prophecy of st john

“Breaking through all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between the two columns and moors it to the two columns; first to the one surmounted by the Host, and then to the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. The First Prophecy. The days fly by, your years will reach the destined number; but the great Queen will ever be your help, as in times past, so in the future She will always be the exceeding great fortress of the Church. “Now Heaven’s voice is addressed to the Shepherd of shepherds. I am currently attempting to find the original source of a prophecy attributed to St. John Bosco concerning the turn of the millennium, which is apparently related to his Dream of the Two Pillars.The prophecy seems to be genuine enough, having been quoted in Ted and Maureen Flynn's book Thunder of Justice (A213), and also appears to be connected to Don Bosco's prophetic dream "March … “The flagship commander – the Roman Pontiff [the Pope]- seeing the enemy’s fury and his auxiliary ships very grave predicament, summons his captains to a conference. He is most famous for his work with troubled, city-dwelling male youth who became disenfranchised following the Industrial Revolution, and who often ended up living a life of petty crime. The name St john Apostolic Faith Mission came was sent buy God and it has a meaning as Her first born was John and she was from the faith mission church before establishing her own. Prophecy of St. John of Kronstadt as given to him by St. Seraphim of Sarov The Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt recalled this vision which he had in January of 1901: After evening prayers I laid down to rest a little in my dimly lit cell since I was fatigued. At times, a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole in its hull, but immediately, a breeze from the two columns instantly seals the gash. “The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist” MosaicMural (left arch) The arch to the left of center shows St. John again in the River Jordan, portrayed as a river here in Puerto Rico. In the middle of the banner, in letters of gold, there was written the name of Him who is able to do all things. xvii-xx), and he endeavours to calculate according to it the remaining years of time. “The second time, I shall bring the massacre and the slaughter even to your very walls. They will be destroyed by you yourself. I want to punish immorality, the despising of, and the contempt for My Law, says the Lord. The enemy’s self-assurance wanes. “Observe absolute secrecy with the enemies of My holy name. As he entered St. Peter’s he intoned the “Te Deum” to which a choir of angels replied singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will.”. Suddenly there appeared in the heavens a very bright light that illuminated the steps of the travelers as though it was midday. “Some auxiliary ships, which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship, are the first to tie up at the two columns. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another takes his place. St John's apostolic church of prophecy. But the storm rages again. Beaked prows ram the flagship again and again, but to no avail, as, unscathed and undaunted, it keeps on it course. St. Don Bosco is also known for his many prophetic dreams which you can read about here. Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. In this midst of this endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance apart, soar high into the sky: one is surmounted by a statue of the Immaculate Virgin at whose feet a large inscription reads: Help of Christians; the other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a [Communion] Host of proportionate size and bears beneath it the inscription Salvation of believers. What shall I do? If you cannot untie the knots, cut them. French laws no longer recognize the Creator, but the Creator will make himself recognized and will visit her thrice with the rod of his wrath. Your idol, the Pantheon, will be burnt to ashes in order that this may come true: “violence, uttereth lies against me.” Your enemies will reduce you to want, to hunger, to fear, and will make you the abomination of nations. The scene symbolizes his ongoing mission as a sacrament of our church passed down through our own priests as ongoing conversion and baptism. “The power of the Lord is in His hands. You have reached such a height that you search no further. John was foreknown by the determinate council of God. However, as they discuss their strategy, a furious storm breaks out and they must return to their ships. Saints / Blesseds. At this point, something unexpected happens. “Breaking through all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between the two columns; first, to the one surmounted by the Host, and then the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. © The Catholic Company. Click Here for Article, © Standing at the helm, the Pope strains every muscle to steer his ship between the two columns from whose summits hang many anchors and strong hooks linked to chains. The battle rages ever more furious. “And then there came a furious storm which clouded that light somewhat and made it appear that light and darkness were engaged in battle. The birth of John was spoken of by an angel of the Lord. The Salesian Society still exists today and is the second largest religious order in the world, continuing St. Bosco’s mission of helping and educating poor and disenfranchised youth. “But the August Queen of Heaven is present. “The cities, the towns, and villages were thinly populated. The following comes from a letter written by Don Bosco to the emperor of Austria: “Thus says the Lord to the emperor of Austria: “Be of good cheer and look after My faithful servants and yourself. No Flesh Shall Stand – a song with a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit and sung by Jimmie Black. Enter into relations with Russia, but form no alliance. Remembering St. John Paul II and His Prophetic Warning to the … He wrote of the dream, “To see so many boys, from 12 to 18 years of age, all healthy, strong, intelligent, insect bitten, lacking spiritual and material food, was something that horrified me . I must by any available means prevent boys ending up here.”. Blame not your enemies, but rather your friends. The enemy’s self-assurance wanes. Many others, which had fearfully kept far away from the fight, stand still, cautiously waiting until the wrecked enemy ships vanish under the waves. In blind fury, the enemy takes to hand-to-hand combat, cursing and blaspheming. The enemy ships panic and disperse, colliding with and scuttling each other. He is instantly helped up but, struck down a second time, dies. It should also be stated that most everything related to this subject is almost always accompanied by some form of controversy or intense debate (for instance a significant number of very serious Catholics believe that the Third Secret of Fatima has never been fully … The time has come,” concluded the two angels, “when the poor shall evangelize the people. Get Ready for Jesus' Second Coming “A great shipwreck in faith will happen and many of My poor children will turn away from the truth” (5006) “Pray, People of God, a celestial body will take the Earth by surprise ... Category - St. John Bosco. If you find yourself hard pressed, do not give up but continue until the head of the hydra of error is cut off. The warrior with his men bowed and shook hands with the Venerable Old Man. December 28, 2020 26 views 0. January 31st is the feast day of St. John Bosco . Famine, pestilence, and war will be such that mothers will have to cry on account of the blood of their sons and of their martyrs dead in a hostile country. All together, become one in will and action. St. Malachys's Prophecy of the Popes, Explained Learn all about the 12th century prophecy that might just place Pope Francis as the final pope of all time. In my opinion, St. Bosco speaks here of France’s conquest by the German empire during World War II, the first of three chastisements sent to the country by God. Bosco formed a club of sorts for these boys called the “Oratory”. Below you will find commentaries and prophecies that deal with 'end time' events, from Catholic sources Apparitions, Popes, Saints, Priests, Theologians, Scholars, etc. At the time of Don Bosco’s death in 1888 there were 250 homes for boys founded by the Salesian Society containing 130,000 children; of these, over 6,000 became priests. At the final memorial service yesterday (Sunday, December 27th,2020), Senior Bishop G. H. Mupurua delivered a message of condolences from His Grace Arch Bishop B. P. Ramokoka, of St. John's Apostolic Church of Prophecy ( International Headquarters in Motllolo, North West Province, Republic of South Africa) to His Grace Arch Bishop PDK Tjijombo of St. John's Apostolic Faith Mission. Will out carry out My inscrutable design and become a benefactor of the world? Prophecy of St. Paul of the Cross Put your hope and trust in Me. And before two full moons of the month of flowers will have run their course, the rainbow of peace will rise above the earth. John Bosco (also called Don Bosco) was a Catholic priest who lived in Italy in the 19th century. St. Don Bosco, pray for us! Only two things can save us in such a grave hour: devotion to Mary and frequent Communion. ANOTHER MASSIVE CATEGORY 4 HURRICANE – JOSE! There will be deceit and falsehood among both the learned and the ignorant. Know you that this is the terrible two-edged sword that cuts down My enemies and breaks the Anger of God and of men? Do not believe the lies of whoever tells you otherwise. “These things must come one after another. A shout of victory rises from the enemy and wild rejoicing sweeps their ships. In the meantime they arrived at a little square covered with dead and wounded, some of whom cried aloud and asked for help. He scatters His enemies as a cloud. Superstorm Sandy Prophecies on St. John the Divine Cathedral – The building’s occult symbolism and its role in the United Nations’ efforts in pushing for a single world religion. Join forces with Catholic France; after France, you shall have Spain. It means that if we understand how to approach the other prophetic books of the Bible, we will have some idea how to approach and interpret t… Read the End Times prophecies of St. John Bosco. “Very many were dropping out of the line of procession. The Prophecy of the Popes (Latin: Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus, "Prophecy of Saint-Archbishop Malachy, concerning the Supreme Pontiffs") is a series of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which purport to predict the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few antipopes), beginning with Celestine II. They are the rubble on the highways and byways. I am the Savior of nations and sovereign. “But there will come a great warrior from the North carrying a banner and on the right hand that supports it is written: “The Irresistible Hand of the Lord.” At that very moment there went out to meet him the Venerable Old Man of Lazio, holding aloft a brilliantly glowing torch. “Ah, but you, Italy, land of blessings! Your enemies are dispersed. My wrath is now spilling over all the nations because they want to make people forget My laws, glorifying those who defile them and oppressing My faithful adherents. The enemy of the good does not stand idle one moment. The captains of the auxiliary ships elected him so quickly that the news of the Pope’s death coincides with that of his successor’s election. After having walked for a time that would correspond to two hundred risings of the sun they realized that they were no longer in Rome. Woe to you if My law shall still be considered as empty words. Nothing eludes God. Ungrateful Rome, effeminate Rome, proud Rome! Instead of arming yourself in the name of the Lord, you fortify with Houses of Immorality. In St. John's, MI Begins September 23 ... Bible Prophecy reveals events happening today that point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. Brass Band of St. John's Apostolic Faith Mission, under the tutelage of His Grace Arch Bishop PDK Tjijombo, at the memorial service of late Senior Bishop Kaura held earlier today. They bombard it with everything they have: books and pamphlets, incendiary bombs, firearms, cannons. For obvious reasons, many Catholics believe that this prophecy was fulfilled by elevation of Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla to the pontificate as Pope John Paul II in 1978. Fr. 2,924 likes. Ah, woe to you, if you do not recognize the hand that strikes you! January 31st is the feast day of St. John Bosco. Abhor the enemies of the Cross. War, pestilence and famine are the rods to scourge men’s pride and wickedness. “Meanwhile, enemy cannons blow up; firearms and beaks fall to pieces; ships crack up and sink to the bottom. John the Baptist was “foretold in the Old Testament Prophets” by Malachi and Isaiah. In the first visit he breaks her pride by conquest, plundering ruined harvest and butchery of men and beasts. Hanging before the icon of the Mother of God was my lit lampada. The land had been leveled down as if by a hurricane, by a tempest, and a hail storm. The other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a Host of proportionate size, and bears beneath it the inscription: ‘Salus credentium’ (‘Salvation of believers’). What we have suffered so far is almost nothing compared to what is going to happen. When finally he set foot in the Holy City, he wept bitter tears for the distress in which he found the people and the large number now missing. Men could no longer tell which way to take in order to return to their homes. Rely on the Northern Powers, but not on Prussia (Germany). Therefore I will make a fourth visit. The Venerable Old Man attires himself in all his ancient raiment. Why have you not, with the shield of faith, gone upon the housetops, into the homes, along the highways and byways, into every accessible corner to carry the seed of My word? Then, they too head for the two columns, tie up at the swinging hooks, and ride safe and tranquil beside their flagship. Paris! Wherever you go, continue and bring to an end the work entrusted to you. “It was a dark night. Amen.”. His most famous dream regards future troubles for the Church and is known as the Prophecy of the Two Columns. The entire enemy fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. O wealthy men, where is your glory now, your estates, your palaces? Is even now trampled underfoot as Footnotes click here for article, © 2018 - 2020 Holy -. 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