Further, it is found spanning from the east coast to eastern Texas. org/ articles/ nyssa/ nyssa-sylvatica/). Pot grown Nyssa trees can be planted at any time of the year. This beautiful native of the Southeast is an excellent tree … Der Stamm ragt als durchgehender Schaft bis zur Spitze des Baumes auf, die Äste treiben rechtwinklig aus und stehen entweder horizontal oder leicht durchhängend ab, so dass sie eine säulenartige oder konische Krone bilden. With formative pruning in the nursery this tree has good form and makes a ideal medium sized specimen tree or can be used as an avenue or street tree planting. You should prune one of these trees if you see damaged branches or want to create more space underneath it. But the shape of the crown varies from tree to tree and, unfortunately, this is looked upon by some architects as undesirable. It is in leaf from May to October, in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in October. Nyssa sylvatica - Gommier noir - Tupélo - Somptueuses couleurs en automne Le Nyssa sylvatica est un arbre caduc, dont le feuillage se pare de somptueuses teintes, rouge orangés de septembre à … An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. Nyssa sylvatica. Even though they take many years to reach their mature size, they must be planted in an area that allows them plenty of room to grow. It prefers loamy soil with an acidic pH and good drainage. 1913. The tupelo is also a real powerhouse in urban climates: the tree can handle high temperatures and heavy frost. Höhlungen in den Bäumen wurden früher von Imkern als Bienenstock genutzt.[12]. In the landscape, these trees often reach a mature height of 30 to 50 feet and a spread of 20 to 30 feet. On younger trees the branches often stand at right angles to the trunk with numerous short, curled spur shoots present. Blackgum1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION Sourgum is a hardwood tree which grows to 75 feet tall, has a medium growth rate, pyramidal shape with horizontal branches growing from a typically straight trunk (Fig. £1.35 - £17.00. Nyssa sylvatica is a beautiful shade tree native in all but the coldest parts of the eastern United States. Branches aremore or less horizontal, although lower branches tend to droopdownward toward the base of … Description: Beautiful native tree. Otherwise, high humidity and cramped branches can lead to fungal growth. Nyssa sylvatica wird als Zierpflanze in Parks und großen Gärten gepflanzt, wo er oft als Solitär oder Schattenspender wirkt. Die Laubblätter der Sämlinge und jungen Exemplare ist für Hirsche extrem attraktiv, so dass große Populationen von ihnen die Ansiedlung der Bäume fast unmöglich machen und ausgewachsene Exemplare meistens allein stehen. Er ist in den USA sowohl in den Flussniederungen der südlichen Küstenebenen als auch in Höhenlagen bis zu 900 Metern in den südlichen Appalachen zu finden. This is a deciduous tree native to north eastern parts of the US. sylvatica. Nyssa sylvatica, commonly called sour gum, is a slow-growing, deciduous, Missouri native tree which occurs in a wide range of soils south of the Missouri River in the southeastern quarter of the State. Black tupelo is a hardwood tree which grows to 75 feet tall, has a medium growth rate, pyramidal shape with horizontal branches growing from a typically straight trunk. The trunks often die from the top, giving its crown a scraggly appearance. It generally grows in a rounded shape with a straight trunk, and its bark is said to look like alligator skin. The generic name refers to the beautiful Greek water nymph Nyssa, while sylvatica is Latin and means “of the woods”. Nyssa Sylvatica will grow to a height of 10 – 20m and has slightly drooping or down swept branches with strong autumn colours contrasting with a dark trunk and branches. Die sauren Früchte werden begierig von Vogelarten wie Wanderdrossel, Zwergmusendrossel, Grauwangendrossel, Einsiedlerdrossel, Walddrossel, Rotkardinal, Spottdrossel, Blauhäher, Carolinaspecht, Gelbbauch-Saftlecker, Goldspecht, Helmspecht, Weißbauch-Phoebetyrann, Rotrücken-Spottdrossel, Rotkehl-Hüttensänger, Star, Scharlachtangare, Katzendrossel, Zedernseidenschwanz und Amerikanerkrähe gefressen, allesamt Zug- oder Standvogel-Arten aus dem Osten Nordamerikas, die im Verbreitungsgebiet des Baumes vorkommen. Tupelo wood is highly cross-grained, making it difficult to work. Look for discolored or damaged foliage, as well as abnormal-looking bark and branches. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Regular price $99.95 Sale price. Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) Plantae>Magnoliophyta>Magnoliopsida>Cornales>Nyssaceae>Nyssa sylvatica Marshall. Sonya Harris is a Master Gardener, former special education teacher, and founder of the award-winning Bullock Children's Garden in Glassboro, New Jersey, with experience in small-space gardening, low-income gardening, and growing foods and plants in poor soil conditions. The common name of this wetland tree, tupelo, comes from the Creek Indian word for swamp. Trees in their first growing season will need regular watering, but after that you likely won’t have to worry about watering unless your climate is dry. Nyssa Sylvatica, commonly known as black gum, is a tree with abundant foliage that creates shade and doesn't require a lot of pruning. Es ist die „feurigste“ Art innerhalb der „brilliant group“, die außerdem Ahorne, Hartriegel, Sassafras und Amberbäume sowie verschiedene Nyssa-Arten umfasst. The black gum tree doesn’t require much pruning beyond trimming branches to retain your desired shape and removing any parts that are damaged, diseased, or dead. Shop Cold Stream Farm today for yours! This selection is known for the red colored new growth over the dark green mature foliage. Der Schwarze Tupelobaum (Nyssa sylvatica) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Tupelobäume (Nyssa) innerhalb der Familie der Hartriegelgewächse (Cornaceae). Die öfters „bereiften“, glatten Früchte sind etwa 10–12 Millimeter lang. Nyssa sylvatica ist für viele Zugvogelarten im Herbst eine wichtige Nahrungsquelle. It’s also a great choice for fall color in the landscape. An arborist can help you identify the problem and determine the best course to treat it. It foliage is oval, not unlike beech, changing from green to a fiery red/purple in autumn. Nyssa Sylvatica’s mature landscaping size can reach as large as 30-50′ high by 20-30′ wide making it a great shade tree. The common name of this wetland tree, tupelo, comes from the Creek Indian word for swamp. Ovate leaves to 15cm in length turn brilliant red and yellow in autumn. Nyssa sylvatica (Schwarzer Tupelobaum) stammt aus dem Südosten Kanadas und dem Osten der Vereinigten Staaten. https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/nysspp/all.html Das Mark ist durch grünliche Abschnitte gekammert. Size: 3-4 ft. 23% Off. [5] Auf trockeneren höhergelegenen Hängen und „Rippen“ wächst sie selten zur Schlagreife heran. Excellent specimen tree and tolerates being a street tree. The Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be 15 - 20 m (49 - 66 ft) high. I find the pyramidal form and deeply furrowed bark on mature trees very attractive. Die Zweige sind dünn und zahlreich; sie liegen horizontal, so dass das Aussehen ähnlich dem der Rotbuche ist. sylvatica grows on moist sites; var. Nyssa sylvatica Tupelo family (Nyssaceae) Description: This tree is 40-80' tall at maturity, forming a single trunk about 1½-3' across and a pyramidal-oblongoid to oblongoid crown. Nyssa bicolor is very similar and often confused with Nyssa sylvatica. Humidity also usually isn’t an issue for the tree, as long as there is good air flow among its branches. Moderate growing; reaches 30 to 50 ft. tall, 20 to 30 ft. wide, or larger. The Black Gum Tree (Nyssa Sylvatica) is medium-sized, distinctive in bark & is best looking in the fall. 1-2' $ 8.00. With ornamental bark and deep green foliage that turns yellow to scarlet in autumn, it is an attractive feature tree for larger parks and gardens. Out of stock. This tree is best planted in the spring. The cultivar 'Wildfire' offers an exciting addition with its reddish new growth adding splashing color to the summer landscape. Nyssa sylvatica, commonly known as tupelo, black tupelo, black gum or sour gum, is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to eastern North America from the coastal Northeastern United States and southern Ontario south to central Florida and eastern Texas, as well as Mexico. aquatica has a buttressed and swollen trunk base and grows in swamps. Nyssa sylvatica is a shade tree with shining dark green summer foliage, excellent autumn color, abundant fruits (on appropriate flowering forms) that attract wildlife, and a picturesque growth habit with blocky ornamental bark at maturity. Hence the tree was named in honor of the mythological Greek water nymph, Nyssa. Penn State Extension, 2014, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Schwarzer_Tupelobaum&oldid=207852590, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Aus diesem Grund ist die Kultivierung in Baumschulen ziemlich selten. Its landscape value however is greatly enhanced by its clean shiny foliage which remains good looking all season long. Nyssa sylvatica is a splendid shade tree with a pyramidal habit and famous vibrant autumn color. [6][4], Der Trivialname Tupelo stammt aus der Sprache der Creek-Indianer und ist aus den Wörtern ito = „Baum“ und opilwa = „Sumpf“ zusammengesetzt; er war bis Mitte des 18. A deciduous tree occasionally 100 ft high in the wild, with a trunk up to 5 ft in thickness and a furrowed bark. Buy Quality Tree Seed Online, High quality tree seed, sensible pricing and prompt dispatch of instock orders. You should prune one of these trees if you see damaged branches or want to create more space underneath it. Nyssa sylvatica, also known as tupelo or the Black Gum Tree is a ornamental conical slow growing medium sized tree with horizontal branches. Blackgum is a medium-sized tree common throughout North Carolina. Feed this tree annually in the fall using a slow-release granular fertilizer. Light: Full sun. But the shape of the crown varies from tree to tree and, unfortunately, this is looked upon by some architects as undesirable. Genus Nyssa are deciduous trees with ovate leaves colouring brilliantly in autumn; inconspicuous flowers are followed by small, dull purple fruits Details N. sylvatica is a small, slow-growing deciduous tree of elegant, broadly conical habit. Mt William Advanced Tree Nursery 03 54291 517 specialise in growing Australian native and exotic trees suitable to Councils, Public Authorities, Landscapers, Developers and home gardeners. The black gum tree (Nyssa sylvatica) is a medium-size deciduous tree (it drops its leaves in the fall) with a slow growth rate, gaining only around 1 to 2 feet per year. The tree likes Sun to slight shade at the location and the soil should be permeable soils, likes moist, but also tolerates dryness caused. 'Nyssa sylvatica' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline. They change from a dark glossy green to brilliant shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple in the fall. Black Tupelo, Black Gum or Sour Gum ... Plant Category: Shade & Flowering Trees. N. black tupelo. This tree naturally occurs in swampy areas in the eastern regions of North America. 3-4' $ 11.80. It is hardy to zone (UK) 3. Trees, shrubs, and woody vines of northern Florida and adjacent Georgia and Alabama. Common names include sourgum, black tupelo, black gum, and pepperidge. Die Kelchblätter sind nur minimale Zähnchen und die kleinen Kronblätter sind früh abfallend. Produces clusters of smallish blue egg-shaped berries. Nyssa sylvatica Figure 1. Die etwa 10 Staubblätter sind vorstehend. The black gum tree is tolerant of various soil types. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Lieferzeit vor dem Kauf. 4-5' $ 14.44. Typically, many slender, horizontally spreading branches grow from a straight trunk and provide this elegant, broadly conical habit. Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. Bark matures to medium gray and resembles alligator hide. Goodrum, Phil D.; Reid, Vincent H. 1958. Climatically, the tree can grow well in many places, from sea level to 3000 feet high. Genus. Die Art wächst in den trockeneren Bereichen von Sümpfen, an Flüssen und in besser entwässerten, höher gelegenen Wäldern, zusammen mit u.a. Very symmetrical shape (upright pyramidal to oval); excellent red fall color. Seine Blüten sind eine bedeutende Quelle für Honig und die Früchte eine wichtige Nahrungsquelle für Vögel. If any of the lower branches are drooping downward, you can prune those off if you wish to make walking around the tree easier. From North America these are a deciduous tree of pyramidical shape tending towards rounded with age. The natural hollows that form in the tree … org/ articles/ nyssa/ nyssa-sylvatica/). [14] Auch ist es für die Verwendung in Fabrikböden gut geeignet, wie auch zum Schnitzen. For a beautiful, early fall color, though color varies with the tree. Accessed 2020-11-10. The generic name refers to the beautiful Greek water nymph Nyssa, while sylvatica is Latin and means “of the woods”. Its fall color alone makes it a highly desired landscape plant. Accessed 2020-11-10. But it can also grow to become a tall tree in less moist areas. [1] Ein weiterer, gelegentlich im Nordosten der Vereinigten Staaten benutzter Name ist Pepperidge. Plus, tiny flowers in the spring give way to small dark blue fruits that are edible but sour, though they tend to attract birds and other wildlife. Climatically, the tree can grow well … Environmental Characteristics. There are a few isolated populations in northern Mexico as well. Nyssa sylvatica tolerates practically all types of soil and can tolerate a high groundwater level. Green Gable™ Black Gum Tree Nyssa sylvatica 'NSUHH' PP# 22,951 . Nyssa sylvatica provides a blue-black fruit that many birds and mammals make use of. Nyssa Sylvatica is a deciduous Tree growing to 15 m (49ft) by 12 m (39ft) at a medium rate. Home › Find Plants › Nyssa sylvatica Plant Details. Looks like: common persimmon - sourwood - swamp tupelo - water tupelo Additional Range Information: Nyssa sylvatica is native to North America. 9 in stock . Der Blattrand ist meist ganz und oft gewellt, manchmal kommen im vorderen Bereich ein paar grobe Zähne vor. Die Nebenblätter fehlen. Hardy To Zone: 5a. 2-3' * Spring Only * $ 11.06. Januar 2021 um 23:48 Uhr bearbeitet. Nyssa sylvatica. Summer leaves are a dark green with a high-gloss appearance, but the most spectacular part of this tree is the fall foliage with many shades of yellow, orange, bright red, purple or scarlet that may appear on the same branch. It is one of the most important food sources for fall song bird migration. Black gum trees grow naturally in a variety of climates and are hardy both to cold and to heat. Still, if you have a prolonged period without rainfall and your soil begins to dry out, you should water your tree. When planting Nyssa trees it is important to prepare the planting area well. Der Fruchtknoten, in einem röhrigen und fleischigen Blütenbecher, ist unterständig mit einem dicken, oben eingerollten Griffel mit auslaufender Narbe. Care Instructions Plant this tree in acidic well-draining soil and water regularly and deeply until a healthy root system is established. A terrific ornamental shade tree and a standout in the fall, Nyssa sylvatica (Black Gum) is a small, slow-growing, stately, deciduous tree with a dense, pyramidal habit. As the tree grows to 10 and 15-years-old, crown form becomes more uniform among trees. [1] Es wird auch zu Drehscheiben, Rohfasern, Faser- und Brennholz verarbeitet. A terrific ornamental shade tree and a standout in the fall, Nyssa sylvatica (Black Gum) is a small, slow-growing, stately, deciduous tree with a dense, pyramidal habit. It’s bark is dark grey and flaky when young but becomes furrowed with age. Die Früchte sind besonders markant, dunkelblau und in Gruppen von zweien oder dreien stehend. Height: 30-50’. Erect or Spreading with a High Canopy. With distinctive stout and many-branched trunks, black tupelo is easily recognized in wet forests. The trunks often die from the top, giving its crown a scraggly appearance. Young Blackgum. Add to cart. Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) - 1-2' quantity. Die Blattoberseite ist glänzend. Brown. Sein früher Farbwechsel mit der damit verbundenen Signalwirkung für reife Früchte, die vor denen vieler anderer Pflanzenarten zur Verfügung stehen, wird als Attraktor für Vögel angesehen. 14. Growth Rate: 12 to 24 Inches per Year. Nyssa sylvatica 'Wildfire' Black Tupelo is a beautiful native landscape tree known for its exceptional fall color. [1], Auf Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts wird die Art „Beetlebung“ genannt, vielleicht wegen des Gebrauchs eines als „Beetle“ bezeichneten Schlegels, der zum Einschlagen der Pfropfen (englisch Bung) in Fässer benutzt wird.[8]. Nyssa sylvatica is a wonderful native North American tree with remarkably wide distribution. Nyssa sylvatica - Tupelo / Black Gum Tree. It can be found in mixed woodlands from Ontario, south to the border of Mexico, and as far west as Texas. Home / Deciduous Trees / Gum / Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) 6-12" $ 5.54. It also is moderately tolerant of clay soil, as well as gravelly or sandy soil. Unavailable per item Seed Prices . Nyssa sylvatica Nyssa species are small to medium-sized, deciduous (or evergreen) trees and are often characteristic of wet and flooded forests. [2], Nyssa sylvatica kommt im östlichen Nordamerika vom südwestlichen Maine und New York bis in den äußersten Süden von Ontario, zentralen Michigan, Illinois und zentralen Missouri, südwärts bis ins südliche Florida, östlichen Texas und östlichen Oklahoma. That’s because these trees have a long taproot that reaches deep into the ground, which can be difficult to remove without harming the tree if you ever had the need to transplant it. Sourgum has large, glossy, alternating, ovate leaves, broader towards the tip. Has a buttressed and swollen trunk base and grows in water inches per year is best looking in fall., tupelo, Pepperidge, Black tupelo is a commonly grown tree often called ‘... Cleaning up the fruit each year tupelo wood is highly cross-grained, making it a desired! Und pflegeleichte Ziersträucher in Gruppen- oder gar Heckenpflanzung und Buchten die besten Wachstumsbedingungen, many slender, horizontally branches! 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