The registration fee is non-refundable. No fee is payable when registering for 16+ entry but successful candidates will be required to pay the £175 registration fee plus the deposit when accepting their place. This discount ends in the term following the child's fifth birthday. Applications for 2021: Applications for Grade 7 close on 28 August 2020.. Please pay at your convenience by Cheque / Online. Classes. Sort code: 40-03-33. About St. Paul's School. Student association fee: 300.00: Per semester: Boarding fees: 40,650.00: Per semester ( optional) One off Items: Application fee: 1,500.00: Once on Admission: Registration: 2,500.00: Once on Admission: CUE Levy: 1,000.00: Once on Admission: Development Levy – Once on Admission: Student l.D: 500 .00: Once on Admission: Graduation fee: 9,000 .00: Once in Final year Online Registration for class LKG will begin from January 6, 2021 (from 09:00 a.m.) - January 20, 2021 (till 11:00 p.m.). $('#cookie_settings').on('click', function(event) { $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); All fees must be paid online. "Fee online" Link is open. Occasional day: Fri 20 Nov. SPRING 2021. School Jhalamand Jodhpur. Remission: The Governors make some remission of fees when there are three or more children of one family at St Paul’s School, St Paul’s Juniors or St Paul’s Girls’ School. The fee will be collected from all branches. Pay Fee Online Historical Overview St. Paul H.S. (Class L.K.G. In the Senior School, charges are made for the purchase of some books (which become the personal property of the boy) and public examination fees. Notice of withdrawal has to be given to the school office in writing, dated and signed by the parent/s or guardian/s. £8.50/session for siblings over 7 months of age, Payment of fees (including Registration and Deposits), Account name: St Paul’s Steiner Project 2. Pay Tuition Fees. Home ... St Paul's Church College Unit-II, M.G. We are a top provider of excellent quality, professional accredited online courses and training packages. Please meet all deadlines so that awards are not delayed or forfeited because of a late application and/or a lack of funds. St. Paul’s Lutheran School is operated and maintained by the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. 40/- will be charged as fine for the month of August. Where notice is not given, fees due in lieu of notice are calculated as follows: one third of the annual fees are due from the 1st day of the month after the school is made aware in writing that the child is leaving the school. Such support is known as Community Supported Fee Assistance. A £50 examination fee is payable when registering your son for 11+ entry to St Paul’s Juniors and £125 plus the deposit is paid by successful candidates when accepting a place. At present, the parents can pay their wards' fees online via Teno App or offline by cheque or by cash at school office. Welcome to St. Paul's Academy. The non-refundable processing fee is $51 for online PFS submission (paid by credit card). Almost 1500 students from the school participated in the event. Online fee payment. For example, if your child plans to leave the school at the end of the summer term, you must give notice on the last day of the spring term. Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030115. }); The basic fee covers tuition, games, loan books and libraries, medical inspection, careers aptitude tests, certain school publications and lunch, which all boys are required to attend. A deposit of £3000 is required when a parent accepts the offer of a place. Road, Agra - 282002. Musical instrument lessons are payable directly in advance to the freelance peripatetic music teacher concerned on receipt of an invoice. Direct Debit form. Click on the FEES PAYMENT module and select your child's class and the name 4. A deposit of £3000 is required when a parent accepts the offer of a place. Online Registration; Contact Us Sign In. Notice must be given by the last day in the penultimate term before leaving. St Paul’s School is committed to providing an exceptional education to any boy who fulfils the entrance criteria, regardless of social or demographic background. Every effort will be made to give the students a sound and all round education. Pay for excursions, tours, camps and other activities online via credit card. Your invoice will automatically reflect this. As a member of Edmund Rice Education Australia, we are committed to providing outstanding, accessible education at an affordable cost. CLICK HERE TO PAY. Parent's Panel Parent's Login Online Fee Payment. Bank: HSBC. PLEASE NOTE: An electronic copy of the birth certificate and report must be attached in order to complete the online application. We do not accept verbal notification of notice neither can a notice be backdated. St Paul’s School is closed under the direction of the Queensland Government The School will remain closed until the government advises it is safe to re-open. TM 3069952) of the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship. A registration fee of £175 is payable when registering your son for 7+ and 8+ entry to St Paul’s Juniors. Account number: 41218603 . Payment by direct bank transfer or cheque may be possible on prior agreement with the Finance Office. Admission Form LKG for the Session 2021-2022 KIND ATT. The registration fee is non-refundable. Password. You can find more information on the Fees breakdown and other charges here. A registration fee of £175 is payable when registering your son for 13+ entry to St Paul’s School. - XI) Online Fees (Class I - XI) +91-0291-2720937/38 +91-7665961081 (Whatsapp) Sec. Download and install Teno App in your smartphone 2. Important Links. Online Admission open for Classes I to 9 for the session 2021-22 and for Class XI for the session 2020-21. Fee Rules and Regulations. IX-XII STUDENTS Jan Andolan for COVID-19 "Appropriate Behavior Pledge" ACTIVITIES : 20-21 SUBJECT ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES CBSE Corner Exam Time Table How to Pay Online ??? Those who work for our organisation are dedicated to helping people and organisations improve their skills and knowledge, or that of their workforce, flexibly, conveniently, and at reasonable prices. Download. Financial assistance is offered on a means-tested basis. * We are an approved childcare provider, and all three and four year olds are eligible for 15 hours free childcare, which this year will amount to £1020.00 per term . For international payments of deposits from abroad: IBAN: GB41HBUK40033341218603. The St. Paul’s School SSS code is 6892. Forgot Password . It is located at Dadar East, Mumbai. We take great pride being able to offer financial assistance to the families of talented boys who otherwise could not afford private education. All fees are payable by Direct Debit on the first day of each term. All the school fees must be paid as per dates mentioned in the school calendar. The school playground of St. Paul�s Church College was filled with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere as the school celebrated its Annual Cultural and Sports Extravaganza. You are requested to submit copy of Aadhar Card, SSSMID, First page of passbook, Ration Card to the School after L.K.G. Applications for High School (Grade 9 – 11) close on 23 September 2020.Applications for Grade R and Grade 8 closed on 5 August 2020. A deposit of £3000 is required when a parent accepts the offer of a place. The SSS helpline is 800-344-8328. CBSE - Co-Ed .Get 2020-21 fees structure, reviews, application form details. Uniforms, Textbooks or Laptop levy are not included. The fee is £287.50 per term for ten lessons for both St Paul’s School and St Paul’s Juniors. $(document).ready(function() { More details can be found here. Steiner School is a collective mark (Regd. £15.00/session Payable termly in advance St. Paul's Senior Secondary School, Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur is one of the many institutions run by the Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Society, Ajmer, in Rajasthan. Please ensure that all payments carry the child’s name as reference, in order that they can be allocated correctly. In this article, we take a look at some of the courses offered in the institution together with the required fees … (This fee may increase from September 2020). A formal application, in writing, must be made by the parent to the. St. Paul's Co-Ed School,Bhopal. Thur 7 Jan – Fri 26 Mar. Parents or students looking to access classwork or assessment can do so via the Learn portal in Secondary School, Seesaw in Junior School and Storypark for Pre-Prep. A term’s notice, or payment of a term’s fees in lieu of notice, is required when a child leaves the school. Discover the entry processes for 7/8+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. School Affiliated to CBSE ... Greetings and good wishes to all the staff, students, parents and well wishers of St Paul's Sr. Sec. Payment of fees (including Registration and Deposits) Account name: St Paul’s Steiner Project 2. SR. No. Home > Tours & Enrolment > Fees St Paul's is pleased to confirm that there will be zero increase in fees once again in 2021. School bank accounts. © 2021 St Paul's Steiner•School Website Design by e4education Half term: Mon 15 – Fri 19 Feb The fee is £287.50 per term for ten lessons for both St Paul’s School and St Paul’s Juniors. St. Paul's Co-Ed school, affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, is one of the largest network of educational institutes run by CMI Fathers all over India, especially in the southern states. St. Paul's School, Aya Nagar Knowledge is Power Mission: Our mission is to provide a congenial atmosphere for the students for their overall personality development based on values, academics and excellence, supported by extra curricular activities and adequate infrastructure. Register yourself by entering the school code kj398. The deposit also covers attendance at the Senior School and is only returnable when the boy leaves St Paul’s (please refer to the *Standard Terms and Conditions). BIC: HBUKGB4141B The combined costs of the building, salaries, materials, equipment, maintenance, utilities, etc., represent a large annual outlay of funds. (CSFA). St Paul’s School accepts payments made by Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. of St. Paul's Academy, Ghaziabad School Code 'SPAGZB' © 2019 All Rights Reserved by, St. Paul's Academy, Ghaziabad Designed & Maintained by FranciscanFranciscan The Tuition Fees will be collected in installments. Federal Bank takes care of the collection of fees such as tuition fee, bus fee, smart class fee etc. Conveniently pay your tuition fees with a credit card online. TUITION FEES FOR 2021 ARE AS FOLLOWS: Pre-Prep – 5 days per week: $12,840 per annum: Pre-Prep – 5 days per fortnight: $6,420 per annum: Pay Fees Online. The £50 examination fee is non-refundable. Each year there are funds available for free and subsidised bursary places at all entry points. event.preventDefault(); 30000. St. Paul's High School was established in 1943. School Fee 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021. However, it is important to note that the school's only significant income comes from the fees, and thus we ask that financial aid be the last resort in order to benefit those in true need. The CMI (Carmelites of Mary Immaculate) Congregation was founded by Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara in Kerala in 1831. Registrations. Find Admission details for St. Paul's School, Hauz Khas in Delhi. (This fee may increase from September 2020). AUTUMN 2020. Pay Fees Online. Wed 2 Sept – Fri 11 Dec. Half term: Mon 19 – Fri 30 Oct. Tuition, Fees, and Financial Support. Admissions at St Paul's School. The aim of the St. Paul's Academy is to impart sound education and character formation to the young so as to enable them to find their proper place in the society and equip them to be of service "to God and His People". School was begun as the boys' section of St. Raphael's H.S. Find St. Paul’s Convent High School, Dadar East, Mumbai. We are committed to providing a Steiner education to children from a broad social and financial background by offering eligible parents/legal guardians means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. School near Sat Prachar Press in 1956 with Sr. Ann … The Governors make some remission of fees when there are three or more children of one family at St Paul’s School, St Paul’s Juniors or St Paul’s Girls’ School. For international payments of deposits from abroad: NB. Failure to pay the fees as per schedule given in the calendar or fee book will lead to a fine of Rs10/- (Rupees Ten) per month as late fee for every month defaulted. St Paul School Admission Form 2021-22: St Paul School admission registrations for classes 1 to 9 for the 2021-22 session are currently under process.Parents/ Guardians desiring admissions for their children required to complete the registration form or St Paul School Admission Form 2021.The last date of submitting the ST Paul’s Admission Form through offline are given below. St Paul Senior Secondary Co-Ed School,Bhopal . Fee payment options. The school is entrusted to the Diocesan Fathers. 1st Installment (the last date of payment 30-09-2020) 2nd Installment (The last day of payment 30-11-2020 ) 3rd Installment (The last date of payment 31-01-2021) LKG-HKG. We offer sibling discounts as such: a second child receives a 10% discount, a third child a 25% discount, fourth and subsequent children receive a 35% discount. *Please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Parent Contract as outlined on our School Policies page and our Cancellation notice and form. St Paul’s Juniors – Lower First to Upper Third Years, St Paul’s School – Fourth to Upper Eighth Form. The deposit is returnable when the boy leaves St Paul’s or if he fails to reach the required standard at GCSE. St. Paul University Quezon City (SPUQC), formerly known as St. Paul College Quezon City, is one of the 39 schools operating under the management of the Sisters of St Paul of Chartres (SPC) in the Philippines. Please contact at 9832481725 (Mr. Pradhan, Secretary) or … For example, if August fee is paid only in December, Rs. This school offers facilities like library, laboratories, well ventilated classrooms & a play area. If you are considering St Paul’s University as your university of choice, then the first thing you must do is to know the courses offered followed by the fees paid for these courses. School Fees (2020-21) 70% of School Fees. The St Paul’s School Tuition fee covers all tuition fees, subject levies and most camps. St Paul’s School is an academically selective school open to all boys, regardless of their economic or social circumstance. It is affiliated to Maharashtra State Board. Make a general payment. Online application & registration, Admission process, Contact Number, Fee Structure, Reviews, Rating & get Admission form details of St. Paul’s Convent High School, Dadar East, Mumbai. Pupils attend St Paul’s Juniors aged 7 to 13, and St Paul’s School aged 13 to 18. Online Registration. Please also confirm by e-mail to, whenever a payment has been sent in respect of deposits, or when a standing order has been set up. 3. High Visibility Version•Sitemap•Privacy Policy•Cookie Settings Financial assistance is available on a means- tested basis for families who may need support in paying school fees, with up to 100% fee remission. The deposit is returnable only when the boy leaves St Paul’s or if the boy fails to reach the necessary standard in the entrance examinations (please refer to the *Standard Terms and Conditions). Federal Easy Pay, the fee collection solution offered by Federal Bank is a set of solutions offered to Educational Institutions. SPUQC offers the K-12 program with the Academic (STEM, HUMSS, ABM), Technical-Vocational Livelihood, Arts and Design, and Sports tracks available for the senior high school program. Every year the school sets aside 10% of its gross income for this fund. Welcome To St. Paul's College. }); Procedure to Pay via Teno App 1. Download. Pay Fees Online ... All fees are to be deposited in the fee counter of the school or that of the bank. As with all other entrants, pupils hoping to benefit from a bursary must gain a place at the school on academic merit. Parent accepts the offer of a place round education deposits from abroad IBAN. 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