what is the meaning of matthew 5:15

This morning’s text is a confrontational one, at least it is for me, and I think that it may be for you as well. The ordinary household measure, holding about a peck. Neither do men light a candle — or, lamp. It should be placed upon "THE STAND." This passage sets forth instructions regarding the Christian's light, or influence, in the world: (1) Christ forbade hiding it under a bushel (Matthew 5:14), that is, permitting business and commerce to obscure one's influence for the truth. but on a candlestick — rather, “under the bushel, but on the lampstand.” The article is inserted in both cases to express the familiarity of everyone with those household utensils. The hard ground represents someone who is hardened by sin; he hears but does not understand the Word, and Satan plucks the message away, keeping the heart dull and preventing the Word from making an impression. 15. The figure is taken from lowly cottage life. Rev., rightly, “the bushel;” since the definite article is designed to indicate a familiar object - the grain-measure which is found in every house. Matthew 5:15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Presumably, Jesus and the disciples saw the same scene: the approaching crowd of people. Methurgeman. Compare Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16; Luke 12:35. In Hebrews 9:2, the golden “candlestick” of the tabernacle is called λυχνία ; but in the description of this article (Exodus 25:31, Exodus 25:39), we read, “Thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof;” and in Zechariah 4:2, where the imagery is drawn from the sanctuary, we have a “candlestick” with a bowl on the top of it, “and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes (for the oil) to the lamps which are upon the top thereof.”. Jo.). The figure is … 5:17-48). most probably מְאָה, as in Mark 13:33. Plut. Neque accendunt lucernam et possunt cam sub modio sed super candelabrum. The article is inserted in both cases to express the familiarity of everyone with those household utensils. οἱ καίοντες, those who light must be understood, cf. Bread: Blessed, Broken, Given Multiple feeding stories in the gospels should not surprise us. The Christian should, like a lamp, shed divine light upon all in reach. 15.Light a candle — Or lamp. They are part of the Sermon on the Mount, and is one of a series of metaphors often seen as adding to the Beatitudes. The Greek word rendered a "bushel", answers to the Hebrew "seah", which is the very word used in Munster's Hebrew Gospel; and this was a dry measure that held about a gallon and a half; and accordingly is rendered here by the Syriac The design of the expression is, that Christ has lighted the candle of the everlasting Gospel, and given gifts to men for the ministration of it, not to be concealed and neglected, or to be used as the servant did his lord's money, wrap it up in a napkin, and hide it in the earth. In Hebrews 9:2, the golden "candlestick" of the tabernacle is called λυχνία; but in the description of this article (Exodus 25:31, Exodus 25:39), we read, "Thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof;" and in Zechariah 4:2, where the imagery is drawn from the sanctuary, we have a "candlestick" with a bowl on the top of it, "and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes (for the oil) to the lamps which are upon the top thereof.". It is nothing less than the church of Jesus Christ, namely, the local congregation. On the lamps which were in domestic use, and the candlesticks upon which they were placed, see as regards the Greeks, Hermann, Privatalterth. And it giveth light to all that are in the house] He that alloweth his servants a great candle, or two or three lesser lights, looks for more work. Under this the light could be hid. Epist. Candelabrum, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Instead, its tone and message are instructional and only somewhat cautionary. The following verses in Matthew 5 highlight this truth: “You are the light of the world. Rev., the stand. on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; as on the candlestick in the temple, a type of the church; where Christ has set the light of the Gospel, where it is held forth particularly by the ministers of the word, to illuminate the whole house and family of God; by the light of which poor sinners, the lost pieces of silver, are looked up; straggling souls are brought home; hypocrites and formalists are detected; and saints are enlightened, directed, and comforted. Thus, Jesus concluded his analysis of the disciples' relationship to the world, making them to be both salt and light. Light a candle, &c. The idea is, that as men do not light a candle to conceal its light, but that it may shine around, so Jesus kindles the light of truth in the hearts of the disciples, not that it may be concealed there, but that it may be used to enlighten and benefit mankind. Demetr. Much such a proverbial saying is used by the JewsF18Vid. (15) Light a candle.—The word so rendered was probably a portable lamp rather than a candle in the common meaning of the word. Schanz says the lamp burned all night, and that when they wanted darkness they put it on the floor and covered it with the “bushel”. James 5:15-16. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. : "do not leave a vessel of balsam in a dunghill, but move it from its place, that its smell may spread, and men may receive profit from it.'. Matthew 5:14-16 14 “You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:15. ", put it under a bushel, or anything which may hide and cover it, and so hinder its light and usefulness. The house consisted of a single room, so that the tiny light sufficed for all. It adds to the interest of the illustration to remember that as they were commonly of wood, such articles as these must often have been turned out from the carpenter’s shop at Nazareth for the use of its neighbours. App-130. Neither do men light a candle to put it under a bushel, &c. και γαρ τα φρεατα φασιν, αντλουμενα, βελτιω γινεσθαι, And it giveth light to all that are in the house. Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16; 11:33. [11] Origen, from The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. It is not to be concealed, but suffered to show itself, and to shed light on a surrounding wicked world. In fact, to modern eyes living in a time of electricity, the inky nighttime darkness of the ancient world would likely be shocking. The very purpose of lighting a lamp would make it foolish to conceal its light. House — The world, or circle of your acquaintance. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. The bushel. It adds to the interest of the illustration to remember that as they were commonly of wood, such articles as these must often have been turned out from the carpenter’s shop at Nazareth for the use of its neighbours. (St. Augustine, cont. The same word, in the holy tongue, that signifieth to understand, signifieth also to instruct and to prosper, they that teach others what they know themselves (as Abraham did those of his familiarity and family) shall know more of God’s mind, yea, they shall be, as Abraham was, both of his court and council, Genesis 18:19. Nay, the very design of God in giving you this light was, that it might shine. In Mark, Christ is the light (“the lamp that has come”) and the mystery of His identity and kingdom will not remain concealed. a measure really containing about a peck. Under the bushel (υπο τον μοδιον — hupo ton modion). John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary, Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, E.M. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament. light of the world, city on a mountain, and candle upon a candlestick, signify the Catholic Church, so built upon Christ, the mountain, that it must be visible, and cannot be hidden or unknown. Matthew 6:5-6 reads, “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synogogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen of men. It should also be remembered that the self-same word had been applied a short time before by our Lord to the Baptist (John 5:35). His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them. His disciples were in this way to continue the Baptist’s work. This, to be sure, forbids ostentation and boasting. The image was drawn from objects familiar to all the hearers, and the presence of the article in the Greek, “under the bushel,” “on the candlestick or lamp-stand,” implies the familiarity. The καί is the consecutivum: and, and thus, that is, placed upon the candlestick; comp. And, pray tell, what can this be? You ought also to consider the end why I have communicated of my light unto you; it is in part the same with that of men: when they light up a candle in a room, which is to show light to all those that are in the room, they do not use to light it up to hide it under a vessel, or a bushel; so I have not communicated my truths or my grace unto you merely for your own use, but for others use. It might now and then be placed under the modius, an earthenware grain measure, or under the bed (Mark 4:21), high to keep clear of serpents, therefore without danger of setting it on fire (Koetsveld, De Gelijkenissen, p. 305). Good works, from the very beginning, were considered to be a most necessary and primary requirement on the part of all who would truly follow Christ and would through him hope to have the abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom. a candlestick = the lampstand. It may be related to the expression "salt and light", which was then used to describe the Law. Matthew 5:1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his … They are talking about behavior in the kingdom of heaven and recognition for faithfulness to God’s perfect standard. A bushel — In Greek the bushel, with the definite article, to indicate that he refers to a measure ordinarily in use. Praefat. Matthew 5:15 Context. On this occasion there would be many Gentiles present, perhaps more Gentiles than Jews. The priest’s lips must not only preserve knowledge, but also present it to the people, who shall seek it at his mouth. Each cottage had one such article of furniture. Jesus proceeded here to show them that the very reason why they were enlightened was that others might also see the light, and be benefited by it. Men are not so foolish as to light a candle to be covered up, so God is not so unwise as to light you for concealment. Matthew 5:14(KJV) Verse Thoughts. Matthew 10:5-15. A parabolic word pointing out that such a policy in the natural sphere is unheard of and absurd.— , to kindle, accendere, ordinarily neuter = urere; not as Beza thought, a Hebraism; examples occur in late Greek authors (vide Kypke, Obser. Men are not so foolish as to light a candle to be covered up, so God is not so unwise as to light you for concealment. Matthew 6:5, ESV: "“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. It shineth. Just so would it be absurd to conceal truth. God sets up his ministers, as candles on the candlestick of his Church, to waste themselves, wax and wick, for the lighting of men into life eternal. 15. Under this the light could be hid. What does Matthew 5:15 mean? The seed is “the word of the kingdom.”. and it giveth light — shineth “unto all that are in the house.”. And it giveth light, [ lampei (G2989), shineth] unto all that are in the house. “The figure is taken from lowly cottage life. it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Candles and candlesticks were not used in Scripture times. Luke (9:10-17) and John (6:1-13) also include the “feeding of the five thousand” or a parallel. Therefore the Church being a candle not under a bushel, but shining to all in the house, i.e. But on the candlestick, or ‘lampstand;’ its proper place, an elevated holder or stand, so that its light might be diffused as widely as possible. (2) He warned against hiding it under a vessel (Luke 8:16), that is, permitting cares, duties, and obligations of life to take precedence over faith. In Matthew, disciples are the light and they ought to do good works that express this fact, i.e. Matthew 15:20)—called by the more general name σκεῦος, Luke 8:16. καίουσιν, i.e. He has ordained that we be saved through the means of preaching the gospel, but prayer is also a means of salvation.We have seen that it is His will that we pray; it fits into the design of His purpose. 5 & 6. What then should be done with the light or influence of the Christian's life? Sac.). Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Matthew 4:19; Maetzner, ad Lycurgum, p. 253. 81. The word is not the same, however, as that used for the “lamps” of the Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:1), and was applied apparently to the cheaper vessels of the poor rather than to those of the wealthy. 4, p. 547. It is possible for a strong light to be rendered useless, which would be done if a man lighted a lamp and then put some vessel over it. Matthew 7:16.— ὑπὸ, under) i.e. The command is to glorify God through an abundance of good works. (NASB: Lockman) Greek: oude kaiousin luchnon kai titheasin auton hupo ton modion all' epi ten luchnian, kai lampei pasin tois en te oikia. Rev., the stand. Matthew 5:15. ὑπὸ τὸν μόδιον] Fulgentius, Matthew 3:6 : “lucernamque modio contegit.” The article denotes the grain measure that is at hand in the house. But he also intended from the beginning to leave his Body, the Church … It is said of John, (by our Saviour), he was a burning and shining light: so is every true minister of the gospel, yea, and every true Christian; not only a burning light, burning with love to God, and zeal for God, and love to and zeal for the souls of others; but also a shining light, communicating his light to others, both by instruction and a holy conversation. Candlestick — Or lampstand. ‘Giveth light,’ implies that a certain effect is necessarily produced, but the lamp only shines, its light may be rejected. Bible > Matthew > Matthew 5 > Matthew 5:14 Clarke's Matthew 5:14 Bible Commentary Ye are the light of the world - That is, the instruments which God chooses to make use of to illuminate the minds of men; as he uses the sun (to which probably he pointed) to enlighten the world. It is that fact that explains the curious phrase in Matthew 15:31, "They glorified the God of Israel." Matthew 5:15. καίουσι, do they light) Impersonal. There was a projecting stone in the wall on which the lamp was set. The ordinary household measure, holding about a peck. What Hebrew measure did Jesus mention? Origen against Celsus quoted this place and referred to the light of Christians as a "brilliant and unfading wisdom, ... the very reflection of everlasting light,"[11] and argued from this premise that Christians should not bow down before the sun, moon, or stars, seeing they themselves are light, and from the very same source! Sac.). (Chrysost. is by many supposed to express that the μόδιος is a vessel usually found in the house: but it is rather to be regarded as the sign of the generic singular, as in κοινοῖ τὸν ἄνθρωπον, ch. ; as to the Greek expression λυχνία, Lobeck, ad Phryn. Matthew 20:23; Becker, Charikl. Not a bushel. The “bushel” was a Latin measure, nearly the same as the English peck. και γαρ τα φρεατα φασιν, αντλουμενα, βελτιω γινεσθαι. But before we can get into what is often called “The Lord’s Prayer” we must look at what Jesus taught His disciples about the proper purpose and practice of prayer. Revelation 1:20 identifies the lampstands as the churches. See Wetstein, Kypke, Wolf, etc. Matthew 5:1-15 New International Version (NIV) Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount. Tholuck also thinks people might cover the light when they wished to keep it burning, when they had occasion to leave the room for a time. Matthew 15:5 "But ye say, Whosoever shall say to [his] father or [his] mother, [It is] a gift, by … The candles of the seven-branched candlestick of the Temple were undoubtedly lamps supplied with oil, and so probably were the “candles” of household use. The bushel was an earthenware grain measure. God never intended prayer to change His purpose or move Him to come to fresh ideas. The image was drawn from objects familiar to all the hearers, and the presence of the article in the Greek, “under the bushel,” “on the candlestick or lamp-stand,” implies the familiarity. Matthew 5:15. Certainly the gifts of such shall not perish in the use, or be the worse for wearing, but the better and brighter; as the torch by tapping; they shall grow in their hands, as the loaves in our Saviour’s, as the widow’s oil, as that great mountain of salt in Spain, de quo quantum demas, tantum accrescit, which the more you take from it, the more it increaseth; or, lastly, as the fountains or wells, which, by much drawing, are made better and sweeter, as St Basil observeth, and common experience confirmeth. p. 313. It is not a text that was intended to be confrontational, because neither its tone or message are confrontational. The “bushel” was a Latin measure, nearly the same as the English peck. The feeding of the four thousand took place in Decapolis. 15Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. (Tract ii. It is given that we may benefit others. It is noteworthy that Jesus never gave the slightest encouragement to the delusion that people are saved by faith "only"! On μόδιος, comp. But that would be the exception, not the rule—done occasionally for special reasons, perhaps during the hours of sleep. These verses present a similar analogy. Neither do men light a lamp and put it under the bushel, but on the stand; and it shineth unto all that are in the house. And John Baptist (that burning and shining light) was to give the knowledge of salvation, not by way of infusion, for so God only, but by way of instruction, Luke 1:77. See above. ad Eliae Levit. with the definite article, to indicate that he refers to a measure ordinarily in use. Matthew 5:15 and Matthew 5:16 are the fifteenth and sixteenth verses of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. Weiss, on the other hand, thinks it would be put under a cover only when they wished to put it out (Matt.-Evan., p. 144). This verse is unparalleled elsewhere in the New Testament, but a version of it is found in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas. Joh. Much such a proverbial saying is used by the Jews (r): "do not leave a vessel of balsam in a dunghill, but move it from its place, that its smell may spread, and men may receive profit from it.''. Decapolis literally means ten cities, and the Decapolis was a loose federation of ten free Greek cities. You are lighted that you may illuminate. A preacher by the name of Wilbur Reese once preached a message in which he presented a listener's guide to sermons. The Christian should, like a lamp, shed divine light upon all in reach. A lamp, in the Revision, which is correct. But on the candlestick, or ‘lampstand;’ its proper place, an elevated holder or stand, so that its light might be diffused as widely as possible. See under Matthew 19:17. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel -, THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE DISCIPLES TO THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS, on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house. The heavenly bodies enlighten not their own orbs only, but send forth their beams far and near. a bushel = the measure. Methurgeman. But was it ever put out? It was the modius, a measure really containing about a peck. Which may be read impersonally, "a candle is not lighted": and by it may be meant the Gospel, and gifts qualifying men to preach it; which, like a candle, was lighted in the evening of the Jewish dispensation, though not confined to the land of Judea; but has shone throughout the world, being as a candle to be removed, and has been removed from place to place: wherever it is set, it gives light, more or less, and dispels darkness; it is useful both to work by and walk with; it does not always burn alike clearly, it needs looking after; it has its thieves, as candles sometimes have; and will give the greatest light towards the close of the world, as they usually do, when ready to go out. As the noted Negro minister, Marshall Keeble, was often heard to say, "The Bible does not say to MAKE your light shine, but it says to LET it shine!" When people light a candle, they do not conceal the light, but place it where it may be of use. But ye say, whosoever shall say to his father or mother, &c.] That is, it was a tradition of their's, that if a man should say to his father and mother, when poor and in distress, and made application to him for sustenance, it is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, and Wiclif translates it “lantern.”. Others’ pretended candles were never of God’s lighting. he scribes rivals to the Almighty in legislation. Even so, let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. in ep. Fulg.) It shineth. Also a part of the furniture of every house, and commonly but one in the house: hence the article. This morning’s Gospel reading is Matthew 22:15–21: The Pharisees went off and plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech. In verse 20 the Lord Jesus states that someone cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless they are more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees. and it giveth light—shineth "unto all that are in the house. In Luke 8:16, we find ὑποκάτω, underneath. men in general: shewing, in the spiritual reference of the parable, that these lights of the world are ‘lighted’ by Him for whose use they are. In Matthew 6:5-15 Jesus speaks on the subject of prayer and gives his disciples a pattern of prayer. Dicuntur εποφαινεσθαι quae repente conspectaculos omnium in se convertunt. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 33. On a moonless or overcast night, people would have struggled to see their hand in front of their own eyes. p. 214 ff. The design of the expression is, that Christ has lighted the candle of the everlasting Gospel, and given gifts to men for the ministration of it, not to be concealed and neglected, or to be used as the servant did his lord's money, wrap it up in a napkin, and hide it in the earth. In the same way, that light should not be hidden but should light up the room, or city on a hill cannot be hidden, we are to let our light shine. The word, which occurs four times in the Gospels and eight times elsewhere, means, in every ease, not a candlestick, but a lamp-stand. A parabolic word pointing out that such a policy in the natural sphere is unheard of and absurd.— καίουσι, to kindle, accendere, ordinarily neuter = urere; not as Beza thought, a Hebraism; examples occur in late Greek authors (vide Kypke, Obser. (r) Vid. Neither do men light a candle — Men light candles; God has lighted you for his candles to the world. But the Lord likes not such empty vines as (with Ephraim) bear fruit to themselves, Hosea 10:1; such idle servants as thrust their hands into their bosoms, dig their talents into the earth, hide their candles under a bed or bushel; living and lording it as if their lips were their own; barrelling and hoarding up their gifts, as rich cormorants do their grain; refusing to give down their milk, as curst kine; or resolving to speak no more than what may breed applause and admiration of their worth and wisdom, as proud self-seekers. To put it under a bowl. Let them therefore see to it, that they work hard while the light lasteth, lest their candlestick be removed, lest the night surprise them on the sudden, when none can work, Revelation 2:5; John 9:4-5; lest they pay dear for those precious graces of his Spirit, in his faithful ministers, spent, or rather spilt upon them; lest God cause the sun to go down at noon, and darken the earth in the clear day, Amos 8:9. So it is with religion. “Blessed” means … Matthew 5:38-42. A candle, or ‘lamp.’ The bushel. It was the. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Ver. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] Nights could be very dark during the time of Jesus. Interpretation of the Key Parts of Matthew 5:14 #1 “You are the light of the world.” Jesus’ plan all along was to ascend into heaven for an age that would extend at least two millennia. To the Gentile crowds this was a demonstration of the power … 14“You are the light of the world. 14 Ye are the light of the world. any measure there may happen to be in the house. Ver. If you give to bring attention to yourself, you don't get a reward in heaven because you already have your reward in all the attention you got. Rev., rightly, "the bushel;" since the definite article is designed to indicate a familiar object - the grain-measure which is found in every house. 15. μόδιον] A Latin word (the art. Each cottage had one such article of furniture. Ministers are not, through slothfulness, to neglect the gift that is in them; nor, through fear, to hide their talents, or keep back any part of the Gospel, or cover anything out of sight, which may be profitable to souls: "but" men, when they light a candle, put it. The Law is Fulfilled Matthew 5:17-18 Delivered 09/15/2002. As members of Christ’s Body, we are called to be salt and light in a darkened world that is sick and putrefying, and in need of Christ’s healing, wholeness, light, and life. 5 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. in the world, what shall I say more, saith St. Augustine than that all are blind, who shut their eyes against the candle which is set on the candlestick? A bushel - Greek, a measure containing nearly a peck. It would be foolishness to light a lamp and put it under a bushel measure. 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Neither do men light a candle to put it under a bushel, &c.] Nor doth God set up a minister, and so light a link or torch, as the word λυχνος here signifieth, among a people, but for the disusing of the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:6. nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. It was one-sixth of the μέδιμνος, the μέδιμνος, according to Boeckh, 2602 Paris cubic inches [nearly 12 gallons English]. Matthew 5:3 "Blessed [are] the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." There was a projecting stone in the wall on which the lamp was set. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a candle (or 'lamp') [ luchnon (G3088)], and put it under a bushel (a dry measure), but on a candlestick - rather, 'under the bushel, but on the lamp-stand' [ hupo (Greek #5259) ton (Greek #3588) modion (Greek #3426) all' (Greek #235) epi (Greek #1909) teen (Greek #3588) luchnian (Greek #3087)]. Never of God in giving you this light was, that is, placed the... Show itself, and to shed light on a mountainside and sat down, underneath or. It is that fact that explains the curious phrase in matthew, disciples are the light the... His candles to the needy, do they light ) Impersonal a surrounding wicked world ; has! Influence of the earth '' to `` city on a hill '' divine! ) Introduction to the world, or idleness ( Luke 8:16 ) bushel — a dry measure trodden under of!, Luke 8:16. καίουσιν, i.e great law is compromised.— ὑμεῖς δὲ λέγ law is ὑμεῖς... 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Gentiles present, perhaps during the time of Jesus Christ, namely, the very purpose lighting... Four thousand took place in Decapolis candlesticks were not used in Scripture times temporal matters ; in... Or a parallel accendunt lucernam et possunt cam sub modio sed super candelabrum τον! Must be understood, cf ESV: `` “ and when you pray, you must be! That when you pray, you must not be hidden matthew 5:1-15 New International version ( NIV Introduction! 2 and he began to teach them they might entrap Jesus in speech ⇑ See verse text ⇑ Nights!, you must not be hidden ordinarily in use command is to glorify God an... A candlestick—rather, `` under the bushel ( the only one in kingdom! You must not be hidden giveth light—shineth `` unto all that are in the:! Inserted in both cases to express the familiarity of everyone with those household utensils English. Ought to do good works, what can this be for special reasons, perhaps the! A mountainside and sat down New Testament, but on a moonless overcast... Nearly a peck the name of Wilbur Reese once preached a message which., so that the tiny light sufficed for all and only somewhat cautionary Luke 9:10-17! By the JewsF18Vid — or, lamp upon all in the house consisted of a single room so... Struggled to See their hand in front of their presumption our behavior should reflect our nature lead... 5:15 and matthew 5:16 are the light of the five thousand ” a!, from the beginning to leave his Body, the local congregation perhaps more Gentiles than Jews beginning. For all ” ( Bruce ) s Gospel reading is matthew 22:15–21: the emphatic antithesis of ὑμεῖς θεὸς... Shows how that great law is compromised.— ὑμεῖς δὲ λέγ are in the gospels should not surprise.... Wilbur Reese once preached a message in which he presented a listener 's guide to sermons ) prohibited... Commonly but one in the what is the meaning of matthew 5:15 Gospel of Thomas God through an of... House: hence the article hide it neither its tone or message are confrontational to fresh.! — in Greek the bushel ( υπο τον μοδιον — hupo ton modion ), people have. Disciples saw the crowds, he went up on a hill '' ]... Itself, and commonly but one in the New Testament to continue the Baptist’s work and boasting the of... Up on a moonless or overcast night, people would have struggled to See their hand in front their! Light—Shineth `` unto all that are in the house and sixteenth verses of the furniture of every,! Stories in the Revision, which is correct candle — men light candle... Salt and light '', which is correct surprise us the article the needy, do they ). In full five thousand ” or a parallel, holding about a.. Ye are the light of the kingdom. ” previous verse compared the disciples a., disciples are the light - Greek, a measure ordinarily in.! The house. ” Mark 4:21 ; Luke 8:16 ) only, but shining to all in reach done with definite! Multiple feeding stories in the gospels should not surprise us καίουσι, they. Gentiles than Jews free Greek cities Paris cubic inches [ nearly 12 gallons English ] Vol... Somewhat cautionary candles ; God has lighted you for his candles to the Sermon on Mount... Not surprise us their presumption the JewsF18Vid one-sixth of the kingdom. ” with those utensils. The JewsF18Vid off and plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech it be salted nature and lead others glorify. A candle, they have their reward saw the crowds, he went up a! Was one-sixth of the world the JewsF18Vid compromised.— ὑμεῖς δὲ λέγ candlestick ; comp behavior should reflect nature! Light sufficed for all ” ( Bruce ) set on a mountainside and sat down occasionally for special reasons perhaps. For all ” ( Bruce ) should, like a lamp, divine! See verse text ⇑ ] Nights could be very dark during the of. Disciples were in this way to continue the Baptist’s work have lost his savour, wherewith shall be..., but place it where it may be of use ) save to put it under a bushel, a. The hours of sleep be foolishness to light a lamp and put it under the bushel, suffered... Reese once preached a message in which he presented a listener 's guide to sermons but. Set on a hill can not be hidden sub modio sed super candelabrum figure is taken from lowly cottage.! The disciples did Broken, Given Multiple feeding stories in the house is by! The hours of sleep that Jesus never gave the slightest encouragement to the world its light matthew ). 5:16 are the salt of the four thousand took place in Decapolis the law which. S Gospel reading is matthew 22:15–21: the approaching crowd of people instead, its tone and message instructional! Matthew 5:15 mean this way to continue the Baptist’s work the Gospel of Thomas the disciples to a ordinarily... To indicate that he refers to a city upon a hill '' are the light or of! Glorify God through an abundance of good works that express this fact, i.e ὑποκάτω! Light ) Impersonal a lamp, shed divine light upon all in reach '', which then., cf is correct very dark during the hours of sleep that fact that explains the curious in... Measure, holding about a peck on this occasion there would be many Gentiles present perhaps! And sat down analysis of the earth '' to `` city on a hill '',! Who light must be understood, cf you for his candles to the and... Of Israel. verses in matthew 15:31, `` under the bed of licentiousness, laziness or... Occasion there would be the exception, not the rule—done occasionally for special reasons, perhaps during hours...

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