factors affecting the teaching of physical education in schools

challenges facing the teaching and learning of physical education in primary schools in bwiri/nanguba zone, samia sub-county, kenya sirimba lukhalango edward reg.no: e55/ce/22882/2010 a research project submitted to the school … Nevertheless, this study allows for an accurate indication of the nation's children's ability to meet the government's physical education recommendations in particular in state schools. All schools showed large reduction in physical education provision from Year 10 upwards, coinciding with GCSE and A-level exams. TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IS A BARRIER: AN IMPLICATION FOR FUTURE GENERATION, A CASE STUDY OF ADO METROPOLIS SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EKITI STATE, NIGERIA. Intern, Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport Exercise and Osteoarthritis, Academic Orthopaedics Trauma and Sports Medicine, School of Medicine, Floor C, West Block, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH. There were no collinearity problems with the model. 1017977 A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Education in Administration and Planning DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL … Current research, in the UK and worldwide, suggests that children are insufficiently active throughout the day. Open-plan classrooms are becoming increasingly popular in Australia, with some tentative evidence emerging that this layout may foster teacher collaboration and student group work. Greenfield, M. Almond, G.P. Swann and Graddol (1994) found that teachers tend to see boys as unruly and disruptive and are more likely to spend time telling them off than helping them with schoolwork. Schools had a slightly higher percentage of males than females (51%:49% of pupils). effective teaching: This study was aimed at investigating the problems affecting the effective teaching of physics practicals in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State and to suggest ways of improving the teaching of physics practical if possible.. Oyediran2 1Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria 2Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. are/not British Caucasian) (low <4%; medium and high ≥ 12%), urbanicity (urban/rural) and region (North/South) (determined using the Severn Wash line) (Ref. . Also, provision of timetabled physical education in schools reduced dramatically from Year 10 and was very low for Years 12–13, with the majority of schools not meeting the government's recommendations for physical education provision for these older year groups. Teachers are implored to adopt and integrate ICT into teaching and learning activities, but teachers’ preparedness to integrate ICT into teaching determines the effectiveness of the technology and not by its sheer existence in the classroom. This study showed that the school that children attend affects physical education provision during the school day. Factors contributing to ineffective teaching and learning in primary schools: Why are schools in decadence? The school-level data were used to investigate the association between school provision of physical education during school hours, adjusted for free school meal status, ethnic mix, urbanicity (urban/rural), region (North/South) and school location deprivation, as well as whether schools met the physical education guidelines. Greenfield, E-mail: Search for other works by this author on: Course Director for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Which domains of childhood physical activity predict physical activity in adulthood? teacher training have been cited as school based factors (Digolo, 2003; Eshiwani, 1993). FACTORS AFFECTING THE TEACHING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS: A CASE OF SELECTED SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KALULUSHI AND KITWE DISTRICTS OF ZAMBIA. . 0 , v„*oe, a … The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that influence secondary school Physical Education (PE) teachers’ selection of teaching styles during key stage three (KS3) lessons. … Background: Attitudes towards physical activity are largely developed during childhood meaning that school physical education classes can have a strong influence. Knowledge, attitudes and anxiety toward COVID-19 among domestic and overseas Chinese college students, Complex differences in infection rates between ethnic groups in Scotland: a retrospective, national census-linked cohort study of 1.65 million cases, Cross-regional variations of Covid-19 mortality in Italy: an ecological study, Trend of the mortality of major liver diseases and its impact on life expectancy in China from 2006 to 2017, Secondary attack rate in household contacts of COVID-19 Paediatric index cases: a study from Western India, About the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom, http://data.gov.uk/dataset/pe-and-sport-survey-2009-10, Supplementary data are available at PUBMED online, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/schools-pupils-and-their-characteristics-january-2013, http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/corporate/statistics/indices2010, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, High and low exercisers among 14- and 15-year-old children, Preparing and sharing food: a quantitative analysis of a primary school-based food intervention, Primary prevention of type-2 diabetes and heart disease: action research in secondary schools serving an ethnically diverse UK population. . IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) Volume 1, Issue 1 (Sep.- Oct, Action of Essential Oils Obtained from Baccharis coridifolia D. C. (Asteraceae-Astereae) on the Activity of Antibiotics, Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners, Barriers to providing physical education and physical activity in Victorian state secondary schools, The shape of physical education, health & wellness programs in high-need middle schools, Covert shifts of attention function as an implicit aid to insight. Indexed and Abstracted ISSN 2045-8460 (Online) African Journal of Education and Technology ISSN 2045-8452 (Print) Volume 1 Number 2 (2011), pp. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. The mean number of minutes of timetabled physical education per week was calculated for each year group by sex (Fig. These findings should add to the evidence to investigate schools' PA provision for adolescences and investigate ways, whether voluntary or legislative, to increase provision. During school kids can have many factors affecting their education. Gordon-Larsen P, Nelson MC, Page P et al. The existing studies on physical environments in Australian schools focus on quality of classrooms, working in open-plan spaces, outdoor working spaces, and the use of audio assistance within the classroom. ABSTRACT. One of the main factors is their physical health. FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROVISION OF QUALITY EDUCATION IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN CENTRAL EQUATORIA STATE, JUBA COUNTY SOUTH SUDAN MARTIN LOKU Mö DI Reg. factors, and teachers’ factors have serious influence on students’ academic performance. These data were used to determine the percentage of schools meeting the schools physical education guidelines (i.e. that this thesis does not incorporate without acknowledgment any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any institution of higher education; and to the best . Factors affecting Teaching Related to: Teacher, Learner, Support material, Instructional facilities, Learning environment and Institution. This has been shown to be more widespread across the female population than for males,5,10 with age having a further negative effect on PA levels.11,12 The Health Survey for England from 2008 shows that only 14% of females and 28% of males undertook at least 60 min of PA per day;13,14 and other recent research indicates that as much as 50% of children do not adhere to these recommendations.10,15,16 Furthermore, a recent editorial17 outlined the importance of physical education in schools for promoting of an active lifestyle, stating that schools need to place a greater emphasis on its importance. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Faculty of Public Health. *** Majida Khatoon, Principal, School Education Department, Punjab. Punishments or explanations are assigned on this cause. This difference may be explained by school catchment areas in England, which, particularly for secondary schools, can be very large; thus, the school location is not necessarily a close reflection of the pupils' residential deprivation scores.41 However, it should be noted that the regression model showed that these factors had only a small impact on physical education provision (in absolute minutes per week), implying that other factors were more influential. All rights reserved. Access to a quality education Despite the initiative during independence to rapidly expand education opportunities, the demand for education was still greater than the supply. The Health Survey for England 200813,14 states that habitual PA levels of children are higher in males than in females,42,43 which is similar to the results in this study for secondary school pupils with respect to physical education. Going to school and learning are among the most important tasks that children between the ages of 5 and 18 engage in. Review of Literature . Results from a cross sectional survey using objective measurements of physical activity, Physical education makes you fit and healthy. affluent area), Number (%) of schools in an area of medium deprivation, Number (%) of schools in an area of high deprivation, Copyright © 2021 Faculty of Public Health. This can cause confusion and unfamiliarity among these teachers… Sallis JF, McKenzie TL, Kolody B et al. This is particularly noticeable during the latter school years where more pressure is placed on adolescents to achieve good results in their exams; interestingly, this is somewhat contradictory to some recent research38,39 suggesting a positive relationship between PA and academic performance. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to highlight the important factors. School-level data were collected from the majority of primary and secondary schools in England across all year groups (Years 1–13). 45- 51 ww.sachajournals.com THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE STUDENTS’ … Keywords: School environment, physical education, primary school. The attitudes of teachers towards technology greatly influence their adoption and integration of computers into their teaching. BY MUBANGA KAITE A dissertation submitted to the University of Zambia in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the award of degree of Master of Education (Sociology of Education) Having taken a close examination of issues relating to business education right from the colonial days when business education suffered in the hands of the colonial masters when the teaching of business education … Thomas and Martin (1996) argue, “those who work in school as teachers and associate staff, school premises, furniture, books and premises Differences in physical education were found in relation to school type, socioeconomic status and geographical factors. Twenty-four experts in medical education participated in the study from all medical universities of Iran. Summary of linear regression results showing the influence of school type, socioeconomic and geographical factors on a pupil’s likelihood to reach the target number of minutes of physical education per week. A national education system is often defined from the point of view of the formal education system. Digital technology is widely available in schools; however, results from international studies indicate that they are not effective toward students’ educational achievement. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 1. Data were also collected on the following: the Index of Multiple Deprivation35,36 of the school location (low <13; medium and high ≥26), percentage of children eligible for free school meals (low <7%; medium and high ≥ 20%), ethnic minority background (i.e. A review of the global situation of physical education in schools, World-wide survey of the state and status of school Physical Education, The contribution of Sport and Physical activity towards the achievement of community health objectives. . Age-related differences in compliance with … Physical education's contribution to young people's physical activity levels, Physical activity, lesson context and teacher behaviours within the revised english national curriculum for physical education: a case study of one school, Factors associated with adolescent physical activity during middle school physical education: a one-year case study, Relation of school environment and policy to adolescent physical activity, Associations between the school environment and adolescent females’ physical activity, Contribution of school programmes to physical activity levels and attitudes in children and adults, Activity compensation and activity synergy in British 8–13 year olds, A systematic review of controlled trials of interventions to prevent childhood obesity and overweight: a realistic synthesis of the evidence, Department for Communities and Local Government, UK indices of multiple deprivation – a way to make comparisons across constituent countries easier, Trends in mortality from 1965 to 2008 across the English north-south divide: comparative observational study, Physical activity and performance at school, Socio-economic differences in cardiovascular disease and physical activity: stereotypes and reality. One can get too stressed and they can stop eating and if people don’t eat they don’t perform well in school. Under this group are included such factors as health, physical development, nutrition, visual and physical defects, and… The main aim was to discover what Kenyan PE teachers could learn from their Victorian counterparts. The Ministry of Education should supervise school practices to align them with the demands of children in the twenty first century. Nonetheless, physical education time is reduced substantially with age, which has been reported elsewhere.44–49 It is questionable whether physical education time is shortened to allow more time for students' examinable subjects, besides those who choose to do a GCSE or A level in physical education, as schools have league tables and need to compete for high rankings. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROVISION OF QUALITY EDUCATION IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN CENTRAL EQUATORIA STATE, JUBA COUNTY SOUTH SUDAN MARTIN LOKU Mö DI Reg. The strengths of this study are that the analyses were based on a substantial national data set with excellent response rates for state schools in England, at the top end of previous similar studies,32,52,53 and those data were collected using validated questionnaires. . This study was supported financially by the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis (Grant reference 20194) through the Internship Scheme; University of Nottingham; Economic and Social Research Council and the Medical Research Council. Sedentary behaviour has been shown to be a better predictor of the development of physical inactivity-related diseases, such as obesity and heart disease,16 than PA, and such methods should be considered as a favourable alternative in future research for assessing a child's time spent active versus inactive. Physical education in secondary schools February 2012 1 Summary In ‘Creating an Active Wales’ (Welsh Government 2009) the Welsh Government identified well-delivered and appropriately designed physical education programmes, complemented by a range of school-based activities, as critical factors in helping These data were categorized into whether each school met the guidelines (120 min or more of timetabled physical education per week) or not. Abstract: This study examines school factors affecting the teaching and learning of business education studies. Aaron DJ, Stortt KL, Robertson RJ et al. Its well-known fact and based on various study to examine the direct and indirect effects of factors affecting the learning process or teaching significant evidence was provided that the learning process and teaching … following factors: Physical Education teaching objective, content of curriculum, Physical Education teachers, teaching period and facilities and equipment in schools. A new Hamilton Project data interactive, “Chronic Absence: School and Community Factors,” examines the factors that affect learning at local elementary, middle, and high schools … Others are … . Factors Affecting Technology Integration in the Classroom Shonta Harrell and Yvette Bynum Alabama State University and The University of Alabama Abstract Technology is an integral part of our everyday lives. It is, as far as the authors are aware, the most comprehensive study to examine physical education provision across England. van Mechelen W, Twisk JW, Post GB et al. Is overweight and obesity in 9–10-year-old children in Liverpool related to deprivation and/or electoral ward when based on school attended? This association was true for males (P = 0.024); schools located in the South (P < 0.001; 95% CI 2 to 3) and rural areas (P < 0.001; 95% CI 3 to 5); or with a higher percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals (P < 0.001; 95% CI 3 to 4). Forty-two per cent of schools had a high percentage of pupils from ethnic minorities and 33% had a high percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals. No statistically significant differences are apparent between genders during primary school years (Years 1–6; P > 0.05). Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport 2 hour paper, 105 marks, multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions. . This study will contribute to … Mean number (standard deviation) of pupils per school, Number (%) of schools with a low ethnic mix (high proportion white pupils), Number (%) of schools with a medium ethnic mix, Number (%) of schools with a high ethnic mix, Number (%) of schools with a low percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals, Number (%) of schools with a medium percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals, Number (%) of schools with a high percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals, Number (%) of schools located in the North, Number (%) of schools located in the South, Number (%) of schools in an area of low deprivation (i.e. . The majority (83%) of schools met the guidelines for physical education provision (two or more hours per week); see Fig. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Factors affecting the teaching of physical education in secondary schools: a case of selected secondary schools in Kalulushi and Kitwe districts of … . N0. hastipe@mail.auburn.edu This study describes the changes which occurred in the instructional ecology of a boys' physical education class with a change of teacher. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com. It may be that low activity levels in school are compensated for during leisure time. Clarke, K.L. The percentage of pupils from ethnic minorities was negatively associated with physical education minutes (schools with more children from ethnic minorities offered less physical education), as was the location of the school (the more deprived the area, the less the level of physical education). Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. ABSTRACT : The study examined Teaching Physical Education in Nigerian Secondary Schools … Education quality was hindered by teacher shortages, infrastructural pressure and economic crisis in the past decade. Socioeconomic factors, such as family income level, … JPUHS, Vol.30, No.1, January - June, 2017 12 about positive changes in educational field, monitoring teams, secretary‘s visits, other departmental visits are purely meant to check students‘ as well as teachers‘ attendance. Factors affecting ICT integration in the Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in South Africa: A Case of Johannesburg East Cluster Primary Schools in the Gauteng Province Balume Amstrong Dube 1, Edmore Nhamo , Simbabrashe Magonde1 1 Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe Abstract Background: The adoption … The Physical Education and Sport Survey (2009/10) collected data from a total of 21 515 schools encompassing 98% of all state schools in England.9 These data represent 6.5 million children, roughly 9% of pupils from Years 1–11 and 3% of pupils staying on for A-level study (in Years 12 and 13). Abstract: This study examines school factors affecting the teaching and learning of business education studies. November 3, 2017 . 37; number of pupils by year group). Children's lifestyles pose ‘unacceptable’ cardiovascular risk, warns charity, Healthier benefits of physical activity: the evidence. Persistent socio-demographic differences in physical activity among scottish schoolchildren 1990–2002, Sociodemographic, developmental, environmental, and psychological correlates of physical activity and sedentary behavior at age 11 to 12, Inequality in the built environment underlies key health disparities in physical activity and obesity, Variation in physical activity lies with the child, not his environment: evidence for an ‘activitystat’ in young children (EarlyBird 16), Sociodemographic differences in patterns of sedentary and physically active behavior in older children and adolescents, Rural–urban differences in physical activity, physical fitness, and overweight prevalence of children, Greenspace and children's physical activity: a GPS/GIS analysis of the PEACH project, Trends in physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adolescence: ethnic and socioeconomic differences, The school effect on children's school time physical activity: the peach project, Do children from an inner city British school meet the recommended levels of physical activity? Trayers T, Cooper AR, Riddoch CJ et al. This study is the first of its kind (to the authors' knowledge) which covers a nationwide set of schools in this manner. A 20-Year prospective tracking study, Childhood and adolescent predictors of leisure time physical activity during the transition from adolescence to adulthood: a population based cohort study, Longitudinal study of the number and choice of leisure time physical activities from mid to late adolescence: implications for school curricula and community recreation programs, Physical education's role in public health, The educational benefits for physical education and school sport: an academic review, Effects of a health-related physical education on academic achievement: Project SPARK, How active are our children? Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 19. In secondary schools (high school and middle school), in which teachers are expected to teach a particular subject and be an expert in it -- administrators will often place these teachers in unfamiliar subjects. Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Female Students at Higher Education in Ethiopia By Aemiro Tenaw Debre Markos University Abstract-Education is one of the social factors whereby gender disparity is reflected. Teachers need to realise the potential of digital technology in their daily practises and use them well. Methods: National level data of school pupils (n = 21 515) in England were analysed to examine the association between school provision of physical education with sex, age, geographic and socioeconomic factors. Children attending independent schools had more scheduled physical education time (P < 0.001; 95% confidence interval (CI) 18 to 30 extra min per week). Political Factors Affecting Education. . The multiple linear regression model showed a modest predictive power (R2 = 0.017) (P < 0.001) (see Table 2). Methodology of Instructions. Author information: (1)Department of Health and Human Performance, Auburn University, USA. J.R.F. A linear regression model was built, with total school physical education minutes per week as the outcome and percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals, ethnic mix, urban/rural, region and school area deprivation as predictor variables. The hypotheses formulated for the study were:- FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN SOUTHWEST, NIGERIA Oladebinu Tokunbo Olufemi1, Amos Adekunle Adediran (Ph.D)1 and Dr. W.O. There are a variety of factors that influence classroom teaching. The scope of this study is on impact of environment factors on effective teaching and learning of physical education in Lagos state, delimited to secondary schools Lagos Education District(IV). Do 9- to 12 year-old children meet existing physical activity recommendations for health? You are currently offline. Given we suspect that PA habits developed during childhood continue into adulthood,2,3,50 these differences between children could have long-term health, social and economic implications. There is a current push for inclusionary schools in order to provide quality education for students with physical and mental disabilities. Recent Factors affecting Education in Zimbabwe. Factors that Impact Teaching & Learning Our focus for the 2016-17 school year will be to improve student success by building professional capacity with teachers and principals; developing and implementing systemic and systematic processes that impact the teaching … Boreham C, Twisk J, van Mechelen W et al. . The authors note that school provision of physical education is not equivalent to actual school-day PA: children may miss a class; part of a lesson inherently includes some non-active time, such as changing or receiving instruction or feedback28,29 (which could exceed time for PA in physical education lessons) and PA during non-timetabled school day activities are excluded. Wilkin TJ, Mallam KM, Metcalf BS et al. I . Summary of mean minutes and standard deviation (error bars) of timetabled physical activity per week by year group and sex. Education provides individual children with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance themselves and their nation economically. From Years 7 through 12, however, males average significantly more minutes of physical education per week than females (P < 0.05), but absolute mean differences are <5 min per week. More needs to be done to enable our teenagers to be more active during the school day and therefore promote good health and well-being, which will have benefits in the long term. This study adds to the evidence regarding school physical education provision, utilizing a national data set. Brodersen NH, Steptoe A, Williamson S et al. Griffiths LJ, Cortina-Borja M, Sera F et al. Adolescents in all types of school were worryingly short-changed on PA provision, possibly encouraging poor attitudes towards PA; the repercussions of which may bring about higher chances of compromised health in later life. factors influencing the level of learners participation in physical education, sports and games in secondary schools: a case of nyeri central district '' by charles ngechu rimbogi" r f s * ; ? The study was qualitative. N0. Decline of physical activity from youth to young adulthood in Finland, Physical activity of young people: the Amsterdam Longitudinal Growth and Health Study, Attitude to physical education and participation in organized youth sports during adolescence related to physical activity in young adulthood: a 10-year longitudinal study, Physical activity among adolescents and barriers to delivering physical education in cornwall and lancashire, UK: a qualitative study of heads of pe and heads of schools, Social influences in sports activity among adolescents. FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF PHYSICAL HEALTH EDUCATION STUDENTS IN JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL. These include limited indoor space, poorly-equipped gymasia, unsuitable changing facilities, and badly-drained or poorly … Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Taylor WC et al. . © The Author 2015. 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