cutthroat trout facts

Dry or wet flies fished off inlet streams work well. Did you know that: The cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki, is a member of the Salmonidae family of ray-finned fish. The cutthroat can be identified by its typical orange marks along the undersides of their mandibles at the lower folding of the gill plate area. The color of the body ranges from cadmium blue and silvery to olive green and yellowish-green depending on the species. They’re also part of the Western Native Trout Challenge. Advances in genetics in the 1960s led scientists to split the subspecies into two again, restoring the name bouvieri to the Yellowstone subspecies and coining the term westslope for the other. Aerial Stocking. Some coastal populations of the coastal cutthroat trout (O. c. clarkii) are semianadromous, spending a few m… The names of many legendary fishing spots in Yellowstone National Park—Buffalo Ford, the Lamar Valley, the meadows of Slough Creek—are synonymous with big, native Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri) that will rise to a dry fly on a summer day. YCT prefer cold, clear, oxygenated water with a gravel substrate and little sediment. Resident coastal cutthroat trout are one of three subspecies of cutthroat trout that occur in Washington and one of the two that are native. The westslope cutthroat trout is the official state fish for the state of Montana. The Yellowstone cutthroat trout was originally given the Latin name Salmo bouvierii, after a U.S Army captain, in 1883. Paiute Cutthroat Trout have hybridized with introduced rainbow trout and Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, resulting in a loss of distinctiveness of this subspecies in many areas (U.S. Spurred by the decline of Yellowstone cutthroat trout across its historical range, many private/public partnerships have formed to protect the YCT that remain and reestablish populations that have disappeared. Sea-run cutthroat can be taken in fresh water in the spring or during the fall when they enter fresh water to overwinter. But by 2007, that number had fallen to just 538. Cutthroat trout are native to western North America and have evolved through geographic isolation into 14 subspecies, each native to a different major drainage basin. Their appeal is that they can be found in nearly any freshwater habitat. Spawning occurs in spring and early summer, usually after peak runoff, and the emerging fry may begin migrating immediately. it was one of the last pure bred Yellowstone Cutthroat I have caught on that section from the Hansen bridge to the Twin falls down. Based on field identification, 48… Yellowstone cutthroats demonstrate three life-history patterns: resident, fluvial, and adfluvial. Good YCT habitat also includes complex cover, such as undercut banks and in-stream woody debris. Westslope Cutthroat Trout is a trout with small, non-rounded spots, with few spots on the anterior body below the lateral line. Anglers dream of such places because they combine much of what we love about the sport: that it takes us to where we can experience true wilderness and natural beauty and that it allows us to match wits with a game fish on its home turf, in the very waters where it evolved over tens of thousands of years. Occasionally, they grow larger than 18 inches, but often times they are smaller in size due to their natural habitat and life expectancy. There are lots of fun facts about cutthroat trout. Lahontan cutthroat trout inhabit a wide range of habitats from cold, high-elevation mountain streams in California to lower-elevation and highly alkaline desert lakes in Nevada. the fish was 30 and 5/8 in Long and I was fishing with Robert Packard. The coastals have dark green backs with olive sides and silver bellies along with numerous irregular spotting over their entire body, including below the lateral … Cutthroat trout vary widely in size, coloration, and habitats. Though their coloration can … Cutthroat trout, (Oncorhynchus clarki), black-spotted game fish, family Salmonidae, of western North America named for the bright-red streaks of colour beneath the lower jaws. A particularly pretty westslope cutthroat trout from British Columbia (photo: Chad Shmukler). A muddler minnow on a fast sinking line fished along shores with submerged cover is a sure bet. As a member of the genus Oncorhynchus, it is one of the Pacific trout, a group that includes the widely distributed rainbow trout. Cutthroat trout vary widely in size, coloration, and habitats. Resident fish spend their entire lives in on stretch of a stream, usually in headwater streams and those that have been isolated. Later, however, taxonomists lumped the YCT and what we now call the westslope cutthroat into a single subspecies, Salmo clarkii lewisii—named for the great explorers Lewis and Clark, whose Corps of Discovery first encountered cutthroat trout on the Missouri River in 1805. Fluvial YCT spend most of their lives in the main stem of a river but migrate up tributaries to spawn, and adfluvial fish live in lakes and move to tributaries or outlet streams to spawn. As they progress into fingerlings they feed on small insects, and crustaceans. Since 1856. Hatcheries in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho raise YCT to supplement wild stocks and to reintroduce the subspecies to waters where it has been extirpated. This includes sizeable swaths of southern Montana, northwestern Wyoming, southeaster Idaho, and extends just a bit into northern Utah and Nevada, as well. Wikipedia, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Animal Diversity Web,,, Advertising   |   Contact Us   |   Privacy Policy. Nope, not yet! (Behnke, 1992). However, in August 2016, an Idaho woman landed a 28-inch, 8- to 10-pound fish on the South Fork of the Snake River, which probably one of the largest Yellowstones ever recorded. The do however occur both east and west of the Continental Divide.Average 8-12 inches. They provide an important source of food for an estimated 20 species of birds, and mammals including bears, river otters, and mink. All State Fish. As adults, different populations and subspecies of cutthroat can range from 6–40 inches (15–100 cm) in length making size an ineffective indicator as to species. Although the greenback cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki stomias has been the focus of conservation efforts for more than half a century—starting when the once-lost species was “rediscovered” in a remote part of Rocky Mountain National Park—a series of genetic studies in the 2000’s produced some blockbuster findings that threw all previous work into question. The cutthroat trout stocked in Kentucky were surplus Yellowstone strain cutthroat trout, spawned and raised up to stocking size at the Norfork National Fish Hatchery in Arkansas. The Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis), a member of the family Salmonidae, is found in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado in tributaries of the Rio Grande.. The introduction of nonnative trout species—resulting in increased competition an… A tandem rig featuring a terrestrial or attractor pattern trailing an emerger can be deadly. Because O. clarkii is such a widespread species it occupies many different habitats. Inside Yellowstone National Park, native cutthroat trout are an important prey source for critters such as bears, otters, and mink. Copyright © 2021 Charter Fishing Directory. Fact Sheet - Cutthroat Trout Author: Erica Pohnan, Brianne Smith, Peter Nelson, Marcia Lesky Subject: Your Lands, Your Wildlife Fact Sheet - Cutthroat Trout Keywords: YLYW, Cutthroat, trout, fish, salmon, Your Lands, Your Wildlife Created Date: 8/6/2008 10:45:47 AM These fluvial and adfluvial populations are most at risk from habitat fragmentation, in which the spawning waters are cut off by roads, culverts, and other obstacles. It is one of 14 subspecies of cutthroat trout native to the western United States, and is the state fish of New Mexico. River and stream habitat is by far the most common habitat for all cutthroat trout subspecies. Fish Facts: Colorado River Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhyncus clarkii pleuriticus) - Orvis News. They occur from mountainous streams in the Cascade, Rocky, and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges to the ocean. Description. There is also an anadromous, or ‘sea-run’ coastal cutthroat. Because sea-run cutthroat smolt are large, they are often confused with mature, catchable fish and some runs have been depleted by overfishing the smolt run. These projects benefit fish and landowners, as clean water and reduced erosion protect fish and agriculture. Climate change is contracting the suitable habitat for Yellowstone cutthroat trout toward higher elevations, which remain the current stronghold for the species. Cutthroat trout habitats range from coastal marine to freshwater rivers and streams with gravel substrates (Behnke, 1992). They’re the subject of massive conservation efforts, with restoration work happening from Soda Butte Creek … Depending on habitat and food availability, Yellowstone cutthroats can range from a few inches long to well over 20. As fry they feed on small crustaceans and algae. These “cuts” are what give this trout it’s name. They stay close to the bottom of deep pools or sloughs, and gear must be fished close to the bottom to ensure a hit. The rugged topography of their range has lead to isolation, which in turn has given rise to fourteen recognized subspecies. With winter finally here, you might have thought we were done with new record fish for a while. All Rights Reserved. The record size cutthroat trout of any subspecies was a Lahontan caught in Pyramid Lake weighing 41 lb (18.6 kg), although anecdotal and photographic evidence exists of even larger fish from this lake. Native cutthroat trout species are found along the Pacific Northwest coast from Alaska through British Columbia into northern California, in the Cascade Range, the Great Basin and throughout the Rocky Mountains including southern Alberta. Though their coloration can range from golden to gray to green on the back, depending on subspecies and habitat, all populations feature distinctive red, pink, or orange marks on the underside of the lower jaw; usually the easiest diagnostic of the species for the casual observer. Illegal introduction of Lake Trout by amateur “bucket biologists” sometime in the 1980s caused a massive crash in the cutthroat population, which threatened the entire ecosystem that depends on the fish. Conservation of YCT in a warming climate requires prioritizing these high-elevation refuges. Brown trout are one of the most genetically diverse vertebrates known. Physical description. There are several subspecies of cutthroat trout that vary greatly in appearance and live in a variety of habitats. The most diverse trout species in North America, the historical distribution of cutthroat trout covers the broadest range of any stream dwelling trout in the Western Hemisphere. Cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki) was designated the official state fish of Wyoming in 1987. These fish are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine … if the health of a river begins to degrade they are often the first fish to go. Native to the western part of North America, cutthroat trout are named for an orange mark behind the lower jaw. It strikes at flies, baits, and lures and is considered a good table fish. The Lahontan cutthroat trout is endemic or native to the Lahontan basin of northern Nevada , eastern California , and southern Oregon. During their migrations, they are caught in their home stream estuary or bays and salt chucks in the vicinity. The coloration between the various subspecies can differ quite drastically, however most can easily be distinguished from other trout species such as the brook or brown, by the type of spots and yellow and reddish coloration of the fish overall. Your email address will not be published. At three years old, they are ready to spawn, and YCT can live up to eleven years. Their range also extends inland where they can be found on most waterways with linkages to their western range along the Pacific coast (Trotter, 1987). The diversity in habitat also leads to a diversity in the elevations in which the species can be found. Often they are caught when fishing for steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). More than 20 years of gill-netting, as well as catch-and-kill regulations, have allowed the cutthroat population to rebound somewhat, with Clear Creek seeing more than 700 fish in 2016, and biologists are feeling hopeful of further recovery. Resident cutthroat can be caught with spinners, or spoons fished deep in pools or along lake shorelines, especially where there is abundant submerged debris. Yellowstone cutthroats are less pisciverous than other trout species, feeding more on insects and other invertebrates, which makes Yellowstones more likely to eat dry flies. Human history. just to think I released a world record Yellowstone Cutthroat on the Snake River at Twin Falls Dam. Your email address will not be published. Recent genetic work on museum and extant populations however suggests that in fact the true native cutthroat of the South Platte basin (and heir to the name greenback cutthroat trout), can be found in only a single stream outside their native range. The YCT is also one of the four subspecies of cutthroats that make up the Wyoming Cutt-Slam, the Utah Cutthroat Slam, and the Nevada Native Fish Slam programs. Adequate stream flow is another essential component in promoting resilience to climate change, and partnerships among water users, and public and private contributors will be essential. If you’ve ever fished one of Colorado’s magnificent alpine lakes, you were probably … Cutthroat trout are popular gamefish, especially among anglers Yellowstone cutthroat trout were the nation's first fish species to be identified as cutthroat trout - the first of now 14 recognized subspecies to be described as "cutthroat" because of their orange to crimson slashes underneath the jaw. Currently the only remaining genetically pure native westslope cutthroat trout are found in about 600 miles of Missouri River tributaries. Westslope Cutthroat Trout 101 The average size of a pure Westslope Cutthroat ranges from 6-18 inches. In 1844, there were 11 lake dwelling populations of Lahontan cutthroat trout and 400 to 600 steam dwelling populations in over 3,600 miles of streams within the major basins of Lake Lahontan . The other native is the westslope. But coastal cutthroat have complex life histories, and not all fish are anadromous. Juveniles and adults become opportunistic feeders, eating almost any prey item in their environment (Behnke, 1992). Cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii, are widely distributed along the western coast of North America. The original range of the Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) includes the Yellowstone River drainage upstream of the Tongue River, the Snake River drainage upstream of Shoshone Falls. Keeping streams healthy, with functioning, protected areas of streamside vegetation, is among the activities that will increase the resilience of individual populations. Cutthroat trout are aggressive feeders and will hit almost any lure, spinner, or fly. A cutthroat trout's diet changes as they progress through the life stages. The Westslope Cutthroat Trout, in addition to being an extremely beautiful and lively fish, is a remarkable indicator of water cleanliness and stream health. If the fish won’t come to the surface, try a double-nymph rig or a small streamer, such as a Woolly Bugger or Zuddler. Q: What do cutthroat trout eat?A: Inland cutthroat trout diet includes insects and small fish while the coastal variety eats shrimp, sandworms, squid, as well as small fish.Q: How do you identify cutthroat trout?A: Cutthroat trout have a yellow, orange or red streak in the skin fold on each side of the body and under the lower jaw. Streams and rivers are characterized by clear running water that is often mountain fed with high visibility, is well oxygenated and moving from a slow running to moderately … So prolific was the habitat that more than 70,000 YCT were counted at the mouth of a single feeder stream, Clear Creek, in 1978 alone. New Mexico State Fish : Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout. They are known to eat other fishes, crustaceans, and insects (Morrow, 1980). Conservation NGOs and private companies like Orvis are also valued partners, as they can contribute grant funds, educate the public, and many contribute labor to conservation projects. Fish and Wildlife Service 1985a). Large trophy-class cutthroat are best caught by trolling off steep shorelines of landlocked lakes. Login. The key to thriving populations of Yellowstone cutthroats in the Yellowstone River drainage is the incredible fecundity of Yellowstone Lake and its many spawning tributaries. The introduction of nonnative trout species—resulting in increased competition and hybridization—and loss of habitat through development and fragmentation have reduced the number of river miles inhabited by YCT to less than 45 percent of historic norms (from approximately 17,400 river miles to just 7,500). Ranchers and state and federal agencies regularly team to protect and restore streams damaged by incompatible farming and grazing practices. The original range of the Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) includes the Yellowstone River drainage upstream of the Tongue River, the Snake River drainage upstream of Shoshone Falls. The westslope cutthroat trout got its name from being first described west of the Continental Divide. Copyright 2021, The Orvis Company Inc. A single laker can eat 41 cutthroats per year, and because they live in deep water, lake trout are difficult to eradicate. The cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) is a fish species of the family Salmonidae native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountains, and Great Basin in North America. Conversely, Westslope cutthroat trout have disappeared in 94% of their native range on the east side of the Continental Divide. Cutthroat trout are either yellow or silver in color and have small, black spots on their bodies and fins. In truth, Yellowstone cutthroats are neither the wariest nor the hardest-fighting trout in the West, but they are beautiful, willingly eat flies of all kinds, and inhabit crystal-clear streams in the midst of some incredible landscapes. In 2015, 136 fish were sampled downstream of the Lamar River bridge. The Lahontan cutthroats of Pyramid and Walker Lakes were of … They are an important species in Yellowstone National Park, upon which many other species depend. They can be found as far north as Alaska’s Prince William Sound and as far south as California’s Eel River (Willers, 1991). Below the lateral line coastal cutthroat trout 101 the average size of a,... Also leads to a diversity in habitat also includes complex cover, such as undercut banks and in-stream debris!, baits, and lures and is considered a good table fish subspecies of cutthroat trout are found in 600. 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