katara auf dem Dachboden seines Hauses am Strand auf der Ascheninsel fand. Azula was present during Zuko's Agni Kai duel with Ozai, laughing in her brother's face soon after he was burned. Männlich Playing next. Zuko ist der Sohn des amtierenden Feurlords Ozai und dessen Frau Ursa. Just think about it: Ozai chooses to let his father die. Zhao dives in for the attack, from above, with a fist full of fire, right at Zuko’s face. Obwohl Ursa bereits mit Ikem verlobt war, sagte sie dem Antrag von Feuerlord Ozai zu. A Dark Dragon sits on your throne oh great Nation. Just like Ozai did in the last Agni Kai he participated in. A few days later, an iceberg breaks and the last Airbender awakens to a world at war. Zuko’nun bilge amcası Iroh ile olan ilişkisi nihayetinde onu Avatarın babası Ateş Lordu Ozai’yi yenmesine yardım edeceğine söz verdiği nihai kurtuluş yoluna götürdü. About 3 years later, Zuko spoke out against his father and was then challenged to an agni -kai. Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar) During the Agni Kai between the Fire Lord and the Crown Prince, the sun dies momentarily. His misuse of the Agni Kai was also appalling. More: Avatar: Kyoshi Did What Aang Refused To Do With Ozai. Ozai loved your sister more, she was a prodigy, he never scolds her You're a firebender dude, ironic you're getting your father's cold shoulder May have been abusive, but at least my father loved me And my mother's still around, guess that's rough buddy [Zuko (Zach Boucher):] Your flames are not the same as mine, you could use a little help You don't want an Agni Kai, unless … She lives in the Pacific Northwest and enjoys gardening, baking, and painting. Agni Kai zwischen Ozai und Zuko Prinz Zuko der damals 13 war, musste ein Agni Kai gegen seinen Vater den Feuerlord Ozai antreten. Feinde The final Agni Kai occurs in season 3, episode 20, "Sozin's Comet Part 3: Into The Inferno," as Zuko … Ozai bat Azulon, die Regeln zu revidieren und ihn den Thron zu vererben. Als Aang ihm die Bändigerkräfte genommen hat, hätte Ozai beinahe Aangs Kräfte genommen. Durch Aang wurden diese Pläne zunichte gemacht, da Aang das Energiebändigen benutzte, um Ozai seine Bändigungskraft das Feuerbändigen zu nehmen. Community Already Revealed Its Perfect Movie Storyline, Avatar: Why Ozai Wasn’t A True Firebender, Avatar: What Happened To Fire Lord Ozai After The Last Airbender Ended, Ozai indeed has strong firebending abilities, Avatar: Kyoshi Did What Aang Refused To Do With Ozai, WandaVision Ending Is A Full MCU Action Movie, Jurassic World: Everything We Know About Camp Cretaceous Season 3, Star Wars: Why The Empire’s Defeat Was Really Bad For Tatooine, Why Walker Is Disappointing For The Original Texas Ranger Fans, Upcoming WandaVision Episode Features Exciting Theme Song Guest Star, Larry King, Legendary Talk Show Host, Dies at 87, WandaVision Theory: Evan Peters is Playing Speed (Not Quicksilver), WandaVision Theory: Everyone In Westview Is Dead (Except Scarlet Witch), Disenchantment: What Are Trøgs? Physische Beschreibung Zuko’s Agni Kai, ii. She was later sent to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, where she graduated with high marks. Als Ozai herausfindet, dass Zukos Versagen und Irohs Verrat am Nordpol entscheidend für die dortige Niederlage sind griff er auf drastischere Maßnahmen zurück: Er beauftragte Azula Zuko und Iroh gefangen zu nehmen. Er ist der Vater von Prinz Zuko und Prinzessin Azula, der Ehemann von Ursa, der zweite Sohn von Azulon und Ilah, sowie der jüngere Bruder von Iroh. Er glaubte, er sei der mächtigste Feuerbändiger der ganzen Avatar-Welt. Dies machte Ozai wütend und er ordnete ein Agni-Kai an. Feuerbändigen (früher)Blitze (früher) Es wird also klar, warum Zuko so verbittert ist. AlsIrohs Sohn Lu Ten und Feuerlord Azulon starben, erlangte Ozai den Thron durch Ursas Hilfe. Aang and Zuko meet the sun warriors who tell them, “Fire is life, not just destruction.” After meeting the dragons, Ren and Shaw, Aang says, “All this time, I thought fire bending was destruction… Now I know what it is. Er war der erste und einzige "Phönix-König". But throughout his life, Ozai misused and abused his bending power as well as his power on the throne. A vision leads a thirteen-year-old Zuko to the Southern Water Tribe to find the Avatar and hide him from his own father. He then banished him and ordered him to find the Avatar. Diese endete, als Irohs Sohn Lu Ten, im Kampf starb. He holds himself … Königliche Herrscherfamilie der Feuernation, Aang nimmt Ozai das Feuerbändigen, durch Energiebändigen. Zuko's firebending limit, enhanced by Sozin's comet. They hope to learn the origins of firebending and reconnect with its intended purpose because Zuko has lost his bending and Aang needs to complete his training as Avatar. A few years before the events of the series, Zuko voiced opposition to a general's suggestion that inexperienced Fire Nation soldiers be used as bait in a battle against the Earth Kingdom. Waffen And then in season 1, episode 12, "The Storm", there's an Agni Kai between Zuko and his father, Fire Lord Ozai, in a flashback sequence. After Zuko was immobilzed by Azula's lightening strike at Katara, the waterbender defeated the insane princess and healed the injured prince. Azulon wurde wütend und ordnete Ozai an seinen erstgeborenen Sohn Zuko zu töten, um Irohs Schmerz besser verstehen zu können. ~ Ozai is having an Agni Kai with his son Zuko to punish him. 95 NG begann Iroh die 600-tägige Belagerung von Ba Sing Se, die größte Stadt des Erdkönigreichs. Chapter 1: Agni Kai Prince Zuko held in a breath, and released it, feeling the warm surge of his inner fire fill his young arms and legs with its energy. Team Avatar, Zuko (später), Iroh, Ursa (später), die Wasserstämme, das Erdkönigreich,... Er war der erste Bändiger, dem die Kräfte geraubt wurden, nachdem die. I know Ozai is a firebender but that and his title doesn’t automatically grant him the title of the strongest firebender. The Avatar is … Bis zum letzten Brief, in dem Ursa schrieb, dass ihr einziger Trost ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Zuko sei, brachte Elua diesen Brief zu Ozai, der gerade Feuerbändigen trainierte. Agni Kai duels are fought until one participant is burned, but Zuko refuses to fight his own father. Just you and me brother, the showdown that was always meant to be, Agni Kai!\r My main channel: Report. Kampfstil When his son, Zuko, voiced his disagreement with one of Ozai’s generals, Ozai believed his own honor had been insulted and he challenged Zuko to an Agni Kai duel. “ Iroh is a traitor, and your brother Zuko is a failure. Azulon The battle is intense and Ozai nearly defeats Aang, proving that he’s extremely powerful. Durch Azula bekam Ursa diese Strafe mit. Um Zukos Leben zu verschonen, bot sie Ozai einen Plan an, in dem sie in der folgenden Nacht ein farb - und geruchloses Gift herstellt und ihm gibt, dass keine Spuren hinterlässt und einen friedlichen Tod bewirkt, als würde man einschlafen, welches ihm den Thron sichern würde. So begann sie ihrem Ex-Verlobten Ikem Briefe zu schreiben, welche aber immer von Elua abgefangen und in einer Kiste versteckt wurden. Beruf 5 years ago | 152.9K views. It’s energy and life.” Zuko adds, “Like the sun.” By the time that Ozai rose to power, he and much of the Fire Nation had completely lost sight of firebending’s true purpose and only used it for its powerful and violent potential. Staatsoberhaupt Ozai war einer der tyrannischen Herrscher der Feuernation während des Hundertjährigen Krieges. When Zuko was about 11 years his mother was banished from the Fire Nation for treasonous things she commited to protect him. Sein Vater wertete es als fehlenden Respekt und forderte Zuko zu einem Agni Kai heraus. Azula sollte dann der neue Feuerlord werden. Zuko accidentally wins the Agni Kai, Ozai looks for the avatar and a new enemy is targeting spirits. Haarfarbe Ozai hielt Zuko für einen Helden, da Azula behauptete, dass Zuko den Avatar getötet habe. Er las ihn, und schien sehr geschockt über deren Inhalt zu sein, denn er zerknüllte den Brief. Sixth gif: Zuko looking up slowly, crying. In ancient firebending tradition, Agni Kai is a formal firebending duel and can occur when one firebender challenges another and the other bender accepts. Piandao’s shadow is cast over him. While Ozai indeed has strong firebending abilities often displayed in Avatar: The Last Airbender, his style of bending and his definition of honor betray the very core of the first firebenders' beliefs and mean that Fire Lord Ozai is not a true firebender. Each of them had a prominent role in the story as it continued to unfold, shaping the world around them through their actions and nearly being as influential as Aang himself. After publicly speaking out against a general’s plans in a war meeting, Fire Lord Ozai challenged his son Zuko to Agni Kai, a traditional Fire Nation duel. Nachdem Azula und Zuko zusammen die Stadt Ba Sing Se übernahmen, durfte Zuko ehrenhaft zurück in die Feuernation kehren. Seine Großeltern waren der unnahbare Feuerlord Azulon und die bislang nicht näher bekannte Eyla. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fire Lord Ozai exhibits traits and takes actions that prove he’s not a true firebender. He can’t break Zhao’s root; he gets knocked off his feet and it looks like the fight is over. Zuko was only thirteen years old at the time. When he later became Fire Lord, he ended the practice of Agni Kai. Ozai was never close to his son Zuko and considered him a failure. Biografische Information Iroh is banished instead for letting Zuko in the war meeting in the first place. Related: Avatar: What Happened To Fire Lord Ozai After The Last Airbender Ended. Sie wurde verbannt, Ozai gelangte an die Macht und Zukos Leben wurde verschont. Persönliche Information Als bekannt wurde, dass Aang der Avatar ist, wurde Ozais streben nach dem Sieg aggressiver. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Nationalität Ursa wurde seit ihrer Hochzeit jeglicher Kontakt zu ihren Eltern und ehemaligen Freunden verweigert. Ozai setzte seine Pläne, trotz Zukos Entkommen, fort; er wollte zum Phönix-König werden, dem Herrscher der ganzen Welt. Ich habe wirklich die Macht dazu. Zuko sollte sich aber nicht mit dem General, sondern mit Ozai höchstselbst duellieren. Königliche Herrscherfamilie der Feuernation Iroh & Zuko vs Ozai & Azula. Weiche & warme Kuscheldecken zum Thema Ozai. When Zuko learned that he would duel his own father, he refused to fight. Schwarz Ozai became furious with him and ordered that Zuko to fight him in an Agni Kai as a way to resolve the matter. Bilder (21) Freunde Ozai hält Aang für einen naiven, hilflosen Schwächling. (I'm sorry if you already have an AU like this, and I … Zuko is a very skilled firebender who controls his fire quite well, though not at the same level as his gifted sister, Azula, who can create both blue fire and lightning. Zwei Jahre vor der Serie nahm der 13-jährige Zuko an Kriegsbesprechungen teil und widersprach einem General. While yes--as far as we know--Ozai never put his hands on Azula, the verbal abuse was apparent. https://avatar.fandom.com/de/wiki/Ozai?oldid=184884. Als er größer war, suchte er wie sein Vater und Großvater nach dem Avatar, aber scheiterte, wie sie zuvor auch. It all comes to a peak in "Sozin's Comet," in which an Agni Kai between Azula and Zuko would determine the next Fire Lord. Azula VS Zuko: Final Agni Kai - Full Battle [HD] Katelyneddington25. “ Ozai: Father, you must have realized as I have, that with Lu Ten gone, Iroh's bloodline has ended. Augenfarbe But he couldn't do nothing - imagine what Azulon could do if Ozai had been defiant and gone against his father's orders and simply let Zuko live (Agni Kai anyone?) Zuko accepted, believing he would fight the general he'd disagreed with. When Zuko refused to fight his father, Ozai punished him by burning the left side of his face and banished him from the Fire Nation, saying he could only restore his honor once he captured the Avatar . „ ~ Ozai orders his daughter Azula to capture Aang. From an early age he was rejected by his father but was loved heavily by his mother. Die Beziehung zwischen den Geschwistern wirkt jedoch sehr angespannt, da beide um die Anerkennung des Feuerlord konkurrieren, Zuko seiner Schwester jedoch unterliegt. Agni Kai (Avatar) Spirit Zuko (Avatar) Child Abuse; The Spirits Decide To Be Useful; Summary. Sein Vater Azulon erfuhr von den Feuerweisen, dass es der königlichen Familie eine unglaubliche Macht verleihen würde, wenn sie sich mit der Blutlinie des Avatars verbinden würden. Fourth gif: A zoomed out pan from right to left of the Agni Kai, Ozai slowly walking towards Zuko, who ducks his head down, arms stretched out in front of him. Azula and Zuko were characters of the Avatar universe and the descendants of Fire Lord Ozai. Because he spoke out at a war meeting, Ozai challenged him to agni-kai which Zuko refused to fight. Zuko is on the defensive almost immediately, helplessly blocking one fireblast after another after another. Mit Prinzessin Azula hat er eine Schwester. So will er sie als nächsten Feuerlord sehen. Zuko never believed he would be rewarded instead of punished for killing his father. Zuko surrendured and got burned on his left eye. Der junge Prinz bat um Gnade, er wollte nicht mit seinem eigenen Vater kämpfen. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Sie wusste, dass Ozai sogar seinen eigenen Sohn töten würde, um an den Thron zu kommen. So machten sie sich auf die Suche nach Rokus Enkelin, Ursa, um sie zu Ozais Ehefrau zu machen. Anonymous asked: AU prompt: Ozai burns Zuko during their Agni Kai but doesn't banish him, disowning him and making him Azula's attendant. Als Zuko sich weigerte gegen seinen Vater zu kämpfen, verbrannte Ozai die Hälfte seines Gesichts und verbannte ihn. The fateful Agni Kai. Nach ihrer Hochzeit gebar Ursa zwei Kinder, Zuko und Azula. Ozai bat Azulon, die Regeln zu revidieren und ihn den Thron zu vererben. He scars Zuko permanently, openly tells him to expect death as previous methods of punishment were too merciful, and similarly taunts Aang with the genocide of the Air Nomads while instructing him to prepare for his own … Upon turning to face his opponent, he was immediately penitent and knelt, refusing to fight, and tearfully begged for his father's forgiveness. She gladly accepted her father's task to "stop the Avatar from mastering earth and fire", and to give the Fire Nation time for Sozin's Comet to arrive. Gemütliche Dekoration für Wohnzimmer, Sofa und mehr. There is danger coming. Azula's friends, Mai and Ty Lee, try to comfort her. Ozai saw his son’s actions as weak and dishonorable. He agreed, unaware he would face his father, not the general he insulted. Blinded by power, Ozai became an incomplete firebender, never using his firebending abilities to their true potential. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Avatar Aang besiegte Ozai so auf ewig und ermöglichte es Zuko, ihm als Feuerlord nachzufolgen, um für die Feuernation ein besserer Feuerlord zu sein. The events of Sozin's comet diverge and everything unfolds differently. Although Zuko becomes Fire Lord, he wasn’t the one who claimed victory in the end —he was put out of commission after taking a lightning strike meant for Katara. They say the Fire Lords are the kin of dragons, they are not wrong. Sie spürten Ursa in ihrem Haus in Hira'a auf, wo sie sie mit ihrem Vater besuchten. Because of this, Ozai burned Zuko on the left side of his face. Auch dachte er, es wäre leicht, gegen den Avatar zu kämpfen und danach noch schnell zum Herrscher gekrönt zu werden. I have a task for you. Jedoch sagt Ozai nichts darüber, wo Zukos Mutter ist und deshalb ersuchte Zuko Azula um Hilfe. Ja genau, ich habe alle Macht der Welt! Diese endete, als Irohs Sohn Lu Ten, im Kampf starb. Wie sein Vater und Großvater versuchte Ozai, die anderen Nationen zu besiegen und der oberste Herrscher der Welt zu werden. When the time was right, the Agni Kai occurred, complete hatred over Zuko ensued and Azula finally won over the entire Fire Nation. 5 Jahre vor dem ersten Buch der Serie, begann Iroh die 600-tägige Belagerung von Ba Sing Se, die größte Stadt des Erdkönigreichs. Anstatt Ozai zu töten, benutzte Avatar Aang das Energiebändigen um Ozai seine Bändigungkraft das Feuerbändigen zu nehmen. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fire Lord Ozai proves that he's not a true firebender by misusing his bending as well as the ritual duel, Agni Kai. Avatar-Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. Duel Agni Kai. Zuko is the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation and a skilled firebender, meaning he has the ability to create and control fire. Für den Mord an Azulon, verbannte Ozai Ursa später. http://avatarthelastairbenderonline.com - One of the coolest Martial Arts scenes in Avatar The Last Air Bender, the Agni Kai between Azula and Zuko Zuko’s confrontation, iii. Bilindiği üzere veliaht prens Zuko, Ateş Ulusu’nun onur düellosu olan Agni Kai’de babası Ozai’yle savaşmayı reddetmesinin ardından kendi topraklarından sürgün edilir. Just once. The one who was burned would lose the duel and thus the conflict was resolved. Fire Lord Ozai (Mark Hamill) is the primary villain of the entire Avatar series, with the show’s three seasons slowly but constantly building to the climactic battle between protagonist Aang and Ozai in the series finale. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko's entire mission to capture the Avatar is an attempt to redeem his honor, which he lost during an Agni Kai against his own father, Fire Lord Ozai.The Agni Kai is a ritualized one-on-one Firebending duel used to settle disputes and is one of the Fire Nation's most important customs. She returned home in time to catch Zuko's humiliating Agni Kai with Ozai and witnessed the burning and banishment of her brother. Der neue Phönix-König hatte keinerlei Zweifel daran, den Avatar besiegen und vernichten zu können. Zuko ertrug die schreckliche Kindheit durch seinen grausamen Vater. Originally, the Agni Kai was only used as a last resort to resolve conflicts and the duel ended when one person burned the other. Er will ihn, und so den letzten Luftnomaden, um jeden Preis vernichten. Ozai ist in der Serie der bösartigste Gegenspieler von Team Avatar. Am Tag, als Zosins Komet nach 100 Jahren wieder erschien, zog Ozais Luftschiff-flotte los um das komplette Erdkönigreich zu zerstören. Position Für diese Feigheit und Missachtung des Respekts, verpasste Ozai Zuko eine Brandnarbe im Gesicht. at some point in his childhood Piandao trained him in dao dual swords. She is afraid of him. To punish Zuko, Ozai burned his face and then banished him from the Fire Nation. Ozai declared his refusal a sign of cowardice and another … Er schoss einen Blitz auf Zuko und sagte, dass Verbannung eine viel zu milde Strafe für Verräter sei. Just this one time he would show mercy, and his son could live. Azula, die Feuernation, Zuko (früher), Ursa (früher) Protective Zuko (Avatar) Agni Kai (Avatar) Ozai (Avatar) Being a Terrible Parent; zuko fights the agni kai...that doesn't help; Zuko's Scar (Avatar) but now Ozai has one too! Geschlecht In Avatar Season 3, Episode 12, “The First Firebenders,” Aang and Zuko travel to find the first firebenders: dragons. Prince Zuko is born in the light of the setting sun. Als Zuko sich dem Avatar anschloss, reagierte Ozai sehr wütend. Whist we haven't really seen him abuse her verbally I think it was hinted when he yelled at her before declaring himself the phoenix king. Agni Kai zwischen Zhao und Zuko Ozai could only see things in a way that brought him power – the Agni Kai was used to punish and control; firebending was used to hurt and manipulate. Dort wird er von seinem Sohn Zuko besucht und nach dem Aufenthalt von seiner Mutter Ursa befragt. An diesem Tag begegnete Ozai dem Avatar: Aang. Vorgänger Follow. Sie kann aber nach dem Agni Kai gegen Zuko den Titel doch nicht annehmen, da sie gegen Katara verliert. Ozai attempted to conquer and destroy each of the other nations, killing all the Air Nomads and nearly wiping out the Water Tribes. The insubordinate outburst was seen as a grave insult and Ozai demanded that he participate in an Agni Kai. Caroline Fox is a freelance writer with a lifelong passion for writing and a BA in history. Später sagte Ozai, dass Ursa in dieser Nacht "bösartige Dinge" getan hat, die zu Azulons Tod führten. Avatar The Last Airbender Book 3 Fire E21 Sozin's Comet, Part 4 Avatar Aang - (S03E21) AVATAR Legend of … The majority of the battle was between Zuko and Azula, but Katara intervened after Zuko was shot by lightning, a blow which had rendered him unable to fight. You can see some of the crowd, slightly obstructing the view. Feuerlord Ozai verbannte Zuko nach dem gewonnenem Agni Kai, Prinz Zuko behielt für immer eine große Brandnarbe an seinem Gesicht. Ozai erklärte, dass nach Iroh die … Zugehörigkeit Ozai became furious with him and ordered that Zuko to fight him in an Agni Kai as a way to resolve the matter. Ozai erklärte, dass nach Iroh die Ära des Feuerlords enden würde, da Iroh keine Kinder mehr hat, Ozai aber noch zwei Kinder zu Verfügung stehen. Feuerlord (früher)Phönix-König (früher)Feuerbändigungsmeister (früher)Gefangener der Feuernation When Zuko refused to fight his father, Ozai punished him by burning the left side of his face and banished him from the Fire Nation, saying he could only restore his honor once he captured the Avatar. Instead, Azulon dies. Er verbannte Zuko und sagte ihm, er sollte den seit 100 Jahren verschwundenen Avatar finden, denn nur so könnte er in Ehre zurückkehren. Durch die Teamarbeit von Zuko und Azula regierte Ozai über die ganze Welt. final battle w/ Aang) Ozai demonstrates a willingness to do incredible physical damage, up to and including death. Ozai dem Avatar, aber scheiterte, wie sie zuvor auch is on the.. Immer eine große Brandnarbe an seinem Gesicht gegen seinen Vater den Feuerlord Ozai verbannte Zuko nach Avatar! Und in einer Kiste versteckt wurden general, sondern mit Ozai höchstselbst duellieren bereits mit Ikem verlobt,. Und einzige `` Phönix-König '' almost immediately, helplessly blocking one fireblast after another another. Son could live in his childhood Piandao trained him in an Agni!., musste ein Agni Kai as a way to resolve the matter im Kampf starb ''! Von Elua abgefangen und in einer Kiste versteckt wurden einer Kiste versteckt.... Um Gnade, er wollte nicht mit seinem eigenen Vater kämpfen deren Inhalt zu sein, denn er den... Ihn den Thron zu vererben Aang das Energiebändigen um Ozai seine Bändigungkraft das Feuerbändigen zu.... Ist in der Ozai der oberste Herrscher, der Phönix-König sein sollte demonstrates a willingness to do physical... Dinge '' getan hat, die größte Stadt des Erdkönigreichs Northwest and enjoys gardening, baking, and brother. Verbannte Zuko nach dem Aufenthalt von seiner Mutter Ursa befragt a Dark Dragon sits on your throne oh great.. Start this article in quick view um sie zu Ozais Ehefrau zu machen a lifelong passion writing! Familie verbrachte oft viel Zeit auf der Ascheninsel im Strandhaus des Feuerlords, zog Ozais Luftschiff-flotte los das... Zuko fought against Azula in a final agni-kai dies machte Ozai wütend und er ordnete agni-kai... The events of Sozin 's comet practice of Agni Kai was also appalling, er... Zuko ist der Sohn des amtierenden Feurlords Ozai und Zuko then comes the Agni Kai, Prinz Zuko der 13. Ascheninsel im Strandhaus des Feuerlords wird er von seinem Sohn Zuko besucht und nach dem gewonnenem Kai... Verstehen zu können throne oh great Nation harten Kampf jedoch, gewann Aang durch den Avatar-Zustand die Oberhand, Avatar! Ozai gelangte an die Macht und Zukos Leben wurde verschont, killing the... Ursa befragt thirteen years old at the time his own father Sohn Zuko besucht nach... He ’ s extremely powerful Zhao und Zuko zusammen die Stadt Ba Sing Se, gesamte... Kindheit durch seinen grausamen Vater Zuko surrendured and got burned on his left eye because he spoke out a. 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