“The Mindful Drinking Movement” or “The Global Sober Revolution” is happening. We started out by supporting people who want to reduce their alcohol consumption, whether to moderate their habits, or quit alcohol completely. Café Soirée (alcohol-free Espresso Martini), Ingredients30ml Lyre’s White Cane Spirit30ml Lyre’s Coffee Originale30ml SOLO Coffee Concentrate10ml coconut syrup and dried coconut to garnish. Then add ice to the shaker and give it a good shake before straining into your Coupette (or any stemmed glass). From low-alcohol craft beer to alcohol-free spirits such as Seedlip, a whole generation are getting high on life – rather than head-banging ABVs. Despite decades of sexy alcohol ads that frame whisky, gin and vodka as ‘the ultimate way to have a good time’, sobriety is on the rise. It also means to understand “why” one is drinking so that a conscious decision can be made. Ingredients50ml Three Spirits Livener (non-alcoholic spirit)Top with Heyday Yerba Mate Sparkling Soda2 lemon wheels, 2 slices of cucumber and a sprig of mint to garnish. Mindful drinking is about becoming aware of your drinking habits and changing them for the better. Everyone has a different motivation for drinking alcohol and the same is true for not drinking. There seems to be a great shift in consciousness … With our help, tens of thousands of people around the world have discovered a better life by moderating or quitting drinking. Willoughby describes the term mindful drinking in the way the LGBTQ movement uses “queer”: as an umbrella term for a range of sexual orientations and gender identities. Club Soda’s eighth Mindful Drinking Festival will move online as COVID continues to affect real-world events. Benefits of cutting down or cutting out alcohol, Explore sober curious and mindful drinking, What people say about our workplace wellness programme. © 2020 Drinkaware – All rights reserved. So what exactly is Mindful Drinking? If you’ve shaken it enough and the dilution balance is right, you should have a beautiful silky texture and foamy head on the top of the cocktail, to which you can add your dried Coconut garnish to finish, et voila! What both have in common is that people who choose to go alcohol-free or drink in a more mindful way make the change to improve physical and/or mental health. More delicious cocktails, less hangovers. Mindful drinking can be edgy, kicking people out of their comfort zones. And longer term, you will definitely have more money in your bank – and more friends, because the mindful drinking community is fab, with so much support and so many interesting events. ), especially among younger generations. A fifth of Britons stated they are teetotal, that’s 10.4 million people abstaining from alcohol, and millions more … For some, the wake-up call could be a relationship problem. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Like World Without Wine, and One Year No Beer, Club Soda offers support to drinkers who want to stop overdoing it. It’s a global movement of people that care what they drink and how it impacts their wellbeing – with a goal to drink better and live well. Be empowered that this a decision only you can make for yourself and others should accept that. What advice would you give to those thinking of cutting down drinking? A new report from Drinks Retailer News, the ‘Buyer’s guide to mindful drinking’, says the mindful drinking movement is gathering pace which could be seen as an ‘impending disaster’ for the drinks industry who ‘cannot ignore the growing trend for moderation’. What does it mean to be sober curious? For Eva, she decided to remain alcohol-free for Tracy’s birthday celebration. The organisation brought Scotland’s very first alcohol-free drinks festival to Glasgow in 2018 which saw hundreds of people turn out to taste the new wave of alcohol-free drinks, such … Pretending to drink alcohol is an option for people bored of having the … “Club Soda is a mindful drinking movement. Ingredients50ml CleanCo Clean Rum20ml lime juice 20ml ginger syrup4 mint leaves. And it’s up to you decide if you can live with these effects or if you are ready to make a change. Health, wellness, mindfulness, self care and, finally, more open conversation on mental health has led us to rethink the way we drink, and for some of us to make a change. What are the low-risk weekly alcohol guidelines? Part of a global movement, mindful drinking for people wishing to moderate their alcohol consumption and find healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol. It’s a global movement of people that care what they drink and how it impacts their wellbeing – with a goal to drink better and live well. More of us want to be more intentional around our health and wellness, yet few tools exist to support us in doing exactly that when it comes to drinking—on our own terms, with awareness, not guilt. Mindful drinking is a distinct term; for one to be mindful (aware) of their consumption of alcoholic beverages. Some you will see in the short term, while others are longer term benefits. Find out more about mindful drinking and La Maison Wellness and follow Camille on Instagram @madamecamillevidal. Thursday 30th July – Sunday 2nd Augus t Live on Facebook and YouTube. A forerunner in the mindful drinking movement, Cami Vidal, who runs La Maison Wellness, a website dedicated to healthy hedonism, is an expert in creating no and low alcohol cocktails that taste as good as the real thing - so we asked her to share … Online offering brings together global mindful drinking movement and drinks brands from across the world in a weekend of celebration. The Mindful Drinking Festivals are organised by Club Soda, the Mindful Drinking Movement. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Here’s what she had to say…. Half fill the glass with ice and add your lemon wheels and cucumber slices, then add more ice to fill and top with Heyday Yerba Maté Sparkling Soda. This global movement is being led by health-conscious younger adults and is now embraced by all ages. But what exactly does this mean and how can we practice this new mindset? My biggest piece of advice is to know that neither you, or your drink, will be boring. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Our Global Virtual Festival was a long and inspiring weekend (30th July to 2nd August, live on Facebook and YouTube) of drinks tastings, special offers, panels, conversations and community. “Drunkenness is temporary suicide.” – Bertrand Russell C hoosing to alter your relationship with alcohol and drink moderately can be achieved through mindfulness and deliberate behavior modifications. This year, more people than ever took part in Dry January – we are looking at 6.5 million people versus 4 million in 2020. To promote and de-stigmatise the consumption of non-alcoholic drinks, Capetonians Sean O’Connor and Barry Tyson will host the Mindful Drinking Festival at Kirstenbosch in Cape Town on Sunday 20 October 2019. Strain over ice into a rocks glass and garnish with a sprig of mint and a slice of fresh ginger. read more: THE BEST NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS TO TRY, The Best Nationwide Meal Kits To Order Now, Valentine’s Meal Kits Still Available For February 14, Best Cocktail Delivery Kits: From Pre-Mixed Classics To Shake Your Own, Elle Macpherson’s Nutritionist On The 7 Pillars Of Wellness. We spoke to ‘healthy hedonist’ Camille Vidal, founder of mindful drinking brand La Maison Wellness, to find out more. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Many of us are trying to give up booze (or attempting to) this month, but have you ever thought about doing it on a more permanent basis? Or, as I like to say: ‘Epic Nights, Early Mornings’. The festival is family-friendly and there are wide-open spaces in which the kids can play while you enjoy the live entertainment. If your immediate response is to have a drink, acknowledge this and replace with a healthier alternative the next time it happens. Mindful drinking is about becoming aware of your drinking habits and changing them for the better. By choosing a soda water and lime in place of your usual spirit, you’ll have more energy to get up and out the next day and more motivation to do what you had planned. There are also apps to monitor your consumption levels, alcohol-free bars, and an ever-growing collection of books dedicated to the topic. And there must be something in it, as it’s a global movement. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. With more than 2,000 participants at her events and programs, Willoughby says the mindful drinking movement has gained so much steam because the word “mindful” implies a sense of self control. Give all the ingredients a gentle stir and add your sprig of Mint for an extra bit of fresh. Take a breath. Instead of thinking you’ll be missing out by not drinking, think about all the positive things you will gain. So really just more, more, more, more! 1. As a movement, the Mindful Drinking Festival aims to encourage that it become socially acceptable if you want to opt for a non-alcholic drink, in any situation. In the short term: More clarity of mind, more energy, more awareness, less anxiety, more restorative sleep and more meaningful conversations. A bad day at a work? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. An awkward social situation? It is the opposite of “checking out.” When you choose to tune … Mindful drinking is an attitude. When you drink mindfully, you become more aware of how alcohol affects your mind and body. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Ahead of St Patrick’s Day, Drinkaware, the national not-for-profit organisation working to reduce alcohol misuse, is calling on the Irish public to challenge the Irish drinking stereotype this weekend and consider a more mindful approach to drinking … When you drink mindfully, you become more aware of how alcohol affects your mind and body. MethodAdd all ingredients into a shaker with ice and give a hard shake. The festival, on the lawns of the Kirstenbosch Stone Cottages, is hosted by Mindful Drinking SA – a movement that is motivated to help make it socially acceptable – even desirable – for young and old to choose non-alcoholic drinks in any situation. “You don’t have to be all over the place or out of work to have a problem with alcohol. It’s a weekday night at Manhattan and I am on my sixth tipple at the third stop of a bar hop. Mindful drinking is a simple approach that draws on the philosophy and practices of mindfulness. In the last six years, we’ve grown from a small Facebook group to a global mindful drinking community. While deep in discussion with friends, my peers and industry colleagues, as well as from my own previous research, and utilising the practice of the concept in menus and bars, the following answer formed. These cookies do not store any personal information. Time to join The Mindful Drinking Movement? Mindfulness allows you to become aware of your ongoing moment-to-moment experience. That is still a major part of what we do, but it soon became clear to us that individual behaviour change—important as it is—may not always be enough. Inspired by Club Soda in the UK and the Mindful Drinking Movement, we saw evidence of the global Sober Revolution starting to take place in South Africa, with a steady supply of new non-alcoholic products appearing on our shelves. Tasty doesn’t have to be boozy, and the no and low alcohol category is filled with delicious options, from alcohol-free spirits, beers, wine, kombuchas – and, of course, all my mindful cocktail recipes from La Maison Wellness. They learned in the first lockdown that overindulging on alcohol wasn’t going to make things better and would, in fact, be detrimental in the long run. Let’s face it. And you can join them. Everything we do is underpinned by behaviour change science and fuelled by the power of community. Building a Mindful Drinking Movement 2017 £ 0.00 The Club Soda Guide – Good Places for Mindful Drinkers – is a groundbreaking product developed in collaboration with licensed venues, local authorities, customers, and drug and alcohol charity Blenheim. Just before you automatically reach for your drink, stop: take a breath and notice that your liquid refreshment holds a key to the Technicolor present moment…even if it’s only water or club soda! Continue to socialise (virtually for the time being). MethodMeasure and pour your Three Spirit Livener into a highball glass. Club Soda is a mindful drinking movement. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. A mindful drinking practice can help you experience the vivid aliveness of your life, with or without alcohol. An event where you don’t know anyone? Join the mindful drinking movement . New mindful drinking movement revealed as Drinkaware’s online Drinks Calculator exceeds 74,000 posted on 15 Mar 2019. Recent years have seen several new initiatives centred around mindful drinking, such as Club Soda, a community for the sober-curious, which runs mindful drinking events, festivals, pop-ups and courses. Not drinking doesn’t mean you have to lose out on anything. Non-alcoholic spirits are gaining a foothold in Singapore as mindful drinking emerges in the form of a new movement. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Being sober curious means a bit more questioning of when, how much and why we drink. ... having a mindful drinking game plan now it will make it easier to resist the temptation to overindulge when things start to open up again for business in the future. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Mindful drinking is a movement on the rise (5. Club Soda supports people to rethink their drinking habits and has built an online guide featuring the best pubs and bars for mindful drinkers.. Setting a solid foundation is critical to good movement forward. And part of that is making space to reflect, consider and make a plan. I feel no impending remorse of drinking the night before a meeting; no fear of a raging hangover in the morning. There are so many! You may have heard about ‘mindful drinking’ and ‘sober curious’ lifestyles. With its cheery rhymes, Club Soda in the UK invites us to “change our thinking about drinking” and “cut down, stop for a bit, or quit”. However, a new mindful drinking movement that’s picking up pace looks set to turn age-old drinking habits on their head. Fake it if you have to. The festival will bring together alcohol-free beers, wines and spirits, kombuchas and health drinks for the first time in Africa, along … The skills of mindfulness are straightforward to explain – paying attention, being curious about your experience, treating yourself kindly – but they take time to … With everything that is going on right now, it’s important to celebrate life in a way that makes you feel good – and doesn’t leave you with a heavy hangover. Many of us will be familiar with having to give multiple reasons (or being forced to make up excuses) for not drinking on a night out. It does not advocate an “all-or nothing” approach to alcohol but rather encourages you to think about your attitude to alcohol and provide you with new and exciting options. After the year we have just had, people want to feel good. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. With the proportion of teetotallers aged 16 to 24 having risen from 18.7 to 20.9 per cent since 2006 according to The Office of National Statistics, the trend’s found particular popularity among millennials. Mindful Drinking SA was started to champion the benefits of alcohol-free drinking in South Africa. What is mindful drinking, the mindful drinking movement and why is it ever increasing? Mindful drinking is an attitude. Tag: mindful drinking movement Taking back control of my life Last time I posted here I was still gutted and disappointed in myself about going out in Manchester and basically … Tell us about the unexpected health benefits of not drinking…. Mindful drinking is about cutting down your alcohol consumption, or switching to alcohol-free alternatives, to live a healthier and happier life. Registered Charity Number: 20204601 CRO: 578361. And a lot less of simply ‘going along’ with the dominant drinking culture that exists across social situations, often subconsciously or because we feel that it is socially expected of us. And it’s up to you decide if you can live with these effects or if you are ready to make a change. It’s about changing the way you think and feel about alcohol. Mindful Drinking Festival Event Details If you’re drinking more than you’re happy with, there are a few signs, suggests Laura Willoughby, co-founder of mindful drinking movement Club Soda, which also runs mindful drinking festivals. Four ways to win the mindful drinking movement Unless you’ve been living with your head in a decanter, you’ll know that the UK is drinking less. What Is Mindful Drinking – And Should We All Be Giving It A Go? MethodAdd all ingredients into a shaker and give a firm ‘Dry Shake’, which means shaking with no ice. Also apps to monitor your consumption levels, alcohol-free bars, and an ever-growing collection of dedicated! And the same is true for not drinking doesn ’ t have to lose out on anything sober ”. Way you think and feel about alcohol July – Sunday 2nd Augus t live Facebook... Methodadd all ingredients into a shaker with ice and give a hard shake was started to champion the of! 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