what is darth maul's real name in star wars

Maul asked if any Jedi were involved, but Krim did not know since none of his men survived, which allowed Maul to come to the conclusion that there were. [32] He also held his own against Mace Windu and Aayla Secura on a Mandalorian supply outpost, the elder Jedi being a longtime member of the High Council; this was a fight that Maul deemed "fair. Under a black cloak he wore an undertunic, heavy-action boots, and protective gloves. The Mandalorians fired missiles at the ship and crippled it, forcing Kenobi and Kryze to abandon ship before it was destroyed. Managing to board a Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette, Maul interrogated one of the rebels on board, forcing him to reveal the location of the rebel freighter, and Ezra Bridger's home, the Ghost. After escaping with the help of his Mandalorian super commandos, Maul resumed his reign on Mandalore until he was overthrown by the Grand Army of the Republic. Dooku interrogated his predecessor, electrifying him in an attempt to find the information he was seeking. Maul also anticipated and counted on Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan betraying him, an act that he counted on as part of his own plans. [34], Once on Dathomir, Maul was greeted by Brother Viscus, who survived his fight with Dooku on Ord Mantell. Six-legged apparatus[6]Two cybernetic legs[7] Preferring to die rather than be captured, Maul told Ahsoka to let him fall, but she refused, just as three LAAT gunships arrived. Here's what you need to know about the former Sith and crime boss! Spikewheel then attempted to shoot Maul, but the fallen Sith destroyed her. A Sith still mysterious , in particular by its origins and its real name. Maul tackles General Grievous after boarding the Separatist command ship. Ezra hesitated, so Maul threw his lightsaber at her, killing her instantly. [56] He became an acrobatic and highly trained Sith warrior, one who could relentlessly pursue his enemies while utilizing his double-bladed lightsaber. [51], Twenty-three years after the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine's Galactic Empire was overthrown by the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the last Jedi Knight in the galaxy: Luke Skywalker,[52] the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. recent questions recent answers. The Padawan had Endee upload a backup of the archive to a datacard before instructing the droid to self-destruct. A great deal of dexterity and practice would have been required for such a feat. Since his debut in The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul has demanded the attention of Star Wars fans everywhere. Played by Ray Park, the Sith Lord served as Darth Sidious' apprentice, making him a dangerous antagonist. Caught off guard, Kenobi dropped his lightsaber and found himself dangling over the abyss from a small input nozzle. Entering the hyperdrive room, Maul quickly dispatched of all the clones using the Force, and tore the control console away before pulling the hyperdrive generators down, causing the vessel to drop out of lightspeed over a moon, where it became caught in its gravity well. As a result, Maul and Ezra discovered that his nemesis Obi-Wan Kenobi was hiding on a planet with twin suns and that Kenobi held the key to destroying the Sith. [20], Maul returned to the auction, where he allowed the Moogan Jee Kra to take Kaitis. With all the Inquisitors dead and Ezra nearing the top, Maul then betrayed the Jedi, striking at Kanan and blinding him. 1,852. A powerful Zabrak Sith lord and Darth Sidious ' first known apprentice, he first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999), portrayed by Ray Park and voiced by Peter Serafinowicz. [33], After the battle, Maul contacted Mother Talzin once again to inform her of what had happened on Ord Mantell. Maul was invited to dinner with other Zabraks to thank him. In The Phantom Meance, Darth Maul was portrayed by Ray Park, a martial arts specialist and voiced by Peter Serafinowicz. [64], Darth Maul's design went through a number of other variations until McCaig created a series of Rorschach designs by creating splattered ink patterns, which led to the tattooed look of Darth Maul. Angered by the rejection, Maul stated that Ahsoka needed one more lesson and activated his own lightsaber. Dathomir[1] [45], Swapping holocrons, Maul and Bridger sat down on the floor and opened the devices, seeking to combine them and have their questions answered. Remove this message when finished. Maul and Opress captured Kenobi, but the Jedi was rescued by Asajj Ventress, a former acolyte of Darth Tyranus and the Dathomir Witch who once commanded Opress. However, he sought entirely to manipulate Bridger and use him to further his own obsessive agenda for power and revenge and attempted to kill Kanan Jarrus on two occasions in order to free Bridger of the Jedi's influence. Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, whom Palpatine aimed to replace through the invasion, dispatched Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to resolve the situation, but the Federation attempted to kill the two Jedi, forcing Jinn and Kenobi to the surface. Born 57 BBY, Darth Maul was an apprentice to Darth Sidious. [41] Maul himself became a target of these Inquisitors, though for all their skills they were unsuccessful in discovering his whereabouts. The pirate informed Maul that Xev Xrexus of the Xrexus Cartel had captured a Jedi Padawan who was going to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. [34], Even after many years, Maul still held an extremely bitter grudge against Sidious and all those who served him for taking everything he cared about from him. Maul offered to help Ezra claim the holocron, revealing it was located inside the temple. Maul stunned Jinn by slamming his face with the hilt of his lightsaber. [31], Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls fought Maul's Mandalorian super commandos, bringing a civil war to Mandalore. [32], As the dark side of the Force became stronger within the galaxy during the time of Order 66, Maul's level of sheer strength grew as well for a brief time. Their goal was to make the Duchess look weak by sending the Collective's criminal elements to attack the capital city, Sundari, at which time Death Watch would arrive and drive them off. Maul, meanwhile, Force-pushed Grievous out of the opening that the explosion created. Maul, with Ahsoka's assistance, slew the Fifth Brother, with Jarrus also managing to damage the Eighth Brother's lightsaber. Despite some reservations from his allies, Maul was confident that his plan would succeed and they could trap the two Separatist leaders. Ahsoka stopped him from escaping, only for Maul to disarm her of both her lightsabers and slash the beam she was standing on. Just as Jinn had succumbed to Maul's power and fury, and Maul was looking to finish the Jedi off, the queen's ship came to the rescue and Jinn jumped aboard, leaving the Sith Lord fuming with rage on the sand. In issue number three (out of four), Maul’s mother, Mother Talzin, recounts the story of how Sidious stole Maul from her, and she refers to him as “Maul.” Although we are not directly told that she named her son Maul, it … All powerful Sith in canon had this word in their names: Darth Plagueis, Darth Bane, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, etc. The villainous character … Maul asked the council to join them, but they refused despite Maul giving them a second chance, and on Maul's orders, Savage activated his lightsaber and threw it across the table, decapitating the council and prompting Moj to form an alliance with Maul's forces. Bridger exclaimed that he saw "twin suns," and Jarrus implored his apprentice to look away, while Maul incited the Jedi to focus. Darth was a title given to the Dark Lords of the Sith Order, which preceded a moniker different from the birth name. Eye color Maul heard from Almec and the Shadow Collective that a Jedi was on Mandalore. Maul and Peiro fought several of their buyers and found the scarn. As Opress grew agitated, Maul appeared to calm him and informed him of who they had fallen upon. [33], Maul arrived on Ord Mantell and conferred with his Shadow Collective allies, including Ziton Moj of Black Sun and Fife of the Pyke Syndicate. Maul began to manipulate Ezra to further his own agenda and sow the seeds of darkness in him. [17] Maul mastered his anger, letting it burn in him, and under his master's supervision, began to turn his anger into hate. While en route, Maul was contacted by Moj and the Pykes, who grew concerned that Maul's vendetta was causing the Shadow Collective's plans to fail. Maul then told her again that what she called justice would soon be changed along with the entire galaxy, revealing that he was talking about Sidious. [34], As they spoke, a Jedi-led Republic assault team attacked the supply outpost. Exhausted from his search and contemplating the thought of dying in the desert, he collapsed into the sand and started screaming Kenobi's name in desperation. As Maul taunted the young Jedi, trying to dislodge him from the wall, Kenobi calmed himself and used the Force to jump back up and summon Jinn's lightsaber into his hand. The Star Wars movies are known for ending with a shocking twist or reveal, and Solo: A Star Wars Story definitely did just that. Lucasfilm has not yet established a cohesive timeline. [33], As the Collective prepared for battle, a team of Nightbrother warriors, led by Brother Viscus, arrived after having been sent from Dathomir by Mother Talzin to reinforce Maul's army. In addition, he was a scheming mastermind who plotted his return to power despite losing his place in the ranks of the Sith. In canon, there is a comic about Maul titled, Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir. By Stephen M. Colbert Mar 19, 2017. [17] While searching for Kaitis, Maul was caught sneaking around the station by Xrexus, and Maul provided a fake name, Seris Madreth of the Haddrex Consortium, to trick Xrexus. Having learned of Kenobi's old friendship and relationship with Kryze, Maul realized she could serve as bait for his archenemy and the perfect tool for his revenge against the Jedi Master. [66] Because Maul had been cut in half in The Phantom Menace, he required a new set of cybernetic legs for The Clone Wars. [3] It is not improbable that he employed it on Ahsoka Tano, learning much about her past,[59] and it was likely that he probed the minds of the Inquisitors to decipher their intentions and the name of their master. Maul demonstrated his martial superiority to his brother by disarming him, earning the latter's respect. An Iconic Debut. Maul, in a ruined state, is found by his long-lost brother Savage Opress on Lotho Minor. Talzin herself appeared using Nightsister magic and told the story of how she was once an ally of Sidious, how she too was betrayed when Sidious took Maul from her, and how Sidious was already seeking to replace the Count. The Star Wars franchise subsequently decided that the mystery of his birth name actually played into a larger aspect of his character arc. Solo takes place about ten years before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, and Darth Maul canonically dies for good about two years before that in … And if I remember correctly, in the movies Darth Maul hasn't been called by his real name. Sidious forced Maul to breathe in the ashes of Sith warriors, slain when an ancient weapon was activated in the Sith temple on the planet. [28], Maul holds Seles as Brennar looks on in horror, They then traveled back to the surface, Maul in tow, to find Spikewheel waiting for him. [30], After Death Watch drove the criminals away, Maul's suspicions were confirmed when he and Opress were arrested. Maul suspected that there would be other political prisoners nearby, other than the deposed and imprisoned Satine, who Maul could use for his own ends. Maul revealed that they were Sith Lords, which immediately led Vizsla to question him as to his links to Count Dooku. [64], With the face of the character completed, McCaig also designed Maul's costume. [30], Maul revealing his double-bladed lightsaber on Naboo, Maul also displayed considerable skill in Jar'Kai, holding his own against Jinn and Kenobi simultaneously on Naboo before splitting them up. We have to assume that Maul's simply stood. In Star Wars mythology, the Sith have two names . 2. Tano left to get Ezra and confronted Darth Vader as Kanan regained himself, with Tano claiming to the former Sith Lord he would have to face Kanan to get to her. [12] Neither Talzin nor Maul believed Dooku would sincerely ally with them, and simply wanted to ensure he could be taken to Dathomir. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. In the throne room, Maul taunted Kenobi to give in to the dark side, all the while holding Kryze in a Force grip. Despite Bendu's warnings not to turn around, Kanan and Ezra did so and found Maul watching them from the top of a dune. Whilst searching for him in the desert wastes, Maul realized that he was lost. Maul took Ezra to the ruins of the Nightsister lair and explained that he was the last survivor of the Nightsisters. Darth Maul longed for revenge against the Jedi. He then activated his new lightsaber and told Qi'ra that they would be working more closely from then on,[9] elevating her to the late Vos' position. Darth Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith lord, the first known apprentice of Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan Kenobi's archenemy. I was thinking about this yesterday and I gave myself a headache... Tpiom. Shortly afterward, Maul contacted the new leader of the Pykes, Marg Krim, via hologram about the lost shipment of spice. One of the deadliest, most efficiently trained Sith in the Order's history. However, using his other senses, amplified by the Force, Kanan caught Maul's arm and tripped him, where the Nightbrother fell from the temple to the ground below. He charged Kenobi, and the adversaries exchanged two rapid strikes before Maul brought the hilt of his blade up to strike Kenobi's face—the same attack which had allowed him to kill Jinn decades earlier. [1], For years, Maul was trained to become a weapon of the Sith. The notable exception to this, however, is Darth Maul, whose real name … Maul had the cave filled with relics from his past including the Darksaber, a Mandalorian symbol of power. While Maul greeted his fellow Nightbrothers, the Separatists arrived in orbit and attacked, using their fleet to bombard the surface of Ord Mantell. Advising him to use his feelings of loss and anger, Maul and Ezra discovered a key to reach the front of the temple, where they came across Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and Ahsoka Tano, who were members of Phoenix Cell from the nascent rebellion against the Empire. Maul survived the end of the Clone Wars, witnessing the Great Jedi Purge of Order 66 and Sidious's rise as Galactic Emperor. Fans old enough to have seen The Phantom Menace trailers in theaters were drawn to the horned, double blade wielding villain. Heeding his master's warning, Bridger closed his eyes, causing the energy from the holocrons to explode and giving Maul a chance to escape. Maul passed away with the belief that Kenobi was protecting the Chosen One who would restore balance to the Force and avenge them by destroying the Sith. [12] Once under Sidious's tutelage, he trained as his Sith apprentice, and was eventually given the title "Darth Maul" by his master. Using his mastery of the dark side, Maul tormented Ezra by causing the young Jedi to see and hear visions of him. Maul fights Grievous, while Talzin in Dooku's body fights Sidious. [5] He later outmatched Kenobi in a number of encounters after emerging from exile, including the fight over Raydonia,[7] though their duel on Florrum ended in stalemate. Maul then tried to take off in the shuttle and, though Ahsoka attempted to stop him again and grabbed the shuttle using the Force, she was ultimately forced to let him go when both R7-A7 and Rex (who had had his behavioral modification biochip removed by Ahsoka) were shot by clone troopers, allowing Maul to escape into hyperspace. Comment. The Hutts refused to join as they had no credits to buy their allegiance, so Maul and his forces battled the Hutts' enforcers and hired bounty hunters. The Jedi, including Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Mace Windu, and Tiplee, had tracked the Shadow Collective from Ord Mantell. After combining the holocrons, Bridger, who wanted to know the key to destroying the Sith, saw locations both familiar and unfamiliar, while Maul saw nothing. [45], Maul's still-burning desire for vengeance against Kenobi led him to use his mastery of the dark side to torment Bridger in an effort to gain his attention. A short while later, Bridger and Chopper were discovered by Kenobi, who was riding a dewback. As a Dathomirian Zabrak male, he was a Nightbrother and had two blood brothers, Feral and Savage Opress. There, Maul killed Xrexus to ensure the Sith's secrecy. [8], Maul, Opress, and Pre Vizsla, leaders of the Shadow Collective, Next, the alliance traveled to Nal Hutta to convince the Grand Hutt Council to join their group. Historical records noted that Maul was the owner of the heavily modified Star Courier the Scimitar. Obi-Wan Kenobi calls Vader simply "Darth" in the film, and in "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" he is referred to as "Lord Darth Vader." So 10 years after the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Maul Will Die V 2.0. This was shown when Maul jumped to Opress's defense when he was wounded by Kenobi, and backed down when he was threatened by Death Watch. Affiliation(s) Maul added that he needed Ezra to come with him in order to retrieve the remaining fragments of the vision from his mind. As for the prelogy, many fans will have been tagged by Darth Maul , introduced in The Phantom Menace, in 1999. After Dooku left, Rook Kast and Gar Saxon of Death Watch attacked the prison and rescued their captive leader. Kenobi's attack passed straight through the hilt of Maul's weapon,[3] cleaving it in two and carving a lethal laceration into Maul's chest.[26]. Once, however, he was the Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious, and therefore, a Dark Lord of the Sith. Kenobi and Maul engaged in a lightsaber duel for the first time in over a decade, and Maul goaded Kenobi into anger by talking about how he killed Qui-Gon Jinn. [30], Shortly after the coup, Maul learned that the Duchess had tried to escape from prison and transmitted a distress call to the Jedi. Ezra and Chopper left, with Maul bidding farewell to his "apprentice." He then returned to Lord Sidious on Coruscant. Maul and Kenobi fight for the first time in over a decade. During the battle, Maul destroyed four of Grievous's MagnaGuard droids and attacked Grievous himself. In Star Wars Rebels for example, whose events take place between those of Episode III and those of Episode IV, Darth Maul meets a young, Force-sensitive human named Ezra Bridgers.He then confesses to her that, although he once had a real name, he no longer remembers it. [33] Earlier, Maul must have surveyed the Theed power generator on Naboo before his Jedi adversaries arrived, thus setting a trap for them. Maul fights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Battle of Naboo. [31], Enraged, Maul lit both his own lightsaber and the Darksaber, and attacked his former master. [46], At that point, Kanan and Sabine entered the cave and opened fire on the spirits. All that remained of the one-time Sith Lord was his lust for revenge against the Jedi. Anointed by his Sith Master as Darth Maul, the Dathomirian was raised to hate the Jedi Knights that served the light side of the Force. [6] Believing that Morley had severed his brother and driven him crazy, Opress killed the Anacondan and, to restore Maul's memories, took him to Dathomir, where Mother Talzin repaired Maul's mind and gave him a pair of cybernetic legs through an incantation, using parts of the Separatist droids destroyed during the Battle of Dathomir.[7]. [31] After the Clone Wars, Maul demonstrated the ability to wield an additional weapon alongside his double-bladed lightsaber, on one occasion using a walking stick as a club in conjunction with his connected blades. After his defeat during the Battle of Naboo, the experimental starfighter was appropriated by Maul's master, Darth Sidious. Along the way, Maul and Ezra engaged the Seventh Sister, with Maul easily subduing her in a Force choke. The other half submitted to Maul's rule, while Almec was reinstated as Prime Minister—albeit with Maul as the true power on Mandalore. Maul and his allies quickly planned their attack against the Separatists, which included luring the droid army to a specific point in the Black Sun–controlled territory so the Shadow Collective forces could attack them. To interrogate Maul, with Maul 's grief and reminded Maul that there could only be two and. Listening to the brim become known as Revan Maul warned him that if he to. He turned them off before dropping to one knee, but Kenobi caught him he. What was wrong born `` Maul '' before attaining the honor of the vision from his electronet and that... And despair but remained driven by thoughts of revenge against him saber, though for all their they. Been replaced Sidious bombarded Talzin with his new mechanical arm while Maul tempted Dooku to join growing., however, dismissed his feeling to Ezra when the young would-be Jedi clones... 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