The aim of this study, therefore, was to assess the practicality of using NextempR and TraxitR LCTs in the context of a busy paediatric ward in a resource-poor environment. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. A novel thioctic acid-carbon dots fluorescence sensor for the detection of Hg. What does LIQUID CRYSTAL THERMOMETER mean? For Permissions, please email: It has on a sticker that has an adhesive back to stick to the patient's axilla. Unlike electrical thermometers, they do not necessitate power supply or batteries for charging. Agreement between Nextemp and mercury thermometer. This experiment uses a Peltier heating and cooling block to make small changes in temperature and an infrared thermometer to make approximate temperature measurements. Advantages of Infrared thermometers. Thermochromic Liquid Crystals (LCs) can be highly temperature sensitive, change to many colors, and are more expensive than leuco dyes. Each dot contains three liquid cholesteric crystal compounds and a soluble additive. Further interpretation of the strengthening effect of curdlan on frozen cooked noodles quality during frozen storage: Studies on water state and properties. Low sensitivity occurs in RTD. TraxitR is designed to adhere to the patient's skin, allowing continuous monitoring of temperature [19]. A total of 200 patients participated in the study. In a study comparing the use of NextempR with GMT and Tympanic thermometers in adults, Rajee and Sultana [21] showed that the NextempR thermometer agreed with the GMT within −0.6°C to 0.5°C and concluded that it can be used interchangeably with current mercury and tympanic thermometers. Limited evaluation showed nursing staff were in favour of using the LCTs. The picture shows an example of a liquid … Your email address will not be published. Published by Oxford University Press. The sensor consists of a matrix of dot-like indentations, each less than 1 mm in diameter, arranged in rows of five. 4. They are handy and convenient to use. Due to low power consumption, small heat emitted during operation. Advantages of alcohol over mercury: (a) Freezing point of alcohol is − 1 1 7 ∘ C and hence can record very low temperature For example in Arctic and Antarctic regions temperature may fall below − 8 0 ∘ C which cannot be measured by mercury thermometer because mercury freezes at − 3 9 ∘ C (b) The expansion of alcohol per degree rise in temperature is much more around six times more then that of mercury and … The TraxitR thermometer is heart-shaped, and the dots are arranged in rows of nine. Liquid-In-Glass Thermometers . LCTs, which depend on the change in colour of liquid crystals with temperature change, have been available in various forms since the early 1970s. In Kenya, Esamai [12] showed that in 14 of a sample of 56 children there was no temperature reading difference between the GMT and LCT, in 12 the chemical dot thermometers recorded higher readings than the GMT by an average of 0.34°C and in 30 children the GMT recorded higher readings than the LCT by an average of 0.67°C. A clinical appraisal, Comparing liquid crystal thermometer readings and mercury thermometer readings of infants and small children in a traditional African setting. It does not affect by the magnetic fields. Effect of organic matter concentration and characteristics on mercury mobilization and methylmercury production at an abandoned mine site. Calculator- it’s Definition, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages The reading has to be done immediately on removal from the patient since the temperature reading reverts back to ambient temperature once removed. Health risks of laser & Safety precautions to avoid biological hazards of laser radiation. In spite of prompting, only 6 of the 12 nurses completed questionnaires. They provide very good repeatability and their calibration remains unaffected. ... without puncturing the meat and allowing liquid and steam to escape . None of the children had a temperature recorded by GMT that was outside the range of LCTs (35.5–40.4°C). o Disadvantages include a smaller overall temperature range, higher initial cost, and a less rugged design ... • There are several advantage and disadvantages to using an NTC thermistor … They were initially trialed in anaesthesia [9,10], but the development of easy-to-use devices led to their more widespread use in the 1980s and 1990s. What is Pyrometer? They are fragile, and there is a potential danger of mercury-vapour toxicity following breakage [2], and injury to skin and mucous membranes. According to the physical property of the material, the temperature can be measured by using these methods like thermometers (liquid in glass), ... Types, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Applications. In resource-poor environments they are both impractical and unaffordable. The infrared thermometer is useful in the situations where it may not be possible to measure the temperature using conduction techniques , such as in manufacturing the applications with very high temperatures or in intricate mechanical with no direct ease of access . In order for a new technology to be introduced into everyday practice it is essential that it is well accepted by those using it most frequently—in this case the nursing staff. The weights of the children studied were between 2.22 and 36 kg with a median of 8.8 kg and an inter-quartile range of 6.5–11.9 kg. It is at least possible that those who found the LCT difficult to use may have felt embarrassed and therefore reluctant to complete it, and the results obtained are therefore not reliable. Following are the major advantages associated with the use of liquid-in-glass thermometers: They are comparatively cheaper than other temperature … In the LIG thermometer the thermally sensitive element is a liquid contained in a graduated glass envelope. It is cheap, portable and convenient. We will be considering the working properties, characteristics, application and advantages/ disadvantages of the following smart and modern materials; thermo-ceramics, shape memory alloys (SMA), reactive glass, liquid crystal displays (LCD), photo-chromic materials, thermo-chromic materials, quantum tunnelling composites. Of the studied population 58% (116) were male and 42% (84) were female. 1 Answers. Patients with temperature readings by GMT outside the range of the NextempR and TraxitR thermometers (<35.5°C and >40.4°C) were to be excluded. 5. LCs start black below their temperature range, go through the colors of a rainbow, and back to black again above the temperature range. The objectives were: (1) to determine the accuracy of the LCTs against GMTs and (2) to assess the nursing staff's view of the practicality of the LCTs. Required fields are marked *. Please check for further notifications by email. A questionnaire was then given to the nurses at the end of data collection to gauge their views of the new LCTs. There are some disadvantages of resistance temperature detector (RTD) which are given below. Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared Thermometers. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with thermometric liquids.Advantages of mercury as a thermometric liquid.-It is a good conductor of heat and therefore the whole liquid reaches the temperature of the surroundings quickly.-It does not wet (cling to the sides of) the tube.-It has a high boiling point -It expands uniformly (linear expansion) and responds quickly to temperature … During temperature measurement, all dots up to and including the one indicating the patient's temperature melt and change colour from green to black [4]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Due to these downsides of alcohol thermometers, some secondary schools don’t use them for educational purposes. The individual dots on the NextempR are small, and good light and good eyesight is required to read the device, although this is also required for GMT. Pyrometer also is known as an Infrared thermometer or Radiation thermometer or non-contact thermometer used to detect the temperature of an object’s surface … Advantages and disadvantages of bipolar junction transistor (BJT). ... because of the low boiling point of the thermometer’s liquid contents. Liquid Crystal Thermometers. In order to assess the thermometer reading accurately, follow the manufacturer’s directions. The principle used to measure temperature is that of the apparent thermal expansion of the liquid. The disadvantages includes, it is fragile and the fluid contained inside the tube may be toxic. The mean difference (with 95% confidence intervals) in temperature between GMT and NextempR in the case of the doctor's readings was −0.12°C (−0.16°C to −0.08°C) and in the case of the nurses it was 0.12°C (0.04–0.20°C). It is relatively bright but not suitable for very brightly environments. It shows clearly that NextempR and TransitR can be used interchangeably with GMT in a Papua New Guinean hospital setting. The first author (L.M.) The laptop is used for showing a clearer picture of the actual color. Relatively few studies have assessed their use to detect febrile children in such situations. Eight months after the start of the study, the mean difference between GMT and one of the NextempR thermometers used at the start of the study was −0.15°C (−0.002°C to −0.30°C) for 10 recordings by the same doctor. The big advantage of the GMT is that it is cheap, and it is still the most widely used form of thermometer in many parts of the world. Bland Altman plots of the mean temperature differences between the NextempR and GMT and TraxitR and GMT are shown in Figs 3 and 4. LCs start black below their temperature range, go through the colors of a rainbow, and back to black again above the temperature range. Liquid Crystal Thermometers. It is relatively bright but not suitable for very brightly environments. Some authors recommended caution in their use by parents in the home [15]. The Liquid Crystal Display price is not high and it affordable and commonly found at most of the places. The age of the participants ranged between <1 and 13 years of age with a median age of 2 years and an inter-quartile range of 1–3 years. Although the NextempR is sold either as a covered disposable or an uncovered reusable instrument for measuring oral temperatures, it is robust, with a claimed 5-year shelf life and can be used for measuring axillary temperature. The mean difference in temperatures between GMT and TraxitR were −0.05°C (−0.09°C to −0.01°C) for the doctor and 0.19°C (0.10–0.28°C) for the nurses. NextempR and TraxitR thermometers can be used interchangeably with GMT in this setting. When it comes to thermometers, like most things, you get what you pay for. The last dot to turn black is recorded as the patient's temperature. The advantages of these types of thermometers is that they are cheap, easy to read, can be submerged in liquids, require very little maintenance and are reliable. The mean difference (with 95% confidence intervals) in temperatures between GMT and NextempR were −0.12°C (−0.16°C to −0.08°C) for the doctor and 0.12°C (0.04–0.20°C) for nurses. Whilst primarily used for the detection of fever, the LCTs have also been reported to be useful in the detection of hypothermia in infants, particularly at the community level in resource-poor settings [16–18]. Following are the major advantages associated with the use of liquid-in-glass thermometers: They are comparatively cheaper than other temperature … They are unable to read temperatures <35.5°C and >40.4°C. Compared with inorganic and liquid crystal types, the organic thermochromic compounds have more advantages in terms of more colour categories, wider range of colour-changed … It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. They can be frequently applied in areas where there is problem of electricity. The liquid crystal thermometer allows measuring the temperature of a solid object surface, and the human body, without providing a corresponding electrical signal, making use of special material ... and expensive price. measured and recorded the temperature of each of 100 children using GMT, NextempR and TraxitR simultaneously. All data collected were analysed by using the SPSS 10.0 and STATCALC statistical packages and the Bland and Altman plots for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement [20]. Box plots of the temperature differences between GMT and NextempR and GMT and TraxitR are shown in Figs 1 and 2. High thermal conductivity, high sensitivity to temperature, and good visibility make mercury the best for liquid-filled Thermometers. Boxplot of temperature difference between GMT and Traxit. The importance of lasers in communication and … It has large bulb size. 23963. Most of the flat panel computers are made of Liquid Crystal Display. In a study from Zambia, Morley and colleagues compared two different LCT devices with GMT [14]. Those that did so listed ease of use, reusability, accuracy, safety and indestructibility as attributes. I actually thought that the … It consumed a lot of electricity which produce a lot of heat. Advantages . Thermometers without sensors are used only for measuring the room temperature. Disadvantages Limited to applications Have a limited useable temperature range Cannot be digitized or automated. The manufacturer claims that it is easy to use, non-toxic, hygienic and low cost, requires no special storage conditions and does not need calibration. When these thermometers are placed in warm solutions, they can measure the temperature of that solution using the expansion of the liquid inside the bulb through the capillary tube. What is A Thermometer A thermometer is a device to measure temperature. We conclude that the LCT such as NextempR and TraxitR devices can have a significant place in Hospital and clinic practice in resource-poor environments. In effect each indicator dot is a miniature independent thermometer. The sensitivities and positive predictive values of the FeverScanR and TempDOTR devices to correctly identify febrile children were 89% and 57% for the former and 92% and 86% for the latter. In high temperature environments there is loss of contrast. The LCTs have significant advantages over GMTs in terms of longevity and lack of potential dangers. One of the principal advantages of liquid crystals is their ability to map out thermal regions of different temperature. This is not surprising given that there were 12 nurses involved. Boxplot of temperature difference between GMT and Nextemp. LCTs have some disadvantages compared with GMTs. The temperature sensor is either a mercury base or a digital circuit board. In order to assess reliability over time, one of the NextempR thermometers used for the study was tested against GMT on 10 children, 8 months after the start of the study. In resource-rich countries, they have to a large extent been replaced, at least in hospital settings, by other instruments such as the tympanic membrane thermometer. Thermometers are primarily used in the medical, … 2. Digital Thermometer - a small indoor unit with liquid crystal display, which displays information about the room temperature and beyond. The dots are covered with a multilayer transparent plastic film to seal in the chemicals. Posted By: davisblog_admin March 24, 2014. The sensors convert the temperature into numeric value, ie, numbers that are marked on the side of the mercury or just digital representation of the numbers. In a study of 29 neonates, McKenzie [22] showed that the mean (SD) temperature difference between the GMT and the TraxitR thermometer was 0.04°C (0.22°C) on a first reading and −0.11°C (0.17°C) on a second reading. ... Hey, Thank you for sharing your expertise on Infrared Thermometer. The GMT and NextempR were placed in the axilla and left in place for 2–3 min before a reading was taken. For GMT and Traxit the mean temperature difference was −0.05°C (−0.09°C to −0.01°C) for the doctor and 0.19°C (0.10–0.28°C) for the nurses. The big advantage of the GMT is that it is cheap, and it is still the most widely used form of thermometer in many parts of the world. These are safer than a mercury-in-glass thermometer [ citation needed ] , and may be advantageous in some patients, but do not always give an exact result, except for the analytic liquid crystal thermometer which shows the exact temperature between 35.5 to 40.5 Celsius. It is very compact, thin, and light CRT displays. Thermometers are used to measure temperature and convert this into a readable format such as Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin. Advantages. ALSO READ. The authors would like to thank the nursing staff for helping in collecting the data and evaluating the use of the new thermometers, Professor Trevor Duke for helpful comments and suggestions, and Dr John Stace for the original idea and for donating the thermometers. GMTs are, however, not without their problems. Thermochromic Liquid Crystals (LCs) can be highly temperature sensitive, change to many colors, and are more expensive than leuco dyes. All rights reserved. The cost of RTD is high. The GMT has been considered to be more accurate than other thermometers [1] and, since its development in 1866 by Sir Thomas Allbutt, it has been the gold standard for body temperature measurement against which other devices are judged. It gives more accurate readings. LCs are reversible in that they can be used over and over again. TOPICS: Infrared Thermometers. Following are the major advantages associated with the use of liquid-in-glass thermometers: 1. It seemed highly likely that it could be used for repeated measurements of axillary temperatures on many patients. The full and inter-quartile ranges of the doctor's measurements are smaller than those of the nurses, and there are several outliers in the nurses’ recordings. 3. The TraxitR thermometer was stuck in place in the patient's axilla following exposure of its adhesive backing. It consumed a lot of electricity which produce a lot of heat. This prospective study was conducted between April and August 2007 in the paediatric wards of the Port Moresby General Hospital, the only tertiary referral hospital in Papua New Guinea. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with thermometric liquids. There are some disadvantages of liquid crystal display (LCD) which are given below, In high temperature environments there is loss of contrast. Your email address will not be published. Unfortunately only six nurses completed the simple evaluation questionnaire. The results of our study showed that the differences recorded by the single doctor were more closely aligned to the GMT readings that were those of the nurses. A similar result was obtained when one of the NextempR thermometers used in the initial study was compared with GMT on a small sample of patients by the doctor 8 months later. Metallic mercury in its liquid state is relatively harmless when confined. The mixture in each dot is formulated to melt and change colour from green to black at a specific temperature. What is LIQUID CRYSTAL THERMOMETER? Search for other works by this author on: Evaluation of clinical thermometers for accuracy and reliability, Acute mercury vapour poisoning in an infant, Unreliability of the infrared tympanic thermometer in clinical practice: a comparative study with oral mercury and oral electronic thermometers, Lack of agreement between tympanic and oral temperature measurement in adult hospitalized patients, A difference of 5 degrees Celcius between ear and rectal temperatures in a febrile patient, Screening for fever in an adult emergency department: oral vs tympanic thermometry, Use of tympanic thermometers to screen for fever in patients in a paediatric emergency department, Reliability of infrared tympanic thermometry in the detection of rectal fever in children, Continuous monitoring of skin temperature using a liquid crystal thermometer during anaesthesia, An evaluation of liquid-crystal thermometry as a screening device for interoperative hyperthermia, Comparison of disposable and glass mercury thermometers, Comparison of standard mercury thermometer and the liquid crystal device skin contact thermometer in febrile children at Eldoret District Hospital, An evaluation of body temperature measurement, The relative accuracy of mercury Tempa-DOT, Liquid crystal forehead temperature strips. Liquids used in glass thermometers. The thread of the thermometer is quite fragile, and when it breaks it is nearly impossible to rejoin. LCTs have the potential to fill the void. ... Infrared … Whilst their introduction was reported by some authors as being cost-effective and useful [11,12], others found them unreliable [13], and considerable variation in performance of different products has been reported [14]. The NextempR thermometer is a flexible polystyrene plastic strip, 9.1 cm long with a temperature sensor at one end of the device. It has individual liquid crystals which cannot complete all block of the backlight. Toluene-90 to 100 The Liquid Glass Thermometer Advantages No power source required Repeatable. Following instruction in the use of the new LCTs, a group of twelve nurses also took the three temperature readings from each of a further 100 patients. Agreement between Traxit and mercury thermometer. Advantages of a Digital Thermometer 2. Mercury thermometers tend to be much more durable under duress. They are also easy to calibrate and provide very accurate readings. They are comparatively cheaper than other temperature measurement devices. I was not in impression that Infrared Thermometer having any kind of disadvantages. Infrared in Space | November 5, 2016 at 10:18 am | Reply. When used on an individual and disposable basis they are expensive, but when used repeatedly, as in our study, they are eminently affordable. Thank you for submitting a comment on this article. In medical applications, liquid crystal thermometers may be used to read body temperature by placing them against the forehead. From the viewing angle, the color and contrast not consistent. Implications for community-based health, Liquid Crystal Thermometry for the detection of neonatal hypothermia in Nepal, Neonatal hypothermia detection by ThermoSpot, Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical assessment, Nextemp thermometer can be used interchangeably with tympanic or mercury thermometer for emergency department use, Evaluation of a new, wearable, precision phase-change thermometer in neonates, © The Author [2009]. Alcohol Thermometers can leak easily and wet the wall, leading less accurate and slow readings. Stem thermometers. ... January 10, 2021 In Uncategorized By. Our own study supports the conclusion that when used correctly, both NexttempR and TraxitR compare very closely with GMT. L. Mauta, J. Vince, P. Ripa, Comparison of the Use of Liquid Crystal Thermometers with Glass Mercury Thermometers in Febrile Children in a Children's Ward at Port Moresby General Hospital, Papua New Guinea, Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Volume 55, Issue 6, December 2009, Pages 368–373, Liquid in glass thermometers are fragile and for industrial use, the thermometer is mounted in a protective housing and the scale is engraved on a separate plate that is part of the protective case. However, they present many safety and environmental hazards. The advantages and disadvantages of using LED technology. Alcohol (also called spirit-filled) thermometers are inexpensive but they also break very easily. ... Below we have organised a simple list of some of the most popular types of thermometers along with their advantages and disadvantages over other varieties. The 50 dots represent temperature increments of 0.1°C over the range 35.5–40.4°C. During the course of our small study over a period of 5 months, eight GMTs were known to have been broken. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Your comment will be reviewed and published at the journal's discretion. It involved a convenience sample of 200 children who were admitted with fever. The TraxitR thermometer is sold as a stick-on thermometer to be applied to the thoracic wall of the axilla and, according to the manufacturer, is supposed to stick on for at least 48 h. However, in this study it often fell off before 24 h. The present study is the first of its kind in Papua New Guinea. Thermister-based or “metal thermometers” are recommended in these applications, … Body temperature measurement is an integral part of patient monitoring and management. Those that did answer, however, were favourably impressed. The disadvantages are that they break easily and there is risk of mercury poisoning if the glass tube breaks. liquid in glass thermometer advantages and disadvantages. Robust, reliable and inexpensive thermometers are required in all countries, but particularly so in resource-poor countries. The NextempR and TraxitR thermometers (Medical Indicators, Pennington, NJ, USA) are examples of the newer generation of LCTs and have been on the market for several years. Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Thermometers Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — Written by Corey Whelan on December 15, 2020 Types 200 patients participated in the axilla and left in place for 2–3 min before a reading was.... The thread of the thermometer reading accurately, follow the manufacturer ’ s Definition Types. 116 ) were male and 42 % ( 84 ) were male and 42 % ( 84 ) female...... because of the University of oxford did so listed ease of use, reusability,,! 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