Watching the kids be creative in their own movements is great to see. games for kindergarten" on Pinterest. I highly recommend these these videos for your virtual physical education class activities. … Also, you will start to notice I do a ton of cross curricular activities. There are SO many resources out there. This is the best part of virtual teaching. Once this is over, I give my kids a backwards ten second countdown to leave the Google Meet and tell them I can’t wait to see them next week! It’s called Fire and Ice (hot and cold). Hi Lisa, good to hear you’ve found the ideas useful! Thank you so much for sharing! I taught yoga to adults so it is fun to see how the children love to get happy on breath too:) Your website is inspiring me to think outside the box of traditional gym class. Also, don’t bother trying to explain with words, just give them an example yourself and they’ll get the hang of things. Every class we perform all of the letters learned that day, as well as the previous letters from past weeks. Favorite Fairy Tales activities for every center plus a shape crown freebie all designed for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten #fairytalestheme #preschool #prek #kindergarten Ludico Na Educação Infantil Arte Educação Infantil Atividades De Contos Atividades Para Educação Infantil Contos Tradicionais Festa 3 Porquinhos Fantoches De Mão Identidade E Autonomia Arte Pré-escolar 7. At my current school we have a lot of moveable playground equipment. You can also have them walking backwards, walking like robots, walking sideways like a crab or dancing across Gangnam-style. We all know we have the full range in any given class, so hopefully incorporating some team building activities and games will bring the entire class together. Put together different numbers of blocks and place them round the gym. Scatter coloured hoops on the floor. You don’t want children eliminated for more than a few minutes before going back in. Another simple game for very young students. Thanks for posting this! Teach stopping signal and walking/jogging for warm up. Another Simple Idea for Kindergarten P.E. Either way the kids love this part of the class and are able to tell me what exercises go with each letter now due to the repetition. You have some great ideas and I’ll pass your blog along for them to check out. I get to see my babies for 30 minutes! Nominate one person as “it”.They will walk around the circle touching each person on the shoulder and saying if they are a duck or a goose.If the person is nominated as being a duck, they remain seated. Develop a repertoire of enjoyable games for your primary pupils to play during physical education classes. But remember your kindergarteners don’t even know how to use a computer. I show one word at a time and will call on students individually, and ask them to sound out and read the word. Animal Walk. The class stand against one wall. With only having two or maybe three monsters in the middle, the teacher can act as a referee and call out any student they see getting tagged. Jul 9, 2020 - Easy icecream stick activity for your 2 yr old Getting PE time in as a homeschooler is difficult. The blue ICE tags a student and they stand “frozen” with their hands out in front of them like a bowl. Once the trimester ends, my 9 classes move on to Art or Technology and I will gain one of their 9 classes. Two of my favorites are: But once the students started to get more comfortable, I started sharing videos they could interact with on a playful level. For instance, the problem might read: add 5 pushups + 5 pushups. The first team to do this is the winner. This is a simple idea for you, but you also have to take into consideration who is reading the work. If I see any children who have started to stand up before I’ve counted down, then I’ll usually make everyone sit back down before starting the countdown again. I also used ‘ball!’ where they had to curl up in a ball on the floor, and ‘tree!’ where the kids had to stand with their arms out like tree branches. Some weeks I will post an exercise video for the students every day. Keep doing this until you have a few pupils left, they are the winners. We all start out walking because they will crash if they run. you say ‘3!’ and they have to run and touch the stack of 3 blocks. Today my students reviewed A-L so we did 12 jumping jack claps (JJC). 1,2,3! Jennifer Bly on at I’m delighted you enjoyed these tips Natasha! Hello again from Thailand! (Muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility and cardio respiratory endurance). I’m teaching a coop group of K-2 graders and I have lots of heart but no experience. Reply . Hi Ron, good to hear you found the ideas useful. 16. My reception class will now have fun during the p.e lessons in kenya. The winner is the first person to touch the opposite wall or line. But recently it has been. I will be honest…I love virtual teaching, but it’s not for everyone. Below is a picture of what my K-2 students will complete to receive a participation grade. If I shouted ‘bridge!’ then they would have to make an arch with their body, keeping their hands and feet on the floor. For ‘Fitness Mania’ the players will perform a variety of fitness activities in order to improve their own levels of physical fitness. No student should fail PE in kindergarten…especially when it’s virtual. Maybe I should have specified that it’s not always a sight word activity during this part of our Google Meet session. Adapt to your environment and make the best out of the circumstances you’re in. Hi Hena, glad to hear they’ve been of use to you. Class always ends with five deep breaths in and out to get the kids ready for their classroom teacher. Since we don’t have a lot of time, I don’t let them share. When you shout ‘teepee!’ they have to put both their hands together above their heads and then not move. Last week Kindergarten finished on letter L. So today we reviewed, and then we learned about letters M, N and O. I tell the kids from letters A-L is 12 jumping jacks. This way if you do want to use it elimination style, you can call an even number formation say ‘Motorbike’ when there is an odd number of kids and vice versa . When you say go, they have to run to their nearest cone and then run back to where they started, then run past the cone to the far side of the gym to the second cone. This way they don’t have to constantly remember what special they have each day. Have a few sets of sticks set out at different widths so that the children can move round and see which is the biggest river they can jump over. There’s a 99% chance they won’t be writing reflections or responses to your questions. 3. I tell them up front not everyone will get the chance to be a tagger (ICE) but it’s more important to rescue anyway so you will all the the RED ball. Virtual Physical Education Activities for Grades K-2. This was started in week two with the kids. 20. theplews says: April 6, 2014 at 9:36 am. If you have enough balls you can then have pupils pair up and all have a try at the same time. This post is for PE teachers that don't have access to a gym. Because they’ve taken additional steps, they’ll be nearer to the winning wall and closer to you and so more liable to being caught. For students Carone Learning offers cFitness Academy, an accredited online school specializing in health and fitness for students. Most schools will have these. I did your Tee Pee pencil today– loved it! If I notice a student misses a week or two, I keep a closer eye on them in our Google Meet PE and give them their participation points that way. Early physical education is imperative for a healthy body. After they spell the word we use our alphabet exercise chart to perform each exercise/stretch for ten seconds per letter in the word. Oh, and don’t be surprised if the children go from saying they managed to do 10-12 star jumps in 10 seconds to eventually topping each other by telling you they did 100+! USE THEM! Well they will get tired but never bored! A lot of the workouts provided from PE Bowman’s YouTube channel are great warm ups for first grade, but another favorite I use is Mike Morris. ? Team with the most objects wins! Jan 15, 2019 - Do you need Awesome Addition Worksheets and Centers for Kindergarten Math? With 2nd grade, we started with 10’s, then 5’s and are about to start 2’s in the next few weeks. Relax and enjoy this time. Sounds very simple but they love it! As you can tell from some of the kids, it’s a lot of fun. You can have fun by not saying the right number and so making them do false starts. Currently I am spending about 5 minutes showing kids on screen the sight words they have covered in their classroom already. It works great! You could get sucked down a rabbit hole finding relatable content! Another one of our favorite social distancing PE activities is doing Mirror Movements. You say ‘Get set!’ and they lift their knees off the ground, ready to start running. All that is needed is a few balls. Pretty soon I will be creating videos to help give you a visual on how I structure my classes. People with the red ball will run over and place the ball gently in their “bowl” to melt them. Category: Kindergarten Music in PE and playlist idea. Sign up to follow my blog and get my newest ideas too. They have so many educational videos for younger grades, and I would highly recommend checking them out. There are so many great activity games you can play as a class. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. It describes classroom PE activities that can be used in confined settings or areas. Rules and Procedures. There are so many virtual activities you can do for physical education in this grade. And just like the above grades, we focus on getting our heart rates back to a normal beat. Some of the fun virtual physical activities I like to share are: The best part about YouTube is when you select a video according to what you searched for, it recommends similar videos to play next. But Google Classroom makes it easy to keep track of who does and doesn’t. I have a great system down, and use the resources other people have worked so hard to create in order make OUR teaching lives easier. Virtual Physical Activities for Middle School. This fosters an environment of teamwork, observation skills, kindness. Oct 11, 2020 - *Teacher of Kindergarten *Sharer of classroom tips and resources *Creator of lessons for the culturally relevant classroom *Lover of all things Home* If you shout ‘pencil!’ then they have to stand with their arms at their side. Great Ideas and thanks so much for sharing. I will call on a student to have them read the word out loud and then spell it. They look at the other children in the other corners of the gym as well as who is stood in their corner and try and remember who is where. 13. I teach PE and Health and moms and dads always ask for ways or ideas to get their kids moving. I usually do teams of boys vs. girls. up up up, down down down! This really helped. I use blue pool noodles (cut in half) for tagging games so kids don’t have to get close to each other to tag– which results in falling down, tripping etc. So if they have had a a lot of classroom crossover in my PE class, I love to just let loose with them in a non educational way. This is also a good way to keep slower children in the game for a few more rounds. Another fun activity we did was a vowel lesson. Virtual physical education activities seem to be the hot topic for the online school teachers right now. Their structure is identical to 1st grade, only their classroom content differs. Here we practiced A-H, completing 8 jumping jacks. theplews says: April 16, … The cross curricular for the students is such a good way to help them understand concepts in a different way. round and round! Anyway I can add something to your Tee-Pee Pencil Game. Let alone produce work to be graded for you. And we know that isn’t always possible due to working conditions. This means all the pupils now have to stop running and quickly change direction to run back to the wall they just came from. They then will decided if the word has a short vowel or long vowel sound and count how many letters are in the word. Glad you liked the ideas, and thanks for the comment! Dynamic PE ASAP has free lesson plans with both in-home and backyard activities that will get kids active STAT. You can run this like a ‘beep test’ and gradually increase how quickly you whistle. So student A counted 1-10, student B counted 11-20, student C counted 21-30 etc. small small small! TIP: After a few rounds, train up one pupil to take over the ‘teacher’ role. The kids never get tired of doing it! That’s the main reason I needed to share! Oct 15, 2014 - Jack and the Beanstalk Literacy and Comprehension is a 65-page mini-unit loaded with engaging Literacy activities to beef up and supplement the classic Fairy Tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. It has been A LOT of work and I haven’t had a lot of time to plan for the last hour of co-op when we are in the gym. I give them 30 seconds to find something. Kids LOVE these fun, interactive math activities, and you will too. Hey PEmom, Toys, blocks, etc. This continues until every member of a team has ran to the front (the person who was at the front at the beginning should now be at the front again). If you are short for time, count faster or just do a couple reps each exercise. This kind of ruins the game. I’m gonna try four of them tomorrow! Feel free to email me at ajarnron(at) I discovered PE Bowman on YouTube and tried out his video called Balloon Pop Workout. Hi Andrea, brilliant to hear you’re making the lessons fun! HIGH FIVE CHALLENGE, For all pupils. Tons of videos on their. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you shout ‘1 jump!’, the students can take 1 jump towards the winning wall. These ideas helped me so much! For more content check out PE Bowman on YouTube for his other extremely fun videos. I would love to share more ideas that you could in turn share with everyone. E.g. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Have them stand at one side of the gym. Currently we are counting to 100 by 10’s. He does all of his videos at home so the students can relate to him. PAIRS. If you have them, you can give the monsters a foam stick or something similar to use to tag other students. The parents can just pull it up and the kids follow along. This video is our second JJC of the class where we add the letters learned that day to the first JJC we completed. That pupil is the ‘secret spy’ for this round. The point of the video for third was to work on their balance in a fun way, but since my K-2 aren’t learning balance yet I figured the following videos would be great warm ups and lead ups into a balance and gymnastics unit. Lessons are categorized by grade for easy retrieval. The section will continue to … One student does a movement and the other tries to mirror it! 9. Your ideas inspired me to think of bowling tag. spin spin spin! It’s not normal school! Since the students were learning how to add whole numbers 1-12, in our PE class we would add exercises. I have a few more PE games and activities. The main thing here is that they aren’t allowed to stand up and start moving until you count down ‘3, 2, 1, GO!’. They have 30 seconds to try and high five as many of their classmates as possible. Since we are in PE, we have to be moving right? Not every student is going to complete this form. If you map out these 30 minute workouts, you realize that you are moving the majority of the time and the kids heart rates can stay high. If not you can use just about anything really. If you shout ‘fall!’ or maybe ‘starfish!’, then they have to flop flat on the ground. 4. Lucky for you my K-2 Google Classroom is set up where the activities I provide on non Google Meet PE days are the exact same, so you won’t have to read through my 1st and 2nd grade GC setup. TIP: If you have an odd number of pupils left over, consider making these pupils your extra ‘referees’ for the round to make sure everyone follows the rules. Hi Jessica, thanks for posting! The difference between K and 1st is that we do more skip counting. You say ‘Ready, Go!’. TIP: Why not save your voice and link each command to a number of blows of a whistle? Normally I would teach 23 DIFFERENT classes a week, and 45 classes total per week, but luckily for virtual physical education and the other specials my school made some changes to the schedule. And even have them stand in a ball room for kids they can them... Tap the ‘ teacher ’ role your MARKS! ’, then they have flop. Gym.. several of them like a crab or dancing across Gangnam-style copying me a.. Stick on the ground help give you a visual on how I have set K up and! Group of K-2 graders and I needed ways to count ten numbers at a time are no... 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